So these teachers are essentially a grooming gang operating under the auspices of CTA. Unbelievable.

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Right? But we've been told that our fears they would go after our children were just crazy.

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You are not crazy, you are a hateful bigot who I pray has no children that might be gay

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You are hysteric and most people don't like your behaviour.

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Most people on this thread? Big surprise, I am a gay woman fighting against bigots using religion to harm their kids and those of others.

These teachers are no way grooming anyone, that is a hysterical lie.

They SAW kids looking up LGBTQ stuff when in online learning and tried to help. Now, I might have made an announcement to the entire class vs to the one student, but they in no way are grooming anyone. You are a bunch of liars.

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Yet you have no idea what the sexual preferences are of the commenters here, including me, just as you have no idea if any are cross-dressers (trans). You don't get a gold star for announcing you are gay. You do get lumps of coal for wanting to come between parents and children. Stay away from children.

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I DON'T CARE what your sexual ORIENTATION (not preference, that shows you are ignorant and/or bigoted). And calling a trans person a cross dresser shows us all you would certainly damage a teen who ended up LGBTQ. And honey, you are WAY TOO LATE insisting I stay away from children, I donate and volunteer with homeless LGBTQ teens who's parents (people like you) threw them in the street. I will do more to help LGBTQ teens than you will ever help a single person other than yourself.

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Those teachers clearly stated that they were monitoring the children looking for recruits. This is exactly the strategy pedophiles use. They were recruiting and grooming plain and simple.

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I wonder if the US govt. could arrest the whole teachers' union for "conspiracy to commit child abuse" or even "child endangerment".

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That is simply a lie

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You constantly repeat the same bullshit. Be what you want but shut up.

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No, I will not be told to shut up by some rando dude online. I will stop fighting against bigotry when you all learn how to get your own life and let others live their own.

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I would advise you to stop.

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I'd advise you to stop harming LGBTQ teens.

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You mean they spied on the kids' online searches, and "volunteered" to tell the kids all about "gender fluidity", whether the kids wanted to hear it or not. Seen it done, and it needs to be stopped.

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This agenda exists in Canada too and the momentum is quite strong. I know teachers who would have no problem with subverting parental control because they the teachers think they know best and don't respect parents. They are not in partnership with parents, but their own identity politics and political leanings. If the agenda is to get children to develop their reading and critical thinking skills, well, that's their job. Their job should not be to recruit 6 graders with the idea of cultivating LGBTQers.

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Okay groomer.

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When you meet your maker she will tell you that you hurt many with your bigoted views, good luck getting through the pearly gates. LOL

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Has it never occurred to you that if you had grown up today, you would have been labeled a “boy,” sterilized, and put on cross sex hormones?

I can’t get my head around gay people that support “queer” garbage. It’s literally a parasitic movement of mostly straight people who have taken over everything gay people created for themselves. Queer people *hate* lesbians. Young lesbians are being brainwashed by “queer” men in dresses that they must sleep with penises, ffs. They’re relentless about it.

This is not in any way like the fight for gay liberation, or women’s rights, even though the queer crowd will tell you it is. This is an entitlement movement, created and funded by autogynephiles and paedophiles, marketed as a “civil rights movement” to sneak it past the left as something good. It is not.

So now I’m wondering if you are actually a lesbian who lives in a bubble, or in fact a dude who calls himself a lesbian because you’re an entitled, “queer” person, yourself

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Who's the bigot here?

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Heheheheh. I'll bet your think I'm White.

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And they are crazy. Unless your fear is that they won't be bullies. Then you should be afraid.

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Good lick with your career. It may go further if you learn to use left parentheses.

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You can always find the libturd in a conversation. They're the one reading every post repeatedly hoping to find a typo so that they can pretend that a typo is some sort of an example of a weak mind. Of course, it couldn't have anything to do with extra large hands, being in a hurry, poor eyesight, distraction nor a defective keyboard, could it, genius? Among your kind, that is what passes for "substantive factual debate". "I found a typo so I won the argument". Yuh...wutever....

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Seriously? Anyone of any integrity would admit there are typo police on both sides of the aisle.

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I wouldn't know. I'd have to take your word for it, as I've never run into one that wasn't a libturd who was losing an argument & grasping at straws. If that fails, they can always try to play the race card instead.

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Ummm, I think he was addressing Paula the bot? 😂

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Ad-hominem fallacies are perhaps my biggest pet peeve! I try to explain that because they cannot find a legit response they feel the need to attack a persons character or morality. In response they often just keep repeating their same baseless argument. It's like they are stuck on repeat. BTW I have seen people of all stances use ad-hominem. They really need to teach the media about the meaning of ad-hominem. They are the worst! I am not choosing sides in the Rittenhouse trial but ad-hominem probably caused him to win the case. Even legal prosecutions these days are vulnerable to such childish behavior.

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No. Rittenhouse won his case because of (a) video tape evidence showing him running away from the mob chasing him and (b) the testimony of the prosecution’s main witness, the guy who got his arm blown off by Rittenhouse because he pointed his Glock In Rittenhouse’s face. Add in the way the self-defense laws are written and the nature of gun regulations in Wisconsin in particular and you have a situation where no matter how outrageous Rittenhouse’s presence was, he was still going to get off.

Note that I am in no way defending him. His lack of judgment was typical of an unsupervised minor male with a fascination for guns and the police, who saw himself as Robin Hood. Wouldn’t it have been great if his father, who lives in Kenosha, had said to him, listen kid, put the AR-15 back in the shed and go have a milkshake with your friends. Nothing good will come of your good intentions. But no.

There were and are and will always be ad hominem attacks on Rittenhouse’s character, lies about who he was, where he came from and what his intentions were. It is appalling to hear public figures, politicians, and journalists regurgitate these falsehoods over and over again, as though Rittenhouse was a psychotic Unabomber type with a racist vendetta, driving across 37 state lines so he could go and kill blacks, with his big old gun on the front seat. It would be laughable if it weren’t so pernicious to hear people with a big platform lie and lie and lie some more.

But the case was decided on legal grounds, the kind of grounds that need to be revisited and probably won’t be, because we love our guns so much.

I recommend a current article in Quillette by a legal scholar named Ronald Sullivan, which explains the rule of law and how it accrued to Rittenhouse in this case. Sullivan is also not a fan of Rittenhouse’s actions, but thank goodness he knows the law and writes and thinks with an objectivity that we rarely have access to anymore.

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Clearly, she only appeals to those on the right.

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Can't be one of ours. Trash morals are the domain of the left. That's what this whole (hole) article is about. You can have her. She's likely right out of one of your "Gender Queer" (like the kids' book) recruitment orientation gulags.

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"Recruitment orientation gulags"? Apparently lying is not one of the trash morals you object to. But I've always found the right to be full of moral relativists.

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LOL, Sarstan! And they're probably paying customers.

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Only if she's willing to do them.

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Kiddie GSAs for kids who are under 18 should not exist, especially if the adult leader/advisor also works for the school and has any chance of being the kid's classroom teacher. They have too much influence. Further, school personel should not list or request pronouns which is a litergy of the religion/cult of Gender Ideology and goes against the separation of church and state.

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They should at least require parental consent, just like if Johnny or Becky wanted to play a sport.

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I agree but they don't. I really think it's inappropriate to have sex and gender identity clubs under 18. And, how would you keep your kid out when her friends go as "allies"? They'd find a way to attend if they don't have a lot of pals. Then they are lead to the weird side through a series of little steps. These clubs tend to be part of school assemblies but are generally not mentioned to parents.

And, a school principal cannot get the teachers inline regarding the names and pronouns they use on your kid even when they want to do so. They'll use other names and pronouns behind your back.

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It is not a sex club. What a lie. And straight kids who support their gay friends cannot be "converted" you fool. I am so sorry you are a mother. Your poor kids, I hope they disown you when they are 18.

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Kids need these when their parents are filthy bigots, it helps the teens to not end up dead. I guess you would prefer a kid of yours who is gay to kill themselves than be gay.

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The only "filthy bigot" I see here is you because you're attacking parents who wish to protect their children from grooming. It seems to me "Proud Pedo" would be a better moniker for you, but "Democrat" describes a similar character defect, so that's fine too. If there was a block button on here, I'd use it on you soooo fast.

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This is not grooming and you cannot make a person trans or gay. People like you cause LGBTQ teens to end up homeless, on the streets, or dead. I will fight against bigots like you to protect kids till I die. So guess what, get used to me, I am not going anywhere lady. I will protect kids from you

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You cannot make a person Gay, or Trans? Perhaps not, but you can certainly influence younger kids into living that life style, maybe go as far as making them try it out. That is absolutely possible. How else would you explain the explosion in young teens all suddenly Gay and Trans over the last few years, are you really stupid enough to believe that they all suddenly believe its ok to "be who they are" or is it just the trendy thing to do and they also want to fit in. You really don't know anything about children or young teens at all. What you know, is what you have been told to say. Calling people "Bigots" classic buzzword, bet you have called people any number of "****phobes" and many of the -"ist's" recently as well, haven't you? Have you tried thinking for yourself for 30 minutes, or did that hurt to much not to be told what to do, think, and say?

Seriously, did you grow up in a bubble? Did you once see kids in Middle and High school who will do nearly ANYTHING to be accepted by their peers? We are seeing adults claim to be Gay, Bi, and Trans just for some glamor and acceptance, you think that is outside of the realm for people who hardly truly know who they are?

I cant even read your idiotic comments anymore, you lack of knowledge makes my brain hurt. You lack the simple ability to learn, or even debate in a way that doesn't make everything personal.

Any teacher actively trying to hide something from Parents, is up to no good. UNLESS it is actual abuse going on in the home. You really think every single one of these parents would be against their child being Gay if that were the case? Uhhhh NO. I certainly wouldn't care if my children were gay. I just want them to live a fulfilling life and be happy. I still wouldn't want any of them to spend any time with teachers like this, especially in their covert clubs, or with "teachers" that would openly lie to me. This stuff is seriously deranged and disturbed behavior from those "teachers".

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Your sentiments are over-reaching. It is inappropriate to “protect kids from you.” Each parent has the right to imbue his/her values and morals into their own children. This debate is non-binary no pun intended); you are not 100% right and neither is the parent. Instead of juvenile name calling, how about dialoguing — listening to and learning from one another?

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Thankfully your views are irrelevant and LGBTQ teens need support that parents like you fail to offer, thus causing many teens to literally kill themselves, shame on you! And lady, you are one nutty one

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You want to attribute suicide to the parents on mass scale? Try looking at the Trans community, whos suicide rate is outrageously high even after transition. I am not one to tell what/who someone can or cant be. Do your thing. But with statistics like that, there is something serious happening and its not just some people calling them names.

You name keeps popping up with some ridiculous personal attacks and bullshit comments. I suggest you look outside your bubble for information, perhaps you can learn something rather than just being a printer for talking points. All you do is personally attack people in every comment. You must be an awfully sad person. I hope you find a reason to be happy, but with an attitude like that, I cant say I am surprised.

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I contribute the high suicide level in LGBTQ teens to BIGOTS LIKE YOU, many who are indeed parents. My own parents would have thrown me out if they knew I was gay back then. I am fighting to protect kids with parents like my own!

As far as trans people, they face the MOST DISCRIMINATION and outright HATE from BIGOTS LIKE YOU, no wonder they too face mental health issues and inability to get good jobs etc.

I suggest you look outside your bible honey, I have trans friends who are quite happy, but they do not know you.

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

Lol I am positive your alleged trans friends would probably like me more. You know literally nothing about me but constantly call me all these names. I don't even own a bible and am not a particularly religious person. So wrong about that (and everything else but that's for another time)

Trans people face "the most discrimination"? Lol from who?

Also the high suicide rate is in trans people in general and not just Teens. It's not just because some people made fun of them or didn't agree with their decisions. Plenty of literature about it. But it stems from many places. Sometimes it's not being satisfied with their transition, or still feeling wrong after it, or even after realizing that it wasn't the right thing to do and now they feel like their lives are over because of all the harm they have done to their body and mind. All very real situations that should be looked at SERIOUSLY before someone make such a significant life altering decision.

I have never hated anyone for something as frivolous as being gay or having different views on gender. Weather or not I agree has no bearing on how I treat someone. Because I believe that people are MUCH more than their sexual preferences, skin color, or any other random things that people like you are trying to lay down as defining characteristics.

They aren't. There is a reason that I don't walk around all day wearing shirts how "proud" I am of being my particular race, gender, sexual preference. Because literally none of those are who I am.

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I ASSURE you any self respecting trans person would not like you one bit. Not if you here working to harm them and lives. And you know nothing other than what you read in anti-trans places, you fool only yourself that anyone who is not a bigot would like you

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Please Allow Me To Assist Those Who Are Yet To Understand About This Belief System. Take Your Time. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qWvQFDlmEYd9/

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These groups should not exist for under aged kids, but where they do exist parents should insist the school air the documentary "The Call is Coming From Inside the House"


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There is no both sides to hateful bigotry and you re hardly loving. And no way in hell will I click links here, maybe you are dumb enough, I am not .

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& the Teachers Unions steal billions of taxpayers money every year & every time Democrats pass a spending bill they include paying the Teachers Unions. They have tons of cash on hand but don’t improve schools in squalid conditions or give good teachers raises, instead they spend the money on lawyers to go after parents or pay lawsuits and use the money for political purposes.

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Wow, how much more uneducated of a comment can you come up with? You need to put down the bottle lady

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Prove otherwise. I can confirm most of that is true, especially in the California School system. Plenty of money, most of it does not get spent for the benefit of the Children, or most of the Teachers. As stated by several of my teachers from back when I was in High School (early 2000s) up until recently explained by some of those very same teachers who are currently at the same High School, and my Ex, whom was a teacher. I am inclined to believe the people that are currently in these positions rather than someone who must believe that Government fixes things...

Don't make a comment unless you can back it up with literally ANYTHING, "Proud Democrat". Instead your option was to attack that person personally. Whatever is going on in your life, with a little effort you can fix it and be happy for once, rather than attacking other people in a shallow bid that it will fix your miserable existence.

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

Prove something is not happening? You are not very bright are you? So, your friends are stealing tax money that is meant for kids educations? That is what this sounds like like. AGain, not very bright using anecdotal (look it up) stories to accuse thousands of people of stealing education tax money.

I suggest you and your buddy who I replied to offer some evidence for YOUR claims, and not demand I prove a negative. I see you are quite young, did you ever actually graduate that high school? LOL

I am fighting to protect teens from bigots like all those here, and am happy to do so. Those who are miserable, like you must be, fight to discriminate against others. The rest of us protect all to live their lives as they wish.

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Ad hominem attacks in responses are another tool of perversion promoting leftists.

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You do not even understand what ad hominem means. I was commenting on the lie that wrote, teachers are not stealing our tax money. jeeze

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Man I started ignoring you nearly immediately because you lack general skills of conversations without acting like a petulant moron.

But first of all a "lie" can't write anything. And so we both agree that teachers aren't stealing tax dollars. That's good.

You need to learn to take an L when it comes. It's super important for individual growth, which you seem to have done none of throughout your life. I don't know how old you are. If I were to guess contextually I would assume somewhere around 13-15 based on your argumentative tactics and lack of ability to speak, make a cohearant argument, respond without calling someone whatever buzzword you think is currently important.

I suggest you get better. No one here, maybe a couple but I don't have the time to browse the whole thread, but from what I have seen no one agrees with you. That's not because everyone is terrible and you are the only one with a moral compass. It's a you problem, you are the issue. Go take some time to yourself and let the internet do whatever it will. I'm not sure you are cut out for discussion on the internet. As you clearly have zero respect for anyone that doesn't share exactly your beliefs (probably not for those that do either)

You don't know everything, I doubt you know a lot about any subject. It's ok, you can learn but to learn you need to be able to read or watch things you don't like. There is truth everywhere, even if you don't agree with something it doesn't make it not true. Welcome to life.

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Spare me, I do not care about you or what you think of me, I know what I am, and I know who I help. Why do you bigots need to write paragraph after paragraph full of BS? Try getting a job

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Please Allow Me To Assist Those Who Are Yet To Understand About This Belief System. Take Your Time. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qWvQFDlmEYd9/

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You have SPAMMED me with this lnk. Do you think I am dumb enough to click it? GO AWAY bigot

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For some reason my comments keep getting deleted. This is a religion. These people are missionaries for this religion. They are converting children without their knowledge. It does not matter to the missionaries whether the child ever believes in their same beliefs or ever attends their "church" or reads their manuscripts. They only care that the child performs the acts. It perpetuates their strength on the earth.

Don't people understand yet? It is satanic. These are age old satanic rituals and they don't care who is doing them as long as they are done. People are duped and spell-cast. Wake up to reality. Turn from these ideas and look for righteousness

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Seriously, PUT DOWN THE BOTTLE and seek help

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Contacting your representative probably won't change a thing. Do to the fact that this religion is very prominent and has been for thousands of years. It has evolved, but remains a constant. Many of the people that follow this religion have made their way into key positions and are making the laws and guidelines.

The best way to stave off this perversion of society is to deny its presence. Do not give credence to their beliefs. Don't be a participant by staying quiet and standing idly by.

We see the evidence. The short LIST: legalizing no-fault divorce (part of their religion- chemical marriage), encouraging fornication (part of their religion), legalizing abortion (part of their religion), legalizing homosexuality (part of their religion), transgenderism (a primary focal-point of their religion). And YES, these subjects have all been pushed through every facet of media known to the human race. People are blatantly lying when they say that these themes are not being propagated. What comes next, you ask? Bestiality and pedophilia (Both part of their religion). Do not kid yourself.

Since this IS a religion it should not be taught in public school. They are purposely masking their intent and have been since public schooling was instituted. Your best bet is to know that all the above mentioned in the short LIST is wrong. Do not be swayed by their Bernays-esque tactics. In your own life don't participate in the short LIST. Don't encourage others to take part in the short LIST. BE THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY ARE TELLING YOU IS RIGHT BECAUSE THEY ARE WRONG. And stay strong! Stay Strong!Oh and P.S. Start noticing how many "women" on TV have Adam's apples then you will only begin to see the bigger picture here. AND REMEMBER: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

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Which also could include: Not listening to their music, not watching their movies, not watching their tell-a-vision platforms, not playing their video games, not reading their magazines and not buying their crappy books.

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Oh please, do boycott all that is made or done by all LGBTQ folks, you will have a bad hair day for the rest of your life (LOL) never see many movies, miss out on lots of good music. I doubt you read books anyway, so no loss there.

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Wow, where did you get your weed, you must be high as a kite to come up with this tripe. I suppose you call yourself "Christian" when in fact you are a filthy hater

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Truth to that Psalm 139:19-22 KJV

19 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.

20 For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain.

21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

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3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

You use your religion as a way to assert you are OK to discriminate against those different from yourself. And still feel superior to others who you probably believe will burn in hell.

Keep your cut and paste bible quotes to yourself, anyone can do the same and prove the opposite of your view.

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Please Allow Me To Assist Those Who Are Yet To Understand About This Belief System. Take Your Time. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qWvQFDlmEYd9/

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See "The Call is Coming from Inside the House" https://youtu.be/PBInNGgdF2M

I was especially struck by the young woman who "transitioned" and detransition within the space of 1 year - with lasting harm. She said she started as an "ally" like our daughter who is as yet not physically harmed. This is what is so bad about middle school and high school "Alliance" Groups. IMO they should not exist but if they do it ought to be required for them to watch this video and be allies of mental health.

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Jan 1, 2022·edited Jan 1, 2022

To: Proud Democrat ~ Just because someone has a different outlook on something does not make them a bigot. It makes them an individual. It's ironic that what you claim in your comments are exactly what these parents are doing. They are fighting to protect their kids.

It is obvious that education is teaching children these alternative deathstyles.

In the summer of 2021 California Gov. Gavin Newsom approved a final state budget that includes $3 million for LGBTQ cultural competency training for public school teachers.

We all know what that means.

Grooming used to occur by molestation, now they are warping children under the guise of education. There are zero benefits to children being privy to any of this perversion.

I am sorry that your parents must not of protected you properly. I am sorry that you were molested and taken advantage of. It sounds like you are very angry and have much to work through. Forgiveness is a good way to begin and I hope you're not reprobate. If you're a sodomite, according to Romans 1 KJV you are of a reprobate mind. No one wants that for anyone, especially their children. We don't want a Sodom and Gomorrah. There is great merit in any attempt to thwart that outcome.

Scientifically, no one is born homosexual or transgender. It is proven. It upsets the LGBTQs, but it is true. So, yes one must turn to homosexuality or transgenderism. It is a choice. Just like it's a choice to hold a gun to one's head. No one here (most likely) is out killing homosexual or trans people or convincing them to kill themselves. If you look at the rate of homicides for the homosexual/trans community it is perpetrated by a partner. Research it. The fact remains these people are attacking each other. We all know that sodomites are pedophiles. Look at the research. It is staggering. You already know this.

I would be highly concerned if parents weren't speaking up about all this.

I am encouraged by knowing that these parents love and care about their children and the children in their community.

Just in closing, if anyone doubts their intentions: Homosexual Manifesto reprinted from The US Congressional Record. Homosexual Activist Outlines Goals of Homosexual Movement by Michael Swift, "Gay Revolutionary" from The Gay Community News, Feb.15-21 1987

"We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.

Women, you cry for freedom. You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy. We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will instruct them; we will embrace them when they weep. Women, you say you wish to live with each other instead of with men. Then go and be with each other. We shall give your men pleasures they have never known because we are foremost men too, and only one man knows how to truly please another man; only one man can understand the depth and feeling, the mind and body of another man.

All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men.

All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically and financially. We will triumph only when we present a common face to the vicious heterosexual enemy.

If you dare to cry faggot, fairy, queer, at us, we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile your dead, puny bodies.

We shall write poems of the love between men; we shall stage plays in which man openly caresses man; we shall make films about the love between heroic men which will replace the cheap, superficial, sentimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating your cinema screens. We shall sculpt statues of beautiful young men, of bold athletes which will be placed in your parks, your squares, your plazas. The museums of the world will be filled only with paintings of graceful, naked lads.Our writers and artists will make love between men fashionable and de rigueur, and we will succeed because we are adept at setting styles. We will eliminate heterosexual liaisons through usage of the devices of wit and ridicule, devices which we are skilled in employing.

We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you find that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators,your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, your priests are not the safe, familiar, bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be. We are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks. Be careful when you speak of homosexuals because we are always among you; we may be sitting across the desk from you; we may be sleeping in the same bed with you.

There will be no compromises. We are not middle-class weaklings. Highly intelligent, we are the natural aristocrats of the human race, and steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less. Those who oppose us will be exiled.

We shall raise vast private armies, as Mishima did, to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers.

The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence--will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.

All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic. All that is ugly and vulgar and banal will be annihilated. Since we are alienated from middle-class heterosexual conventions, we are free to live our lives according to the dictates of the pure imagination. For us too much is not enough.

The exquisite society to emerge will be governed by an elite comprised of gay poets. One of the major requirements for a position of power in the new society of homoeroticism will be indulgence in the Greek passion. Any man contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from a position of influence. All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men.

We shall rewrite history, history filled and debased with your heterosexual lies and distortions. We shall portray the homosexuality of the great leaders and thinkers who have shaped the world. We will demonstrate that homosexuality and intelligence and imagination are inextricably linked, and that homosexuality is a requirement for true nobility, true beauty in a man.

We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed who have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution.

Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks."


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I am not going to read this trash, but I will tell you you fit the definition of a bigot to a T. And you think you hide your hate, or fool anyone into believing you love your neighbors by abusing your religion.

And then, you do all you can to harm those just trying to live their lives without harassment. You post LIE AFTER LIE and share conspiracy theories and flat out BIGOTRY and HATE Shame on you. If there is a hell, SEE YOU THERE! LOL LOL

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Bigoted comment and totally uneducated

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lmao shut the fuck up Karen

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YOu talking to me? Na, I will hang around and defend the truth

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I disagree with this stance myself. I wonder whether she is trying to walk a fine line and is letting /leading her readers to "complete the square" for her on this one? You might try reaching out to her directly for a one-one interaction. I hope we have a President DeSantis. - LM

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deletedJun 21, 2022·edited Jun 21, 2022
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Children should never have these surgeries, cross sex hormones, off label cancer drugs, or "affirmation" as the opposite sex. This bill sounds an awful lot like Republicans trying to carve out "religious exceptions" from Gender Ideology. Gender Ideology is a cult religion itself and we need to have enforcement of separation of church and state in the public schools to keep it out and protect the children across the board. Is it ok to chop the head off a child if the parent consents? In ancient Rome it was if the father said so but I we should be living in more civilized times.

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"Affirmation" absolutely is grooming. It is a very serious psychological intervention - and incredibly harmful. Instead of grooming children we might get the adults talk therapy so that they understand and cope with reality. Also, it violates a child's human rights to destroy future sexual function and fertility. This "transgender moment" must be thrown on the trash dump of history. We need more strong politicians like Ron DeSantis.

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Action items:

1) Contact your Representative in Congress and both Senators. Ask them to co-sponsor Senator Tom Cotton's Empower Parents to Protect Their Kids Act, S.3037:


Include in your message a link to this article to explain why S.3037 is needed.

2) Contact your state representatives and ask them to introduce similar legislation at the state level. Again, link to this article.

Note: I am a lifelong liberal Democrat (age 66) who has never voted for a Republican. But this is a cult and it needs to be stopped. It transcends politics.

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Hi, MarkS. Same. I'm a lifelong liberal, age 60, who has voted mostly for Democrats until the last few election cycles. I also happen to be lesbian & have never had children. But I am concerned for OTHER people's children & I'm appalled at what is happening in our schools now.

For years I have been getting recommendations from a local environmental attorney who knows the candidates for judges and sometimes recommends Republicans over Dems. But in the last several elections, I have also been carefully studying all the candidates via their websites & FB pages, the Columbus Dispatch online voter guide that allows a side-by-side comparison of multiple candidates, the League of Women Voters' Voter's Guide, Ballotpedia, and candidate panels presented by the Franklin County Consortium on Good Government. I has become a grueling process every election, taking me SEVERAL DAYS of solid research to finally decide for whom to vote.

I am distressed at the number of "True Believers" who are so filled with hate for the GOP that they accept everything the Dem Party does as being on the side of good (never mind that there are principled Republicans still in office, like Mitt Romney & Liz Cheney, and I'd feel enormously relieved if they were President instead of Biden!)

I agree that this is a cult that has taken over. It's misogynistic, REGRESSIVE, anti-liberal (what is more liberal than the right to free speech & freedom of thought & association?), and, ironically, homophobic, and, most dangerous of all, it's AUTHORITARIAN & INDOCTRINATES children!!

I feel so politically homeless b/c there are so few of us warning about these things. Most of the Left is engaged in tribalism & groupthink. (Most of the Right is, too, but, regardless of their motives, conservatives are in the right to oppose the indoctrination of children & introducing concepts to them that are not age-appropriate, and that are purely a belief system. Gender identity ideology is a religion. It has a priestly class ("trans" people, whatever that even means anymore), prophets (Butler, Foucault, politicians, mainstream & Left-wing media), dogma (the "trans women are women" mantra), heretics who are hated & persecuted (trans people who speak out against what is happening, falsely accused people like JK Rowling, who never said anything that was hateful toward trans people and only has spoken against the cult & for women's safety & "identity", detransitioners), & infidels (any "liberal" who doesn't agree & affirm the cult's "statement of faith" 100%).

We are in that last category.

Thanks for your post giving information on how to help. DOING something is the only thing that will keep me from sinking into depression at the overwhelming odds against us. Since this was posted just over 6 months ago, I'm guessing it's too late to act on this legislation??

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Hi Donna, I just saw your reply. No, not too late!

Also, very important to oppose the Equality Act, S.393:


This law would allow any man to declare himself a women and enter any women's space or event. Every Democrat supports it.

See the Women's Liberation Front for more related issues:


I think that LGB people can help tremendously here by making it clear that T and LGB are not at all the same!

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Please Allow Me To Assist Those Who Are Yet To Understand About This Belief System. Take Your Time. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qWvQFDlmEYd9/

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You are bigot, not a Democrat, own it

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You are in fact the bigot. People aren’t hateful of others just because they don’t agree with them. But I get it makes it easy to name call line that because you believe it discredits someone who doesn’t see things the way you do.

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Being INTOLERANT of INTOLERANCE is not being a bigot

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But it is. Being a bigot means being intolerant of those with different opinions or beliefs. If you are intolerant of people who disagree with you, to the point where you are willing to seek to have the government or their employers punish them by causing them harm or your mob harasses them and seeks to silence them instead of listening to and addressing their concerns, you're a bigot. And you are so lacking in self-awareness that you defend your bigotry. The fact that you don't want freedom of speech & thought means that YOU are the authoritarian. Authoritarians are the ultimate bigots because they use force to compel others,— through punishment or simply the FEAR of punishment,— to be silent in criticizing them.

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Says someone who has no foundation to their argument. I’m invoking my right to state these “GSA” groups are spreading misinformation to our kids. There, that’s all it should take to have them removed, right Proud Dem?

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I hope your kids if you have any disown you for being hateful

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I love how every comment you write is filled with hate…yet everyone else is a bigot! And to say something so despicable as “I hope your kids if you have any disown you for being hateful” just shows how unaccepting you are. You try and preach “acceptance” for people you feel need it, and in the same sentence wish hatred on others. How do you expect anyone to take your opinion seriously when every comment/reply is a personal attack?

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I am intolerant of your intolerance. And I would never wish any child have a bigot for a parent, that is not best at all. You call me hateful, I know I am fighting to protect kids from hate coming from anti-trans people like you and the bunch here. You will ever accept trans people, so all the rest of can hope for is that you mind own business and leave trans people alone.

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Yeah, because heterosexual men NEVER sexually abuse their daughters. They NEVER rape women & girls. They NEVER commit incest through coercion or force. Your homophobia is SO obvious. You won't admit that MEN, in general, do almost all the raping & sexual crimes, regardless of their sexual orientation. You want to blame LESBIANS, of all people, and want to take their kids away from them, even when their kids are thriving in a happy, loving, decent home. Yeah, and put them into foster care, so heterosexual men can abuse them there!

The fact that you attack Abigail for being fair and rational and NOT bigoted against people because they belong to a certain demographic, shows just how filled with hate you are. Parents have a right to KNOW what is happening with their kids in schools, and schools have no right to treat children as if they are adults and capable of making their own decisions about confusing things like pronouns or their "identity". If you want to be angry, be angry at countries who take children away from parents, not for physical or sexual abuse, but because they don't want to participate in the GASLIGHTING that is going on today in which boys compete in girl's sports or take scholarships designated for ACTUAL GIRLS away from girls, or win "Woman of the Year" awards, or who are recorded in police reports & reported by the media as WOMEN when they engage in pedophilia or sexual assault or raping women.

But you don't actually CARE about children! You just want to spew hate toward ALL LGB people, all T people, & toward Abigail for not sharing in your irrational hatred & prejudice. Here's an idea: How about we just people by the CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER, not by their demographic? How about we don't make sweeping accusations of entire segments of society? (That always ends badly.) How about we encourage the GOOD role models in the LGB community, not be adversarial to ALL people in that group? How about we not condemn people without evidence? How about we NOT attack every trans person for this gender identity ideology that does not represent their values, beliefs, or lives? There ARE trans people speaking out against this, just as there are LGB people speaking out against it. Why not be ALLIES against the IDEOLOGY threatening ALL of our children? Ideologies are the enemy, not our fellow humans.

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My kids have all gone to this school. My youngest is there now. Caldeira has been pushing this stuff since her own daughter transitioned to a male during the years my oldest two were there. Since then this is her main focus…all of my kids have been subjected to it in some way or another in her classroom.

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The mothers who "transitioned" their daughters to male (like that's possible) will be the last to let go of promoting this. To do so such a mother would have to admit to herself that she's hurt her child. It's like these moms are trying to convince themselves the cult religion is true. In reality we've historically had a very small number of men with one of two psychological problems dividing into straight (autogynephilia) and gay (androphilic) subcategories. It's thought that a small minority of those people may benefit from medical procedures.

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I am no psychologist, but it seems to me this is a variant of Münchhausen by proxy.

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I think so, too. I'm no psychologist either, but there's also something up with our education establishment. How can "use your pronouns" have gained so much traction? How have our teachers been allowed to stray from teaching basic subjects? How are the unions able to do anything more than negotiate salary? What happened to respecting the values of the family? Why do we allow Gender Ideology in the schools which do not allow other religion?

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I think you hit the nail on the head...why are school teachers teaching our children about SEX and SEXUAL ORIENTATION...they might as well teach kids to be atheist and than they can recruit them into Antifa.

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Echoes of CEO of mermaids in the UK who took her son to Thailand to be castrated for his 16th birthday because it was illegal in UK. She now advocates affirming any child who is gender non conforming. I note the 3 kids helping her were non binary or very gender fluid, no mention of gay or lesbian

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A definition of narcissism is the wish to make the real world conform to one’s fantasy. This is what Trans activists are engaged in whether they know it or not. It’s the most depraved form of narcissism that reaches for other people’s children. It will not end well for them.

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Yes I would have to agree...why are they recruiting kids into this. I thought it was supposed to be natural...why the need to recruit?

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I feel for her. She likely knows in her heart that she's done something horrible to her daughter and regrets it, but she can't admit it. LovingMother is right, the parents who transitioned their kids will be the last holdouts when the trans insanity comes to an end.

However, none of that excuses her behavior in the classroom. If she were covertly recruiting Muslim students for a closet, unsanctioned Christian club against their parents wishes, her district would find a way to discipline her. They may not be able to fire her, but there are lots of ways a district can make your life so miserable that you eventually quit. the fact that the school board and superintendent aren't doing those things means 1) they're supporters, or 2) they're cowards.

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Stop being transphobic you dumb fuck. It’s her son get it through your thick fucking skull

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Goodness, you're angry and use violent words. Check your blood pressure, son.

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Damn right we are angry as hell at the bigots who cause so many teens to kill themselves due to their parents telling them they are sinners.

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...they're killing themselves because they're extremely mentally ill. They have severe mental problems. Not because they were "born in the wrong body" and their parents said they were wrong.

The cognitive dissonance with you people is stunning.

The suicide rate is massive and far outpaces that of gays and lesbians, which by your measure should be killing themselves at basically the same rate "due to their parents telling them they are sinners". But that's not the case, is it?

You idiots can't reconcile the following:

A. When faced with an individual who wants to have their arms amputated because they were "born in the wrong body" and are convinced they should've been born with no arms (something called "body integrity disorder"), your answer is, of course, that they have a mental illness (because, well, they do.) But...

B. When faced with a child that wants to chop their DICK OR BREASTS off because they're convinced they were "born in the wrong body", well...that's perfectly normal. Nothing wrong there.

FFS. You are in a cult.

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I will never ever stop fighting hateful bigots that cause kids to hate themselves and sometimes commit suicide due to not being able to be what their parents want them to be. LGB teens have it a bit easier today than when I was a gay teen and had parents who would have beat me than kicked me out if they knew. Trans people today face the hate and bigotry I faced as a teen, due to HATEFUL BIGOTS LIKE YOU. And your analogy is asinine. There are many of us who grew up in hate that will never stop fighting to protect LGBTQ kids, and you need to learn to accept others who are not like you. Or end up being known as a hateful bigot

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Ben, it sounds like you have some sort of anger problem when you respond to a person with words like that - words you would probably call "violent" if they were used against you.

Perhaps you need to lower your testosterone dose and/or go to anger management therapy. Clearly you have a problem when all you can do is spew your impotent rage at someone whose only transgression was to voice his opinion.

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Don’t be a tough guy online Mr. Bottom Surgery. Nobody needs to bend to the whims of the one transformer in the entire school. We need to stop indulging people like you in your mental illness.

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I have never seen so many filthy bigots in one place in my life. wowsa.

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Heheheheh. Try looking in a mirror.

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I have nothing wrong with trans people in fact I have always supported equal rights with LGTBQ communities and have experimented myself....with that said there is an AGE where children do not understand themselves and they don't need to be indoctrinated by ANYONE! ESPECIALLY not untrained teachers! They don't need to be called straight, gay, trans pan, they are just kids...let them be kids. The whole sexual orientation talk needs to be put off until older teen/adulthood. Let's just normalize that people of different sexes can have feelings for each other in middle school...in high school more can be talked about but we still need to discourage sex! News flash you CANNOT KNOW your true sexual identify until you can actually have sex, everything to that point is just experimentation. Experimentation is normal but we NEED to back off this rush to label because the truth is sexuality is very, very fluid especially in young adults and teens! Some choices (by trans/pan etc) can have permanent consequences don't you think we should put this off just like we put off the choice to drink/smoke/join the military to the age of 18? I am just asking that we put this stuff off a little bit longer. Over-seuxalition is a theme of the 21st/22nd Century...children are even going through puberty sooner and the push to sexualize children at a younger age could have detrimental affects.

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Please find a more mature and cogent way to express your opinion. In doing so, you will likely find an opportunity to actually dialogue with folks whose opinions differ from yours.

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Are you her "son"? You sound extremely defensive.

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Ben who used to be Beverly.

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Please Allow Me To Assist Those Who Are Yet To Understand About This Belief System. Take Your Time. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qWvQFDlmEYd9/

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So that’s what happened! Her kid transitioned and now she has to deal with her trauma by perpetuating the insanity. That’s very sick.

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No, she is doing what her son needs, you are a hateful bigot who would rather than kid died than have to accept he is not like you.

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The suicide rate for transitioned "transgenders" is much higher than that of gays.

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They can be denied a job, housing, even medical care in many states. How the hell would you feel? (Don't bother answering, you have no heart)

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This is just awful! Pushing and brainwashing children is not educating them. Reading and stalking their Google searches...this is against the law. I would say GOODBYE TENURE!

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My daughter had both teachers and the year she had them, I noticed certain changes. I didn’t know her daughter had transitioned to a male! This certainly explains a lot. My daughter and at least one other were clearly influenced by her.

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Thank God, if your daughter only had you she would grow up to be a bigot too

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Please refrain from stopping to the level of judging the said parent’s love for her child; using profanity and name does not buttress your viewpoint. Rather, it serves to alienate others and prevents an opportunity for meaningful dialogue.

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I do not care, and will not refrain from wishing the best for all kids, and the best is not having bigoted parents!

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Please Allow Me To Assist Those Who Are Yet To Understand About This Belief System. Take Your Time. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qWvQFDlmEYd9/

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Yes. Its been going on for a long time. The district knows and so does the principal.

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Aw.....your kids forced to learn there are all sorts of people in the world. I bet you also refuse your kids learn about slavery, since it might hurt their fee fees

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021

You obviously know nothing about this since your children did not attend this school. Mine did. I can post the 1000s of emails to the school if you think we are just talking about hurt feelings. It's not about the club, or the teaching when it was taught as it's supposed to be taught. It's about the subversive tactics and the outright defiance and negligent reaction to the parents asking, demanding answers for years. And it was wrong and hurt many families and students at this school. My kids were also discriminated against in classes by these teachers because they could tell their mom was onto them. I have proof to that by the way. Hey, Proud Democrat, do you support public school teacher's spying on children into their parent's home computers through Google? Using your tax dollars to do what appears criminal behavior? That a federal offense, last I checked through means of wire. And those teachers blatantly admitted tot it at a CTA conference that audio tapes they session for all participants and members to buy at cost later? They also requested other California teachers to follow their behavior at that conference. That being said, that's called indoctrination - like Hitler, Mao, etc. sounds like you support that? I would say you should check with all the students harmed by these teachers - not just the LGBTQ ones. Hmmm.

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Oy vey, GMAFB. I am SO SICK and tired of all the anti LGBTQ people like yourself. I am older, and went through hell as a teen due to hateful parents and teachers and I will fight like hell to protect the kids today to be who they are and not be subject to discrimination and hate from the likes of you

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Ok. So how will you protect my kids from discrimination they encountered. Please fill me in. You said you would fight like hell. Keep your comments coming they are great evidence in the future lawsuit aimed at the district.

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I will elect people who will REFUSE TO BAN BOOKS refuse to deny all students the ability to do sports, or join clubs if they want to. I will make sure all the bigoted laws you guys propose fail. I have nothing to do with this school or lawsuit, you are a desperate bigot who needs to get YOUR OWN LIFE and let others live theirs.

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Ah, but you and your cohorts aren't letting people, especially children, live their own lives, are you? You're propagandizing them to do what they don't really want, just because it's fashionable.

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Please Allow Me To Assist Those Who Are Yet To Understand About This Belief System. Take Your Time. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qWvQFDlmEYd9/

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Ah! There you go senselessly conflating the demand for neopronouns, hormones and plastic surgery with 400 years of forced extraction of unpaid labor!

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So you are not one of those bigots who are also racist and insist if teachers teach about racism in the US your kids will feel bad? I don't believe it. If a teen wants to be called with a certain pronoun how the hell does that hurt you?

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It hurts other people’s children who think it’s an option for them as well.

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YOU CANNOT MAKE ANYONE LGBTQ. You either are or you are not, this is not an option. Most people experiment, not all, but many, and that does not make them gay.

Is it SO HARD to call a person the way they wish to be addressed? Who the hell are you to tell anyone who they are?

Are you suggesting that these teachers are training their students to be LGBTQ? Or are you suggesting forced labor is an option? LOL And forced labor? Are you a Daughter of The Confederacy? That would explain your inability to use word slavery.

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You cannot make ppl LGB, that is true. But Trans is not LGB. And LGB doesn’t require ppl to take cross sex hormones and get surgeries. Nor does LGB require novel pronouns that push people to deny biological reality.

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LOL. Soundsl ike your kids are subjected to your main focus - idiocracy and poor parenting.

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I speak facts and logic. It’s helpful to not get into emotional name calling…it doesn’t do anything except make people disregard any points you might really want to make. We all want the same thing..safe healthy learning environment for our kids. Let’s talk about the facts and work on a solution.

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That’s hard to swallow when the district and principal were told about this for years.

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So what facts and logic are you speaking? How would you create a safe healthy learning environment for LGBT kids?

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Ok. Great. Thank you. Let’s talk about this. First of all these teachers are not licensed, educated, or equipped to be encouraging or inviting any of these kids to transition…and that is what has been going on…do you agree? A child who at this young age is looking to transition should be cared for and counseled by a doctor ( the irreversible affect of adding hormones) a mental health physician ( the emotional side of such a transition at such a young age) and with parents’ full knowledge. None of this criteria exists at BV. For children who are or have transitioned I would hope our school is a safe, healthy learning environment that is welcoming and inclusive. The problem for me ( and I think most parents) is with these two teachers seeking out through snooping on google and evesdropping on kids who have questions or are searching and inviting them into this very pro trans environment. These are young impressionable kids and for the most part they may not have any idea what they are really engaging in. It’s one thing, and a wonderful thing to create an environment of inclusion and kindness but it’s another, and dangerous as well as criminal to promote snd entice these kids into uncharted territory where there is no turning back and no parental or other mental/ medical support system. Please tell me your thoughts and where I am wrong :)

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The district knew and so did the principal.

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I don't think you know what transition actually means for kids. What, specifically, are the irreversible effects of the hormones you're referring to? And what hormones specifically are you referring to? Because the only hormones that trans kids can take for transitioning are puberty blockers. Puberty blockers are completely reversible, cisgender kids are prescribed puberty blockers when they get puberty too early and can come off it at any time. So what exactly are you referring to?

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In March 2021, Sweden's Karolinska Hospital, one of the world's top medical teaching institutes, announced: Puberty blocking "treatments are...fraught with extensive and irreversible adverse consequences such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, infertility, increased cancer risk, and thrombosis. In light of the above, [such treatments] will not be initiated in gender dysphoric patients under the age of 16."

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So I would ask these questions. Do you know that they aren't licensed, educated or equipped? Have you seen their list of education certificates and qualifications? Are they inviting kids to transition? Where does it say that? Or what student has made that claim? Or are they creating an environment where kids can speak freely and ask questions?

I agree that doctors and mental health professionals along with families should be the first line of conversation. But what happens if families are unwilling to listen or provide messages of hate that make students feel badly about themselves and even more confused. The suicide attempt rates for transgender teens is close to 50%.

Have you asked your school what their inclusion and safety practices are for LGBT youth? Do they have a gender neutral restrooms where students can go if they need to use a facility? What about locker rooms and changing facilities?

I don't think it's wise to assume that the article's assertion of snooping and stalking kids is some nefarious plot. All schools were on distance learning last year...don't you think it's possible that teachers, in the normal course of their monitoring student academics, would see such searches and conversations without resorting to "spying." I would agree the use of the word "stalking" is highly unfortunate. But presentations are often made for engagement and entertainment value...so language choices are often made for a friendly audience. Taken out of context they seem worse than they were intended.

As a parent of a kids at that school, do you see evidence of enticements? What would those be? Is it possible that the kids are just looking to hang out with other kids who are like them?

Have you attended one of their meetings? Do you know what actually happens there? Have you asked them? Have you asked the teachers who run the program what happens in the room? Or are you basing ALL of your assumptions on this one article which is written with the intention to cause controversy? Do you really think it is possible for two teachers at a public school to persuade students to become transgender and then also provide them the medicines to do that?

I think you are 100% correct to care about kids having welcoming and inclusive spaces. Are you doing anything at your kids school to help with that?

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Kaela - they are not licensed. I have asked the school countless times to bring in professionals. I gave them names, I gave them numbers. For perspective - this is a school with only 300 students.

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It was a plot. They said so.

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Kaela - are you kidding? Its not that they saw the searches, its that they acted on them. Thats criminal and federally protected privacy.

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Ok. These are all thoughtful and valid questions and I absolutely do not have answers to all of them. But I appreciate the opportunity to dive a little deeper and think about all of the topics you’ve brought up. Let me get back to you. But in the meantime what I will say is that as far as what have I done to promote inclusion and kindness for my kids and at my kids school is that I have always tried to role model to my kids and the many kids whose classes I have subbed in over the last 20 years…

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Wrong. More coming as to the harassment endured by these two teachers.

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Please Allow Me To Assist Those Who Are Yet To Understand About This Belief System. Take Your Time. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qWvQFDlmEYd9/

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This article deals with an extracurricular club and says nothing of content teaching and classroom practices. According to the article, she is an award winning teacher.

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No. She was allowed full rein to do what she wanted to the detriment of children.

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No. She ran assemblies that were focused on LGBTQ. And they showed videos in class too.

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Abigail, you are a treasure. Thank you. This article needs a wide audience.

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I'm very sure the woke media will take it up and try to discredit it. But the cat's out of the bag, and the truth will win out just as it did in Virginia.

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In California? A few feel-good cliches about "you be you" and the woke parents' brains turn right off.

Having said, that, a couple of parents in our class arrived at our last parents' night full of initiative to "create a gender inclusive middle school" which meant never calling kids "boys" and "girls" anymore. We all just ignored them and kept talking in terms of boys and girls. But eventually, they will win. Californians have no defenses.

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Don't ignore them! Make it clear they are unwelcome. When the cannons appear outside your castle, you don't ignore it. You take the battle to them.

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As my old union chapter secretary said: "We let 'em say whatever the hell they want to say, and then we take 'em out in the alley and beat the sh!t out of 'em."

His tactic worked. These Woke propagandists come from an upper-middleclass culture which despises all physical labor and is horrified of all physical violence, even so much as you'd see in the average football game. In brief, they're overgrown spoiled brats who've been coddled all their lives and think the rest of the world must continue to coddle them. Confronting them firmly, even with words, is enough to scare them back under their rocks.

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I bet you consider yourself a Christian. YOu are a bigot who needs to stay the hell out of CA schools.

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Heheheheh. I'm a Neopagan, and I left California because of its rotting schools, among other Woke effects.

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She's a hack with no credibility. Read the book reviews by scientists and doctors. She's pushing a narrative and your narrow mind is falling for it.

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There are MANY credible doctors and scientists that reject this notion of gender fluidity but are silenced due to the extreme measures taken by these "activists" to take down any dissenters and to continue to push their false narrative. Chromosomes exist! You may not be able to choose your gender but that doesn't change reality. I fully support any actual trans person who wants to be perceived as the opposite gender or anything in between, but to claim that you are scientifically that gender is NOT factual and a regression of scientific understanding and practices. It's not so just cause you want it to be. I want to be a dolphin but that doesn't change the fact that I'm human no matter how many surgeries I get.

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Wrong. She speaks truth.

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Not a hack sorry. I am living it here with this school.

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This level of espionage perpetrated against students by teachers is horrifying. Kids with strong family ties are mostly insulated...they essentially admit they are targeting the low-hanging fruit, the weak and confused.

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Groomers always target the weak. Sadly, once a girl hits the teen years & high school there are all sorts of factors that can make her vulnerable - even when family ties are strong. Mine encountered a perfect storm including an odd and highly controlling boyfriend who thought she was the "best boyfriend" he'd ever had. Teachers think they are helping when they celebrate and lie to families. They do not respect the wishes of parents regarding minors.

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yes girls are particularly vulnerable in our society right now. Very trying times. Keep loving her and stay strong. I wish there was something i could do to help out these girls.

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I'm so very sorry to hear this. Last week, the autistic daughter of my very first boyfriend had a double mastectomy as part of her "transition."

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I am sorry to hear about that. It's all too common. Mine is physically well so far. Gender Ideology works as a cult that is publicly endorsed everywhere. A teenage girls' loving parents are left as the only ones who "have a problem with it".

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Yes. It's tragic. Have you ever listened to A Wider Lens with Sasha Ayad and Stella O'Malley on youtube. They are two family therapists who take a very critical eye to the transgender madness.

Have you noticed that Angelina Jolie's teenage daughter Shiloh no longer dresses like a boy but has now embraced her femininity. I hope your dear daughter will do the same.



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I once saw a transwoman go into an online tirade because someone commented on Shiloh's androgynous period, noting that the majority of kids who express some gender dysphoria will grow up to be cisgay or even straight. Turns out that some trans activists are really defensive about this (accurate) statement.

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Thank goodness that Shiloh was never put on puberty blockers or cross sex hormones. Now she can grow up to be a healthy young woman. I hope her desistence will inspire other young girls to accept themselves as they are.

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I saw once a bigot tell a kid they were a horrible person and would go to hell due to how they loved. Anecdotal stories are fun huh?

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This is the 2nd time I've heard of people going after the special needs kids. (The first was in the Portland, Ore. school system). It's bad enough going after neuro-typical kids; it's a crime going after the autistic ones who have no discernment whatsoever. My daughter is on the spectrum; I should know.

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Yes, girls on the autism spectrum are very much at risk of falling into this. But, they don't have to be on the spectrum. My daughter is not autistic but she is very naive and about as socially clueless as she is intellectually gifted. It doesn't help that the whole world appears to endorse the religion of Gender Identity and promote the recitation of "ones pronouns". You do not have to be any sort of "checked out" parent either. You are not there with them every hour of high school and teachers are empowered beyond parents. It has completely taken over education to the point that even teachers and kids who don't like it feel they must outwardly go along with it. My daughter doesn't have a lot of discernment either. They are young. The young are vulnerable.

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I have this concern my daughter in on the spectrum. Her whole life she doesn't really understand the social world the same. When she was 9 she thought Santa could be her boyfriend....she doesn't understand relations. It is very scary...I would like her to wait until she is an adult to make these choices and when she does I will love her no matter her choice.

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I believe Abigail reported that 1/3 of girls who take testosterone etc are on the spectrum.

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Really! In her book or elsewhere? That's a separate story in itself.

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i think it's in her book but maybe i read it here in a substack? i will try to find it.

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Yes. And, it’s not just Portland.

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Hey PDX - would you mind emailing me about this? I am trying to put together a list of people this has happened to and I'd love to talk further. Kinnerethbooks@gmail.com.

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this breaks my heart

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i just read it. Such a powerful piece. Thank you.

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You're very kind.

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To young students, teachers are, by definition, the keepers of knowledge. The students hear the consensus of teachers daily, year after year. Then, TV, Hollywood, pop music, sports, politicians, and retailers who want to attract customers all reinforce the lies. How could the kids not come to accept the systematic lies as "truth." Parents, rarely have enough vision behind the scenes to see what is going on and they by the time they realize it, it is so difficult to overcome that they just ignore it and hope that as their kids mature, they'll come to their senses or they'll decide it's just a matter of cultural variation - go along to get along.

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Please Allow Me To Assist Those Who Are Yet To Understand About This Belief System. Take Your Time. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qWvQFDlmEYd9/

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That's psychotic gibberish - like all mystical religion.

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Of course it's gibberish. That doesn't mean that others don't follow that ancient religion.

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Feb 9, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022

There can be no doubt that many people embrace primitive belief systems. Believing - especially in mystical nonsense - inheres in sapiens. That cannot be overcome - you can only try to protect yourself against it.

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Helping LGBTQ teens who have bigots for parents is saving their lives, I bet you would prefer your kid dead than LGBTQ.

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My dear, I WAS Bisexual as a teen, and had no problem concealing it from my parents and teachers and doctors and preachers. As an adult I was free to explore my sexuality so long as I was discreet about it. The truth is, nobody cares what you do in private. It's only when you propagandize children and demand in public that everybody adhere to *your* standards that people start to complain.

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Dear, you were not bisexual as a teen, you had sex with women and men. If you were bisexual you would still be sexually attracted to both sexes, are you? And why on earth would you need to be secret about your life as an adult? I am not talking about having sex in public, so do not pull that nonsense. The only standard I am advocating is to allow people to be who they are and not be banned from bathrooms and sports. You are about DISCRIMINATION plain and simple, own it dear

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I didn't have sex as a teen, but waited until I was an adult. Yes, I'm still bisexual, though I've settled down with a male partner. Secret? I'm not "secret"; I just don't shove my sexuality in everybody's face, as certain "activists" noisily propose. Nobody's being "banned from bathrooms", just insisting that people use the bathrooms that fit their plumbing, not their daydreams. Nobody's being banned from sports either, just required to join the division that fits their chromosomes and first 15 years or so of conditioning. If you really were a proud lesbian, as you claim, then you would know about the danger that the transition fashion poses to gay men and women, and you wouldn't be so defensive of ooey-gooey-cooey-mooey Woke teachers trying to "sympathize" confused kids into changing gender.

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Can there be society without adherence to someone's standards?

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