Thank you very much for trying so hard to shed light on what is happening. It is so deeply appreciated. As far as parental rights go in Nova Scotia, Canada it is age 12. Yes, 12. A child has the right not to have parental input into their care. I was ousted many times from the ER room and my daughter had to give consent to her doctor, in order for me to speak with her doctor. I understand there are legitimate reasons for this law, however, when you are dealing with a mentally ill child, mine was diagnosed with clinical depression at the time. Why am I sent out to buy anti-depressants and to be wholly responsible for her, and care for her, yet my input is not wanted nor is it allowed. However, if she was diagnosed with Cancer, you get an entire medical team assigned to you. Why does age not matter then? Why in Canada does a grown woman get questioned after having two children, but when she wants a tubal ligation, she is questioned and put off- doctor says you should wait you might change your mind and want more children. Yet Doctors in Canada are legally sterilizing young girls, without any adult parental input because of this law. Its insanity. Keep going Abigail there is much more to reveal.

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Over the next decade, there’s going to be a lot of young adults who took hormones as teens but regret it and will be infertile, unattractive to the sex they’re attracted to, and/or have cancer. I imagine Planned Parenthood, gender-affirming doctors, and even schools will be facing millions in lawsuits from these people. But will Democrat politicians pass legislation that will make it hard for these people to sue gender-affirming “care” providers and/or trans activists will viciously pressure courts into not siding with de-transitioners?

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Unfortunately, by the time most desisters/detransitioners realize the damage of what's done to them, their statutes of limitation have passed. There will be no need for special legislation to protect the industry from them.

Parents are a different matter, of course. Parents often raise objections within the requisite time. Which is why Democrat-run states like mine (Oregon) have indeed put liability exemptions into their low age-of-medical-majority laws. They give children the "right" to consent to these procedures, and then exempt practitioners from any liability they'd owe to parents for violating parents' rights to sue on their minor children's behalf.

And the transgender lobby's undue influence on the federal circuits, a very complicated story, has been going on for several decades, and is starting to chip away from civil rights law at the Supreme Court level now, with the recent Bostock decision.

Sadly, what you fear might happen in the future has already been happening for a long time. I'm sorry to say.

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Can I have a cigarette?

No you're six years old.

Can I have a beer?

No. You're six years old.

Can I drive the car?

No. You're six years old.

Can I take hormones and change my sex?

Sure, you know best.

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DR... Can i interest you in some Lung Cancer pills and a court case then through you off a building with a media story that it was suicide and a drug addict

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I first learned of this three years ago, when fewer PP centers provided such "care". As a longtime supporter I wrote a signed letter to the national headquarters, and copied it to my state's affiliate, registering my deep reservations at what looked like a social contagion taking hold of the institution, which seemed antithetical to its mission. I never received a reply, but some months later received an invitation to a breakfast meeting to celebrate a clinic nearby which was re-opening after renovations. Thinking this was a nice gesture, I sent in my money and marked my calendar.

Within a week or so, I received a phone call at my workplace--a number I had not supplied to them--in which I was told that my presence "wasn't a good idea". I was taken aback--they really didn't want me to go because I disagreed with one of their services? In my letter I expressed concern, I hadn't threatened violence, I had signed my name...nope, that was that. Not welcome anymore.

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Same here! Everytime they ask me for a donation, I send them the same letter. No response. Here is the first paragrpah. If you want a copy to send a similar letter everytime you are asked to donate, message me.

I have been a member of the ACLU and Planned Parenthood my whole life. I donate quite a lot to progressive organizations and candidates. However, the deeper I dig into gender-affirming care for children, the more concerned I have become. I have visited Detrans websites, and the number of young people stepping forward saying that they were given a prescription for testosterone on their second visit is scary. We should not be handing out a powerful body-altering drug after a few visits. Many of these children do not fully understand that they are risking a life without sexual pleasure or the possibility of having children. How will these drugs affect their health 10 or 20 years from now? We simply do not know. (Actually, the book Faust’s Gold about the East German doping scandal of the 1970s-1980s can give us a clue. Many of these athletes are now dead). As far as I can see, few, if any, follow-up studies are being conducted. When liberal countries like Finland are reconsidering their positions on gender-affirming care for minors, you know there is a concern.

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That is a great paragraph. I think the donation replies go to a processing center in another state, and they are probably just thrown out. (It does feel good to write a reply, and I sometimes still do.) When I wrote letters in 2018, I looked up the address of the state and national offices to send them directly to their boards. I guess someone in the office read them, at least on the state level, because I was black-listed.

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I’ll back you up and send my letter, too

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That’s bad

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It was certainly eye-opening, as to how questions on the subject was enough to warrant permanent exile from the community. That was in 2018, and look where we are as a country, almost seven years later.

Meanwhile that particular clinic is being sued by a detransitioner. https://www.thefp.com/p/how-did-planned-parenthood-become

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Went to PP at age 21. I saw one girl my age in the lobby, everyone else was older. Went again at age 23. Lobby packed with girls younger than I was and another young girl was standing out on the sidewalk for social distancing. Two boys, too. I was confused at what they were all doing there, especially because that clinic didn't do on-site abortions. Could they all be getting on birth control at once? What about the boys? After reading this piece, I think there was a huge explosion of trans identification just in the last two years that opened up new clientele.

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Excellent piece, Abigail!

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Thank you!

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Abigail... we appreciate your courage! In fact, our magazine selected you as a Top 10 for 2020... we would like to send you some copies.. https://insidethevatican.com/magazine/people/top-ten-people/abigail-shrier/

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Wow. This is truly frightening. Never turned anyone away and the “counselor” is a trans identified male? How are they getting away with this negligence?

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Thank you so much for writing about this crisis. In Canada, the public health gender clinics also bypass every red flag about the mental health issues that are driving predominantly girls to start testosterone & move on to surgeries. This is a nightmare & our politicians are complicit in this. They are passing gender identity laws that fine & jail parents who are trying to protect their vulnerable kids.

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Unbelievable. The general public needs to be aware of what is going on. This is outrageous. I believe only when an immense amount of damage has been done that the medical community will dial this back to a reasonable gatekeeping model and not allowed for minors or others with other co-morbid conditions. And really a transwoman involved with girls?

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Nothing gives a transwoman more smug satisfaction than removing the natural, healthy reproductive capacity of a young girl...their jealousy is so poisonous.

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Regarding informed consent, there’s a “catch-22” inherent in the affirmative model that makes informed consent impossible. The affirmative model standard of care forbids psychotherapeutic scrutiny, which the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) equates with conversion therapy. So, as the whistleblower describes, no questions are allowed to be asked regarding possible underlying causes, other than being trans, for the patient’s emotional distress. No time is spent assessing whether the patient’s desire to transition may be linked to trauma caused by sexual abuse, for instance, or a burgeoning awareness that she is attracted to other females but doesn’t want to be seen as a lesbian, or to an obsessive focus on physical appearance and discomfort in a female body undergoing puberty, or to any of a myriad of factors that might direct the patient’s attention away from the services and products being offered at the clinic.

The typical adolescent girl seeking to transition has little capacity for introspection, because her personality and brain are still in the process of formation. She is in thrall to groupthink, suffers from one or more serious co-morbidities, is supported by the schools and social media to embrace an ideology that offers immediate popularity and validation, and is promised by the medical profession that testosterone will make all her problems disappear. This girl is profoundly uninformed, and the long-term health risks of ingesting testosterone are the last thing she cares about. To say that she is incapable of informed consent is an understatement. If you don’t know yourself, you are not informed.

The U.K. is ahead of us on the issue of informed consent. In a landmark decision in December 2020, the High Court sided with the plaintiff, a female detransitioner named Keira Bell. The High Court ruled that adolescents are not capable of giving informed consent on such momentous medical procedures, and that the minimalist gender services provided by the National Health Service did not enable the plaintiff to make a wise decision about the surgeries and drug therapies she underwent and later regretted.

This is a worldwide child abuse scandal perpetuated by the medical profession in cahoots with ideologues. Finally, Abigail Shrier shines a light on the United States’ specific complicity in this horror.

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Sweden and Finland have also seen the light when it comes to puberty blockers and the ability of adolescents to give informed consent, a misnomer if there ever was one. THE TRANS TRAIN is a Swedish documentary worth watching. Sweden was on the verge of allowing children as young as 12 to have gender transitioning surgery without parental consent when the media stepped in to ask some hard questions and kept asking them until it became crystal clear that there was absolutely no evidence that these dysphoric children were highly likely to attempt suicide while awaiting surgery, which was the justification for changing the law.


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Yes, the TRANS TRAIN series of documentaries (I think there are three of them now) are terrific. And thank you for mentioning Sweden and Finland. I wish I understood why some countries are able to evade the thought police and make objective medical decisions not based on ideology.

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this is absolutely horrifying

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Mrs. Shrier, this post is the equivalent of telling people that Adolf Hitler had unpaid parking tickets when he died. People who murder babies by the millions will do anything.

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Trans women aren't women, embryos aren't "babies", and women aren't incubators.

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In humans, embryos are defined as developing humans until 8 weeks then they are called fetuses, which is means "young child." And yes, the point is to incubate until ready to be born, like all mammals. Why do we put preemies in an "incubator"? But to define a mother as an incubator is a very limited and view of motherhood, the beauty and awe of creation and of children.

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I said a woman is NOT an incubator.

As a human (and not an incubator,) a woman should not be compelled by the state to donate her body and be an incubator for an unwanted pregnancy.

Your etymology is irrelevant. So is your appeal to emotion.

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There is the option of not getting pregnant. We know what behavior might result in a baby. The baby is also a life and not an expendable tumor. So, once having created life you believe the "mother" can then end the life of the developing baby. It is a good question and we probably should err on the side of caution by realizing that we are in fact ending a human life. If the "mother" doesn't want a baby she should not engage in pleasurable behavior only to end the life that behavior produces. It is demeaning to the baby who has not had due process, not guilty of any behavior that got him/her there and can reasonably expect the natural protection that is instinctual for a mother toward her young. The fact that we have elevated baby-killing, or unborn baby-killing, separating the "mother" from her natural inclination to love and protect her baby is quite astounding and contrary to nature. Women are also not just sexual playthings because they do have a womb and are made to create and nurture life within it. That means a certain responsibility to that awesome gift. She is not expected to do anything in this society except be sexually available and provide tax revenue to the State, I guess.

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Fetuses are not babies. Women are not incubators.

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Fetus means young baby. And women have the awesome and natural power to grow a human being, create a completely unique person that has its own DNA that is one-of-a-kind. No, women are not incubators. They are givers of life and nurturers and their natural inclination is to protect their babies from any harm. Most mothers will run onto an oncoming train to grab their baby out of harm's way. This is why the business model at Planned Parenthood is to never allow the "mother" to see the ultrasound because nearly 100% will get off the table and walk out. Why is that, do you think? Are they thinking that they are incubators or are they seeing their baby and immediately have powerful love and protective feelings? If she cannot care for the baby it is a huge sacrifice to give her baby over to another family. That, from what I heard, is a very wrenching thing. Was your mother merely an incubator?

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but women do incubate new life. if you don’t want babies, great, your body your choice. just get your tubes tied, a simple medical procedure, and have all the unprotected sex you want. have at it. just don’t kill an embryo/fetus/baby because you are a careless and lazy and selfish. you think killing the life growing inside you is empowering? it’s not.

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Children being allowed to take body altering drugs isn’t comparable to parking tickets. However, I agree with your point that once we as a society accept a lie that a baby is a lifeless “fetus” and doesn’t have a right to live and then allow PP to make money off of that, it’s no wonder we now accept that “trans women are women” and that teenagers showing signs of depression and abuse are best treated by powerful drugs rather than a licensed counselor.

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lol. They aren't "babies". A baby can survive on its own outside the womb. They're parasites that require a host to supply them with everything they need to survive, and if the host doesn't want them there, they can evict them. Sorry about your backward 1950's view of women as walking incubators. You might be on the wrong page if that's how you feel.

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Maybe more like, "in addition to 6 million Jews Hitler killed millions of homosexuals, mentally-challenged, various Slavic ethnic groups, etc...." Nothing like parking tickets at all.

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Ummm... no... the point of Mrs. Shrier's article is to expose PP's distribution of hormones to young girls; but when compared to the millions of babies PP slaughters every year, this seems almost meaninglessly trivial... like Hitler's presumed unpaid parking tickets.

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The chemical castration of a generation of children is worse than double parking.

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Those children survive their castration, right? So, no, not in comparision to the 1.2 million children nationally we take to PP to be dismembered.

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When you say, “survive, ” are you sure that they do? We condemn the experimental medical, procedures that wee done on healthy people by the Nazis but also the Japanese (Fugu Plan) on the Chinese. Why are you trying to distinguish between mutilation and death? It is a false comparison. The medical community should put an end to it as their oath is, “First do no harm.” But, it appears that there are very few doctors involved. The second help would be to push for legislation that prevents clinics from allowing their “counselors” to be affiliated with them in any way. They must be completely separated from any profit or arrangement with PP. In my state a private doctor cannot refer a patient to obtain an x-ray or MRI at a business in which they has a financial interest. Similarly, requiring licensed counseling from an independent professional, preferably a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist not in any way tied to PP would probably get the help to these obviously troubled teens. If underaged, it might be good practice to require their parents or legal guardians to be counseled by the same unaffiliated professionals who will be required to explain the lifelong harm that may occur for a condition that usually resolves itself in a few years.

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Perhaps not so meaninglessly trivial considering post-op suicide rates that reach 20 times that of comparable teens... at least not so if they were targeting your child.

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"Not targeting my child"? Why did you think I'm reading this blog? And see above reply: most kids survive hormone distribution, right? The abortion survival rate is well below 0.1%.

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As far as I’m aware, a women’s eggs don’t invade a man’s testicles and take his sperm hostage in order to fertilise themselves. A man ejects his jizz into a woman, which then causes a pregnancy. If men were more responsible about where they put their jizz, there would be far less, or no, need for abortions. Do you target men in your anti-abortion vitriol, or just women? I mean, women are easy targets, aren’t they - men are much harder.

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Abortion survival rate is nil for the unborn!

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So a little bit of mutilation is ok but just not a lot?

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Apr 1, 2022
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Let me help you understand the analogy: next to the 6 million people he murdered, Hitler's unpaid parking tickets would be laughably trivial. Just like Planned Parenthood's involvement in promoting gender dysphoria in light of the 60+ million children they have murdered since 1973. I hope that helps.

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They're also instrumental, at least here in Portland, in creating highly politicized health curriculum that teaches students to mistrust and inform on their parents for having incorrect views, chief among them being an unwillingness to donate to Planned Parenthood or support its unscientific, pseudoreligious position on gender transsubstantiation.

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"Gender transsubstantiation" - the "miraculous" change of the sexed body into the insubstantial "gender". Very illuminating. Thank you!

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This is COMPLETELY horrifying. I would love to take some action but I have no idea how to get started. Any advice would be appreciated.

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There are a number of organizations that provide information and support to affected families and to health practitioners who suffer consequences for speaking up on their behalf. Those include Our Duty, Gender Health Query, and SEGM (The Society for Ethics in Gender Medicine), among others. I recommend looking them up. From there you'll be exposed to others and you'll see whatever opportunities arise to help.

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This is a crime against humanity! I once supported this organization for providing desperately needed abortions & contraception but it has become an abomination. I turned against PP years before the neoliberal trans cult when it jumped on the surrogacy bandwagon where marginalized women are turned into breeders for the wealthy. PP ought to be shut down.

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Probably not 'bipolar disorder'. Much more likely to be Borderline Personality Disorder. This matters a lot.

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OK, I initially thought you were right, but I checked again: she said bipolar disorder, and that is what Abilify is used to treat. She said a lot of the teens who show up for testosterone are on Abilify.

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I wasn't clear---my apologies. I'm not questioning the information you got from your source, Abigail, sorry if I made it seem that way.

I am aware that many cases like this are called or diagnosed "bipolar"; I believe you when you say that was the diagnosis. What I'm saying, instead, is that that's very frequently a misdiagnosis of what is actually Borderline Personality Disorder.

That's a very common confusion, and a common but serious medical diagnostic mistake. They're very different, and require very different treatment.

Cluster B personality disorders such as Borderline are often at the root of the unstable identity and self-harming that is "transing". Just as they are the root for many of anorexia/bulimia/cutting. Bipolar is not. A quick check of the psych literature will confirm that this is a common misdiagnosis.

This is a part of the problem that needs to be looked at and discussed, but it's overlooked, in my opinion.

Your book is so very necessary, and boy, am I grateful you're out there. I've followed your work for a while, listened to you on various shows, and seen the abuse you've suffered. You're saying what no one else is saying, and it's going to help girls and families everywhere.

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No problem at all - I really appreciate the challenge. My concern is with accuracy, not my ego. Thank you so much for engaging.

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If you're interested in a "take" on trans issues that focuses on the underlying root, Cluster B disorders, I've started a podcast. Many shows are discussing this, but I don't see many that have connected the dots to BPD/NPD, etc.

The show is called Disaffected.


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Josh, as serendipity would have it, I discovered you just last week through your interview with Benjamin Boyce, and have watched or listened to an episode of your show every day since. I'm so impressed with your insights and candor. Your highlighting the physical and sexual use and abuse of children, which is intrinsic to trans ideology, is very much appreciated. Your insights as a gay man are particularly valuable.

As an old lesbian, I've been in a state of despair watching my community decimated by trans ideology. I've been pushing back against the insinuation of predatory trans-identified males in the lesbian community since around 1975...yes, almost 50 years ago. Tragically, we've now lost an entire generation of young butches, who have been convinced that they're better off getting mastectomies and wrecking their genitalia with testosterone.

Your thesis regarding the connection of Cluster B disorders to the insane behavior of social justice activists is also very interesting. I can certainly see the parallels.

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Abilify is prescribed off-label for all sorts of things. It is an atypical antipsychotic. That said, bipolar disorder is also diagnosed inappropriately very frequently and has been for the past 20+ years especially in minors. Partly as a result of underqualified clinicians making mental health diagnoses in primary care, and partly for insurance reimbursement purposes- it's like "depression plus" I suppose you could say, with the diagnosis allowing you to say the person is not just depressed but experiences a range of other mood disturbances as well. This is not precisely what bipolar disorder actually is, but that is how it is used.

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That's very helpful. Thank you!

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