Every other day I'm made aware of yet another ideology that throws children to the wolves.

It's so disheartening.

I've always suspected that the cries of "we must protect the children" was complete bullshit. But it's never been more apparent than it is now.

Great work again, Abigail.

Thanks for all you're doing to try to help the kids of today.

You're pushing a boulder up a hill, to say the least.

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Just try to help children one at a time, if you can. No one person can do it all. And good people like Abigail who write books and articles to educate and inspire us are much appreciated!

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In our daily lives absolutely. That we can’t help them all is no excuse not to help those we can. In politics it’s different. Florida and Virginia are showing us the way.

This article is the tail of a sexual narcissist who is single handedly destroying tens of thousands of children and the most vulnerable women in society. We can’t rest in making ourselves feel better by helping a child or rep here and there. We owe it to our children, ourselves, and the legacy of our time to wrestle back institutional control from the plainly mean-spirited child-hating nihilist that we’ve complacently allowed to destroy that which they did not build.

I kept a video from the campaign season of when a Democrat door knocker came to my affluent home to “remind” me to vote for Democrats. I responded “No!! I have children. We could afford to protect them from Democrat Covid insanity by paying for conservative private schooling. My parents grew up in poverty with abusive parents. Had this happened to them I wouldn’t be here. I will not now, nor ever again, vote for the child-hating party of neoracism and child genital mutilation. I cannot imagine the hatred one must have for a child to teach them they could have been born in the ‘wrong’ body. Goodbye.” It’s time to call out and openly mock these cruel humans and their cruel attempts to sever children from their parents, their future, each other, and reality itself.

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Absolutely beautiful comment wish we had more like you in this world. May God bless and keep you

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Feb 7, 2023
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I feel exactly the same way and stopped voting Democrat for the same reason. There were other legitimate things that should have woken me up earlier, but there was no getting around only monsters promote child genital mutilation and overt racism. Doesn’t matter the semantics gymnastics to attempt to justify it - it’s evil.

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What's disheartening is that we have to do this "one at a time" with the full power of the institutional apparatus of our own country turned against us. A sane culture doesn't make people work individually to protect kids from harm though. A sane culture uses its institutions to provide that safety, not to undermine it while individual citizens try to stick their fingers in homemade dikes.

To be honest, this feels a lot like the pro-life movement did in the 90's or early 2000's. The wealthy and powerful were (and largely still are) arrayed against us then too. I hadn't really thought about the comparison until right now, but it really is quite similar. For someone who is pro-life, both issues revolve around protecting children. I know someone who's pro-choice doesn't see it that way, but someone who's pro-trans doesn't see it the way we do either. In that sense, both issues are also theological, questions about the nature of man, and both hinge on whether something "is right" with whether it is "a right". Side bar, I've noticed that the more obsessed people become with the second, the less they seem to care about the first.

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Transgender ideology is part of the broader umbrella, at least from a source of funding / ideological perspective, of the billionaire class that still believes the long debunked Malthusian theory. The WEF. Soros and Gates and their cronies.

While the theory has been long debunked, its goal is depopulation and the values these people embrace are nihilism for thee, more money for me. Unfirtunanetly many who promote this insanity are stupid enough to actually believe existing humans can download their brains to computer programs and live forever because they don’t realize we are no closer to that in material reality than taking an afternoon trip to another galaxy. Covid terrified them because of the daily reminders they remain but mere mortals - and they took their hysteria out on children.

There is a lot of ideological crossover with the Covidians who used children’s bodies as a place to put their hysterical fear of a virus, the pro-abortion cried, the pro-gender ideology cried, and the pro-scarcity “climate warriors” who are in reality impoverishing people by embracing some of the least ecologically sound energy harnessing technology humans have pursued in the last 150 years. They are just relocating the pollution for their lifestyle to child slave labor Cobalt mines in the Congo or minority labor camps in China. Only an idiot prefers short lived batteries with scarce materials that can’t actually be recycled due to cross contamination of materials to low emission combustion engines, the 1,000 year supply of clean natural gas which can also be used for liquid hydrogen right here at home, and nuclear. These people are charging their electric cars from electricity produced at coal plants and diesel generators that work out to about 4 miles a gallon. They aren’t serious but they are destructive.

It all comes down to indoctrinating people not to pro-create and reject the family structure where it is most stable to have children and raise the next generation. They are vocally pro-abortion because the goal is to ensure fewer children. They don’t care if it’s murder. They are proud to promote child genital mutilation and sterilization. They are teaching a generation of mixed race kids to hate each other with insane neoracist “theories.”

These people really don’t care how much human suffering they cause nor do these woke fools care how flawed and disastrous their theories are. They clearly want sexual access to children because they get off on destroying kids. Outcomes do not get in the way of their ideas. Feeling like a baby god is the goal.

I am pro-choice early. I’m not a fan of living in a society where it’s legal to rip apart a living human who we know can feel every excruciating second of it, nor burning living babies alive in saline. There are over 45,000 abortions a year in this country after 15 weeks when we 100% know an abortion involves torturing a human being that can feel it to death. Planned Parenthood even admits over 97% of abortions after 20 weeks, of which there are over 11,000 a year in the US, are purely elective. 11,000 babies gruesomely murdered and these people cheer it on. There have been over 17,000 survivors of botched abortions since abortion was legalized in the US and every Democrat just voted to legalize infanticide by denying care to viable children who survive botched abortions.

I think at best most people are unaware of these basic factual realities because they just don’t care and can’t be bothered to consider actual reality when the propoganda narrative requires nothing from them except simple compliance. At worst they fully support it.

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So well said. 👏🏻

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Pro-choicers are also concerned with protecting children -- protecting them from being born to someone who doesn't want them and will neglect or abuse them.

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Yep, absolutely. Never sure why some people are too dense to get that. Whenever I see the Pray to End Abortion signs outside my local Catholic church, I'm always tempted to change them to Pray to End Unwanted Pregnancies (as in, support birth control and responsible, respectful sex). I can criticize Catholics, having been brought up most of my life in that huge cult.

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I don't think ensuring that a baby is never born can be called protecting that baby, Cromulent, but I respect that pro-choicers think it is.

I really thought about not making this comparison since I didn't want to open the can of worms of abortion here, in a forum where there is likely disagreement on the issue. But the comparison (as someone who was involved in both movements) between the movements was too obvious. They really do FEEL similar internally, and I don't think that's just because many of the people happen to overlap.

Like abortion, I think reclaiming the binary nature of gender will be a long fight, much longer than many today realize. It took the postmodernists 60 years (dating from Foucault) to overturn the gender binary in law; we're not going to undo that in less than a generation.

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You managed to open the can of worms anyway, so no turning back. You mighty not realize that the "pro-life" movement and the trans ideology movement have a lot in common. I'll leave you to figure out what that commonality is. What does the gender binary really mean to people like you, as it expresses itself in society at large?

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It means that the words "man" and "woman" refer to something knowable in objective reality and are not simply arbitrary linguistic categories.

The postmodernists will defend gender fluidity all the way because they have to. Postmodernism is built on the idea that reality either nonexistent or unknowable, so language effectively creates reality. That's why a man (with a penis) who says he's a woman actually BECOMES a woman by that declaration.. But if "man" can refer to something real, then other words might also refer to something real, and any assertion that reality might be describable is like taking a block of C4 to the foundation of postmodernist theory. If "man" and "woman" are real things, maybe "baby" or "family" or "marriage" or "rights" or "right" and "wrong" might refer to real, objective, unchangeable things too. And we can't have that -- pretty soon we'll be talking about Plato's ideal table.

We're getting pretty deep into philosophical weeds here, but it's not an exaggeration to say that this is a conflict over whether objective reality exists or not. That conflict has been brewing for decades and happens to have come to a head with "what is a woman", but the philosophical conflict is much larger than that.

In that sense there are 2 agendas working in parallel, one philosophical and the other prurient. Both are wrapping themselves in the rainbow flag to keep prying eyes away from what's going on underneath.

Sorry for the long post, but you did ask. :-) And BTW: I don't need to agree with people on abortion or religion or philosophy to consider them friends, so please don't take anything I said personally.

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This makes absolutely no sense in any way possible without resorting to postmodern language. You can't conflate your way towards a meaningful conjoinment of the two.

What does the gender binary mean....What a useless question. And please refrain from making comments like "mean to people like you?" It paints you as an irritant and disdainful clod.

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Killing is protection? 😬

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Idiocracy lives here. Both of my friends whose kids were trafficked were from intact liberal leaning families. You and others who think like you do live in a bubble or retirement village and not in the real world.

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I am pro choice - your comment is ridiculous. Looking at the pandemic responses every adult in this Country failed the children - we are their examples.

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Jan 26, 2023
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Amen to that friend!

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I agree wholeheartedly, but it would not be anti-Semitic but anti-Jewish. Anti-Semitic would mean anti one third of the worlds population. As you must know that it refers to Shem, one of the 3 sons of Noah. and that is not what the word is used as meaning for some strange reason.


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Feb 11, 2023Edited
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Many thanks for your reply. There is a lot to unpack there, although I would say we agree fundamentally.

As regards anti-Semitism I accept that the term was coined by a German so called racist to explain his own prejudice. But the problem is that even the term 'racist' is wrongly used as it derives from evolutionary theory which is plain wrong.

This is why language is so important, the German chap took evolutionary theory to distort the truth (Satan or the great serpent whatever one might call him) and warp the meaning of words. Similar to the Garden of Eden 'Has God said...'

We are all of the human race derived from God, so there is nationalism, tribalism and my made up word family-ism, but not racism. The whole racist and anti-Semitic thing, let alone black and white (there is no true black or white skin human of course) is a divide and rule ploy, Satan's standard tactic.

Leviticus is good for law and guidance but can never save society as such. But it is a good basis fro governing a people. But if the people's hearts are bad no law will be followed that is worth following. It is perhaps ironic that the vaccines are causing heart problems as the people's hearts are far from God!

Ultimately the law is summed up in essence into love God and love your neighbour as yourself.

Whilst I haven't done a post on creation and why the 6 day formation of the earth (bearing in mind the earth existed prior to the creation of light) is reasonable, many have done articles on the matter.

The delusional are those who consider evolution sensible. Given that the Nazis/Marxist/communists have used the ideas to carry out mass genocide that should have made them stop and think.

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Feb 12, 2023
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Hello. Sorry not to reply earlier. My eyesight varies a bit depending on how tired I am and the problems I have detoxifying from the poisons in me which caused my facial palsy.

I think I generally agree with you although I would make the following comments:

Re "The historic shylocks had no choice." I say they did have a choice as everybody has a choice even if it is being relatively poor or exploiting others, although the point about the hypocrisy of the wealthy royals etc. is well made.

The thing about Shylock in the play is that his daughter turns against him. Shylock has become twisted by his love of money and he also says “If you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”, forgetting that in the Old Testament it says 'Revenge is mine, I will repay, says the Lord'.

Loving your enemy is an Old Testament tenet as far as the individual is concerned, albeit this does not mean one cannot defend oneself in a battle etc.

Re "Survival of the fittest is obvious". This is perhaps generally true for animals but this doesn't allow for humans looking after the disabled. Much of the issue of fittest re mankind is that fittest often means to many the one who tramples on others to get to the top of whatever pile they are after.

From my perspective that is why Jesus Christ came as a servant to show how people should serve and love one another. This does not exclude seeking the best of course or doing well in life materially, but ultimately material things will not satisfy on their own.

Re "I'm afraid Creationism has an image problem." Quite so, but then we have over 100 years of indoctrination to 'thank'for that as it were. I had realised that the Marxists were at work with education and the church/synagogue but was not aware that the Nazis were at work in big pharma and industry.

So we had poisoning of the mind and body which are interlinked. I had not realised the problems with big pharma and medicine were so bad but then I had largely avoided doctors etc. until I had my palsy etc. I am eternal grateful that I did fall so ill as otherwise I would not have understood what I do now. I was slow but I got there in the end.

I have the knowledge along with many others to take down big pharma once and for all. Together with the understanding of what really happened with creation of the heavens and the earth will mean that the world will be healed. Righteousness will prevail with all the blessings of God that that will entail.

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We're trying so hard to deny the obvious; the wealthy and powerful want sexual access to the young and pretty. That's always been true: court eunuchs were common in China; imperial Roman elites had lots of sex with children; corrupt clergy did too; the Ottoman harems were no different; ISIS and the Taliban prize child brides today. Jeffery Epstein was popular among our elites for a reason.

We're giving the benefit of the doubt too willingly on this issue. The wealthy and educated are sexualizing children today; do we really think that's accidental? The most vocal proponents of the LGBTQIA2S++ agenda aren't in in for human rights. They just want to have sex with kids. I realize this is hard for many to accept, but the evidence is becoming to voluminous to ignore.

Please note: I'm not saying everyone that pushes LGBT is a pervert. There are certainly a lot of well intentioned people who drunk the Kool-Aid and think it's all about inclusion and acceptance. They are just useful idiots of the real agenda though.

Abigail, I just reupped by subscription. You are a brave woman.

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I don't think this is just a phenomenon with the wealthy and powerful, there are plenty of people of many classes that want sexual access to minors. Rather than blame, it is better to find those who are wealthy and powerful to help with the cause. For example, when Elon took over twitter, he unknowing found out that twitter did not make sexual exploitation of children as the #1 issue. Yet the mainstream media spins if it was impossible because of the mass layoffs - but never reported this issue prior to Elon's takeover. Mainstream media also failed report that in the six weeks since the acquisition, he reached major milestones within those six weeks that were ignore for years even having multiple child advocate reach out for years. Here is the official call with Elon talking about how this is a #1 priority at twitter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt2Cf60p4K8

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I wish we would focus more on the people who pay for sex....the Epstein people, Prince Andrew..remember when they were ashamed??

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True that. Won't happen though, too much money and power involved. Strange to have a dead pimp, a convicted madam, a host of girls and not one single john except an oddball spare royal nobody felt obliged to protect.

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Please don't paint all LGBT with the same brush (maybe you don't; if so, sorry if I misunderstood your post; also I can't figure out why I and A are even in that alphabet mess). There's a group called Gays Against Groomers on Twitter, they also have their own website. There are adults from all socioeconomic groups who want to protect children from abuse. Unfortunately there are also adults from all socioeconomic groups who want to abuse children. I think it may stem from adopting cruel or exploitative values and behaviors from an early age, often from their own families. Not an excuse, just an attempt to understand where all this horror comes from.

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Gays Against Groomers are great. LGB - lose the T (which is mental illness in some and mostly cult indoctrination in the young). LGBTQIA-WTF does have to go.

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Agree with you. What does T have to do with LGB? LGB people are pleased with their genders. The Ts are trying to use the cred of the LGBs

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The Ts certainly work against women including lesbians - invading female spaces... Many of the men claim to * be* lesbian women. And, they sure do not care about the collateral damage of confused, groomed girls and young women - both gay and straight.

And, I do not believe in the Gender Fairy. That is delusional. :-)

Scottish warriors wore skirts. Maybe they will be re-written as "transwomen" now just as Joan or Arc and Queen Elizabeth I are somehow men now.

Agree about Ts are trying to use the cred of the LGBs. Actually, they have been succeeding so far.

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Mildred, as I said above, I agree that there are a lot of well intentioned people in the gay rights movement. But I also think most of them are being used as tools by the powerful who have a more purient agenda.

I agree about the nonsensibility of the acronym. The first 3 letters require the binary nature of sexuality and the rest deny it. But this is the acronym they (the proponents) have chosen. Gays against Groomers may be a great organization, but they are tiny and have no institutional support among our elites. They don't set the rules of the game, and those that do appear to be setting those rules with the express goal of gaining sexual access to kids.

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The point of Gay Rights activism in the 70’s and 80’s was to convince people that homosexuality was not a “lifestyle choice” but rather an immutable characteristic. I believe that. For me bisexuality is pushing it as it is seems more a lifestyle choice, but okay your not hurting anyone. Trans, when defined as a person “trapped” in the wrong body, meets the textbook definition of delusion. It hurts the individual, and when taught to innocent children as medical fact, it is simply evil.

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Right. And, I think that The Trevor Project, for instance, originally was a group meant to support "gay youth" at some point in the past. But, they have turned into an active child trans grooming organization. See: "The Trevor Project: Undercover Mom"


"My chat with the Trevor Project - posing as a child

So I decided to find out. I went to The Trevor Project and said I was a 15yo FTM (female-to-male) who likes boys and doesn't know whether to detransition or proceed to hormones. The child I was posing at was clearly confused."

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Wow, that took guts. Good for you.

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I'm not the undercover mother. But, yes, good for her!

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Jan 26, 2023
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This is a great distinction, Marek, that doesn't get made enough. There are lots of people who are attracted to the same sex (either at particular times or throughout their lives.) A subset of those will act on those attractions and may even embrace them long term. A smaller subset will embrace "gay" as an identity. I worked in theatre for years so I saw all 3 categories many times (#1 less than the others, since you have to know someone very well before they will reveal this.)

It was the third group at Stonewall. It is the third that dresses in puppy-gear at Pride parades. It is the third group that has driven this entire issue publicly. But members of the second group (think Andrew Sullivan) often find the third pretty embarrassing and childish.

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Acting gay is absolutely a social construct but so is acting tough, acting artistic, etc. People seek out like people with whom to commune. Given the very small real percentage of gay males out of a given population, why would they not seek to differentiate themselves in order to find others? My son is gay and can't stand preening and acting with pantomime femininity, but he gets why some guys do it.

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Gays Against Groomers might do some good work, but they work with pornographers and people who promote "trans" sometimes known as "true trans" believers.

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Prove it - I have not seen this from them at all.

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Feb 1, 2023
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My son is gay. He is also extremely intelligent. When he approached me one night about his situation, he was 16 and haltingly gave me the lowdown. Further, he did the math by looking at historical polls and figured out that the gene pool of potential partners is roughly 5%. Of those, 70% are flag wavers - he isn't interested. That leaves a tiny pool of other guys. If you honestly believe that what I described comes from socialization then you were born in the wrong decade. Go back to 1980 when otherwise reasonable people thought all gays and lesbians were "socialized to be gay and lesbian", a pathetic and utterly irrational viewpoint. My best friend is an arch Catholic and I love him, but if he says "same sex attracted" to me often enough I scream at him. God made my kid the way he made him. Pretending gay isn't a real thing is just knuckle dragging logic.

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The problem with the issue is that people have been poisoned in two ways.

1 - the mind with lies about sexual identity

2 - the body with chemical interference via neuro-toxic big pharma drugs. In the States it is particular bad where children are given an insane number of vaccines, although one is bad enough.

These are both Satan's doing as he is LGBTQ+ etc. etc. and mad as a box of frogs. As well as a liar and a murderer.

This is why the world went stark raving bonkers of the 'flu in 2020, a.k.a Covid 19 after re-branding by big pharma to make more money.

God is male and female which is why mankind is made male and female, and He most certainly did not make your son homosexual. It is Satan who does that sort of thing by lying via his minions who do his biding in big pharma and media etc.

Satan really despises those I call the children of God and does anything he can to mess things up, and I am using a polite word there as 'mess' is very weak.

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Jan 28, 2023
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Touched a nerve? Lol

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Look, most sane people know that gays are different than pedos.

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Feb 1, 2023
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Dude, your reality is bizaare. Gays do what they do because they are men. Men fetishize all sorts of things and are tied to visualization in matters of sex. It sounds like you have some illogical belief that gay men are not men; gay men simply don't have the steadying hand of women, who view sex differently than men, to stop them from doing all of the things that men would do if they had a free hand. Internet porn is absolute proof of this and proof that the system you put forth is deeply flawed.

I will admit that there is something unique seemingly to a faction of gay men surrounding sex with young teens. I don't know straight guys who have any interest in young girls, but a lot of gay men I've worked with and been friends with have referenced liking much younger guys. It's really gross.

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Jan 26, 2023
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Me thinks thou dost protest too much. Lol prove your accusations and I will apologize

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You have read what you wanted to believe. We can no longer make you believe that homosexuality is a part of a person's makeup as to make you believe in ghosts. But I bet you buy into NDEs right?

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"The most vocal proponents of the LGBTQIA2S++ agenda aren't in in for human rights."

The evidence is voluminous. Here's just one:

"Prominent New York trans activist arrested for allegedly soliciting a minor"


"A transgender activist in New York City was arrested and charged for allegedly soliciting a minor, legal documents show.

Trans and HIV activist Lailani Muniz was arrested last month in the Bronx after corresponding with someone whom Muniz thought was a 14-year-old boy identified as “Josh” on the LGBT dating app Grindr, according to the criminal complaint obtained by Fox News Digital.

“Josh,” however, was actually a man who works at the nonprofit NY Creeps Spotlight, which exposes people who target children."

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It's important to separate the LGB from the T. Many gay people are alarmed at the downright homophobic tone that trans activists take. Effeminate boys and tomboyish girls -- who in saner times would just be allowed to be themselves (and would most likely turn out to be gay) -- are now being told they might be, or likely are, trans. And lesbians especially are being told that they're "transphobic" because they won't have sex with a man who calls himself a woman. The T is devouring the LGB.

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You're right, the T is devouring the LGB, but I don't think they're as easily separable as you hope. Both are rooted in J.S. Mill's harm principle, commonly stated as "my rights only end at your nose". I'm reading the Cunning of Freedom by Polish MP Ryzard Legutko who has a great deal to say about the problem of rights being unrooted in modern societies. Patrick Deneen does too in How Liberalism Failed. I believe both would be highly doubtful of the idea that the LGB and the T can be divided.

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Well, we need to make it stop. Perhaps if the Ideology were exposed to be the magical fairy thinking that it is?

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You are completely correct! May God bless and keep you

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Thank you. I appreciate that. - LM

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A men ! Nailed it 💯!

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"The most vocal proponents of the LGBTQIA2S++ agenda aren't in in for human rights. They just want to have sex with kids."

A "kid" is under 13 by definition. Exactly how many of these are trying to have sex with small children under 13? I'd say very few. You're hysterical.

Teenagers are not children! They are little adults, young adults, junior adults. And adults have been having sex with teenage girls for almost all of human existence. Absolutely zero harm has been reported from this behavior.

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Well done, Abigail. I was a foster parent 30 years ago and took pride in the way we were able to provide stability for vulnerable and confused children. I am horrified at the ideology they embrace now in CA. Many children will be harmed before this turns around.

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Got to get you back on Bill Maher because he’s the closest this story will get to MSM.

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Never trust a person named “Weiner”.

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OK, you win the Internet for today.

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Or whose full name can anagram to:

erections wt

erotic newts

entice worst

encores twit

incest tower

necrotise wt

As I like to say, "Houston, we have a problem'.

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It’s “Wiener,” you dyslexic.

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Too much non-phonic reading instruction has given a whole generation dyslexia.

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Weiner truly and unabashedly suppports grooming and trafficking

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Thank you for saying it outright, Steven. I agree absolutely and he can call me transphobic or homophobic all he likes. The damage he is doing to gay men -- associating them with pedophilia, trafficking, etc -- is beyond belief. He may be an "out" gay, but my guess is he's an extremely self-hating gay man.

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Weiner may be ‘moderate’ in some regards, especially if getting campaign donations, but in reality this guy is one sick evil person gloating about his gay status and being abusive when questioned. Such a horrible man and of course from San Francisco, a city of porn and immorality.

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Enough hyperbole for you, Ruth? San Francisco is many things but no more immoral or porn ridden than the rest of America. This kind of over the top reaction undercuts the valid criticism of Senator Wiener.

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🤣never said it was the only city of porn and immorality. If that’s where you live, I’m sorry for your misfortune.

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Foster youth ID as trans at a very high rate. But they are surrendered, on average, between age 2 and 3. Their issues stem from early abandonment, trauma, neglect, and abuse, not 'gender.' These are not kids who get kicked out of their houses because of 'identity,' as Weiner fantasizes. This law shows no understanding of developmental reality, and is based on activist 'studies' which play fast and loose with the facts.

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I'm a child advocate inside the California foster system advocating to fight this ideology nearly every day! Writing, showing up to parent meetings, talking to mental health so-called experts and and directors, anyone I can. It's incredible that foster parents in CA can ask for additional funds from the state to fund social transitions, and I've seen this happen regularly now, it's en vogue! I have been shut down, cancelled, stalked, and stigmatized because I've spoken out, as a lesbian former foster youth and now adopted mom. Then who the hell are these people going to listen to?! This ideology is die-hard, and they're experimenting on the most vulnerable in society, already traumatized children. I write a substack from this perspective and recently wrote about a predator in So. Cal making national news.


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I have been a CASA since 2015.

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That's wonderful, thank you! We foster parents need all hands on deck, it really takes a village and our CASAs really look out for these kids.

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Thank you so much for what you are doing! I was a foster parent until my foster daughter -- severe attachment disorder -- was starting to get attached to me, then the caseworker and the social worker "therapist" whisked her out of here before you could say "What?" (They immediately wanted me to take another teenager, but I had had enough of THEM.) I know how hard it is to do what you do, especially fighting a system that seems determined to damage children. I hope you don't mind if I keep you in my prayers.

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Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities.

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The nexus of sex-trafficking, drag queens in schools, plus children put in foster care if they express cross-sex ideation is predictable, if you talk to trans widows, that is, the ex-wives of men who ideate a female persona. How is it that we can predict this woo? The therapists and doctors we accompanied our husbands to claimed you can change sex and if you don't stay as a loyal wife, the fault is yours for 'breaking up the family." This is ongoing, more young mothers in my shoes are contacting me to act as their voices. There is no such legitimate thing as "true trans." The science is not there. Link to commentary on Dr. Stephen B. Levine's expert testimony on this point:


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Excellent article, Abigail. Can't wait for your book.

I'm an atheist who doesn't believe in the supernatural. But Scott Wiener sure sounds like the living embodiment of the devil incarnate.

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One can be an agnostic or atheist and still know that true evil exists in this world...

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Very true.

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He does, this is because Satan is LGBTQ+ etc.etc. all rolled into one. He hates the human race and will do anything to muck things up.

Other first letters are available for 'muck' of course. :)

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Wow. He smartly aligns himself with centrists on other issues which in turn gives him a pass on this stuff. But net-net this is a really bad person.

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Which confirms that he does know exactly what he’s doing

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True. Evil is clever in many ways although ultimately stupid as it never succeeds in the end.

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Again, the remarkable and courageous Abigail Shrier composes a searing indictment of the horror affecting our youth.

At some point, having a bad conscience for their misdeeds may haunt these individuals.

History, as the final judge of our deeds, will not be kind to those who knowingly harm children.

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Scott Weiner is a predator groomer. Expose plume health, which mails hormones and surgery support letters across state lines: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2

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This is...awful. Thank You for shining a light on it.

Progressives seem to believe in a lot of things, but data and statistics aren't two of them. Not wacky enough, I guess.

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Please stop lumping all progressive people into one category. I’m a progressive who works with data and statistics and appreciates both. And I find Weiner and his legislation disgusting.

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Then maybe you're not really progressive. Because you seem sane and their ideas are lunacy.

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Linda - apologies. I didn't intend to offend, though I think these days "progressive" has become a pejorative for many. To me, at least, the term is associated with a most of society's ills today. Performative, narcissistic, destructive, myopic, crybullying, obtuse, intellectually dishonest, divisive, dystopian. Probably a lot of other depressing adjectives as well. I certainly hope that doesn't describe you. :)

Such a horrible time in which to be alive and able to think for oneself.

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I am afraid the word "progressive" as opposed to simply "liberal" has become something of a code word for Gender Ideology, CRT, mutilating children, going behind the backs of parents in the schools, and generally the policies of people like Scott Weiner and Richard Levine.. "Ally" is now a major dirty word to me. If more progressives could speak out against these things I could feel differently again.

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come on...just look at the wonderful new congressman george Santos. And those evangelical preachers and mormons who marry 15 young girls. Personally, I think this is a big MAN problem...who really pays for seX???

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Santos has to go. (He's worse than Biden in his failed run for the presidency in 1988.) But, I don't think he's had a major impact on the country. I also don't see Fundamentalist Mormons controlling national school policy - or national medical policy the way "Gender affirming care" for children is all over the place.

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No doubt the political and religious affiliation of the johns runs the whole spectrum and yes, the world is full of hypocrites. That misses the point entirely, which is that their behavior is being enabled by dangerous legislation and lives are being ruined or lost as a result.

Addressing the root of the problem is a lot more useful than playing whataboutism.

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Hi Linda, Here is a data driven (not slur type) article on the subject:

"Why is this happening, and who can fix it?"


"Data sharpens the question of where this problem came from—and more importantly where the solution will come from. I think the solution can only come from liberal “Blue America,” not from conservative “Red America.” And I make some suggestions about language as our battlefield."

And, this one focuses specifically on Davis, CA:


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I can guarentee you that many conservatives are paying these for sex from these kids.

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On the PITT Substack, they talk about Sage, a girl who ran away from home while transitioning to male. Sage ended up being sexually assaulted and sex trafficked. Twice. https://open.substack.com/pub/pitt/p/sages-law?r=2js06&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Jan 25, 2023
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What do you mean?

That's a pretty opaque statement so I'm having to guess at what you're saying. I can't debate on guesswork so please clarify.

I've seen nothing that alarmed me with regard to people's motives on PITT and unless you're prepared to back up your allegations (of whatever it is you're getting at) I think you should withdraw your comment.

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Having read numerous comments on multiple substacks from Marek, it is clear that he believes that homosexuality is a choice and is evil.

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Well that's what I guessed he meant, but I like to be clear about what is being said before I try to counter it. He is advising people that PITT are bad-faith actors and I see PITT as a wholly good-faith actor supporting parents and their struggles to raise healthy and happy children in the face of the transdemic.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion but I don't like unevidenced mudslinging.

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Marek thinks being gay is sinful and pops up on PITT comment threads all the time criticizing those that support the LGB part of LGBT. It’s annoying.

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And a distraction from the real issues.

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Exactly! Not sure much can be done though. 🤷‍♀️

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Tediously, we will have to keep posting rebuttals.

New people are joining the GC forums all the time (especially here in the UK at the moment) and it's important that we all ensure that the false accusations of homophobia etc that the trans lobbyists level against us can't be evidenced by any seeming agreement with such as Marek.

Personally I find his views offensive and though he has a right to hold them I don't think he has the right to express them in the contexts he does. However, each Substack owner must decide whether they wish to ban him.

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Jan 26, 2023
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Thank you for answering and I can see your pov. I cannot sympathise with your definition of homosexuality as a sin but you do have the right to that belief. I can see that you have a personal negative attitude to PITT but I still think they are a force for good.

I do agree with you about social transition. Here in the UK the interim Cass report has warned that this is "not a neutral act" and I concur, it is the first dangerous step on a terrible road and should be dealt with accordingly.

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Marvelous piece Mrs. Shrier!

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