What's truly sad is that there are many trans women who don't adhere to these language contortions. They acknowledge their unique status. Saying trans women are trans women is fine with them. Why can't their voices be heard? But no, they get cancelled, too.

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You’re exactly right. I’m a trans woman who doesn’t buy into any of the woke nonsense about actually being born female. I keep my status private and feel lucky to just be able to blend in. No one in my day to day life knows my history.

I would never, however, challenge biological women in competitive sports. How selfish it is for any mediocre male athlete to stand in the way of opportunities for women to excel.

Having said that, gender dysphoria, whatever it is, is no joke. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.

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I appreciate your insights. Please don’t let the argumentative person(s) get you down.

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I appreciate the note.

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It’s the battle of the Autogynephile vs the homosexual transexual. That is why the two different types of trans need to be public ally discussed.

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That is because Shier has to pander to people who want to praise her. She never talk about why sexual inverts exist. If she really cared about sexual inverted transsexuals, she wouldn't lie. But, she does.

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So true

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The elephant in the room is pornography. The idea that women can be reduced to an appearance, a hyper-feminine performance, sexual submissiveness, and body parts comes directly from a porn-saturated culture, and all of these men are getting their ideas about women from porn consumption or the society it has shaped.

Whereas women and girls are seeking to escape objectification, such men see women as only objectification, an experience they can possess, not as humans in full ownership of our own female bodies.

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Absolutely believe this and needs to be studied. Porn now is so graphic and easily accessible and such an issue for men to get addicted to.

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"Body parts"? Are you saying that saying only women have vaginas is because of porn consumption.

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Pornography seems to be the primary vehicle that causes Autogynephilia. During masturbation teenage boys come across he-she ladyboy porn and it causes an erotic target locator error.

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Well said Abigail. What I cannot comprehend are the adults who are complicit in this lie. Thank you for standing up for women and girls.

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They want to be ‘nice’ or they just want to be subversive and transgressive and intentionally upset people and destroy society.

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Also mass hysteria, misinformation and disinformation by subversive and transgressive individuals.

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Great article. This sort of polite lie dominates women's circles because that's what we're raised on - don't upset men, don't make them uncomfortable for even a second. You see it in the lack of the same fervor toward transgender identifying females.

Cancel culture is the one sphere of control women dominate. We police each other into submission. It's a shame, but hopefully the tide is turning.

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It seems to be based on the home (women and children) group and the away (men) group. Males who can’t make it in to the away group stay within the home group as non-men. Women and non-men won’t allow men into their spaces so once they make it in to institutions they colonize them and force the men out who by the way do not feel it is fair for them to compete with women and non-men.

Majority Quotas for Men need to be mandated in all institutions to counteract the tyrannical exclusionary behavior of women and non-men for a truly diverse and inclusive society. Women and non-women should be excluded from physically competitive fields such as warfighting where men’s natural instinct to not compete with women and non-women is dangerous.

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Thank you for creating this space and your continued advocacy on behalf of women and girls. ♥️

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Thank you for everything you do! Looking forward to hearing more truth. Hopefully this censorship will wake people up to the continuous attacks on the free market of ideas.

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They're taking women's right to negotiate and navigate spaces with males. Many of us were fine with accommodating trans-identified males under circumstances where we felt safe in doing so. But you give an inch and men take ten thousand miles.

The activist lobby is actually trying to remove sex as a characteristic in human rights legislation, statistical reporting, medical research, and every other area they can with no input from the public. See Benjamin Boyce's interview with Katherine Deves. It's shocking.

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LOL. Transsexuals don't identify as trans.

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LOL. Do please explain the difference for us less-informed folk.

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Autogynephiles effectively erase homosexual transexuals. It is part of their pathology - narcissism and self denial of having Autogynephilia.

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Thanks for establishing The Truth Fairy - much needed.

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Reminds me of the gay term for heterosexuals - breeders.

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sex matters

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There is a big difference between the two types of transgenders - autogynephiles (who are very vocal men with an overwhelming paraphilia and who dominate the transgender discourse) and homosexual transexuals (who generally keep their lives private and can pretty much pass 90-99% in public).

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You are right Pawsitive. Clinical studies done years ago, but now essentially “canceled”, proved the existence of the two broad categories. Non homosexual “gender dysphoria” almost always aligns iwith sexual stimulation caused by the thought of being female (autogynephilia).

However, if there’s one topic that is verboten in the trans community it is precisely that - autogynephilia. The shame associated with it is just too strong.

So rather than deal with the truth, they delude themselves and indoctrinate others with the dogma of having actually been born women.

Of course, while society at large is burdened by this nonsense, the dogma and shame also prevent honest discussion about the problem and, ultimately, stop people from pursuing treatments less drastic than surgery (such as chemical castration).

Please be kind, autogynephilia is no joke. Unbeknownst to any mother, their four year old son may be afflicted with it and, in shame, completely internalize it, becoming an easy target for some virtue signaling trans zealot who will convince the child that surgery is the only solution. Once that thought is placed in the child’s mind it may not be possible to get it out.

We need to find a way to speak openly about such things if we are to protect our sons and, for that matter, the rest of us.

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Autogynephilia doesn’t begin until around 16 years old. Homosexual transexuals start around 3 years old and it is persistent and consistent unlike Autogynephiles who will feast and purge until they can no longer control the female persons that they created and are overwhelmed by it. That is one reason why they are so incensed over ‘dead-naming’. The female persons ‘killed’ their hated natal male host after a decades long struggle.

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Hi Pawsative ... thank you for your reply.

Personal histories can vary. In my case, the sexual arousal began at or before age four and was persistent throughout my life until I finally transitioned and it, thankfully, went away. I wish there had been a different cure available.

I believe GD is more apparent at a young age with overtly feminine boys. For others, the shame keeps it hidden and it only really manifests itself later in life -as you noted. You’re also right in your assessment about autogynephiles eventually becoming overwhelmed.

I used to run a transgender community center in a major city. I was run out of town on a rail by the vocal autogynephiles you mention when I wouldn’t promote the “I’m really a woman nonsense”. I have first hand experience with lots of cases.

In my case, I live a quiet life with my two adopted daughters and no one is the wiser about my pre-transition history. I’m lucky; I pass well and have even modeled.

Other than writing anonymously about my personal experiences I make no waves. It’s informative for others and therapeutic for me. I try to be absolutely honest. Anything less would be wrong.

I wish you well.

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Part of the pathology of Autogynephilia is to have childhood memories that are not verifiable and pseudo-homosexuality.

It’s true that some Autogynephiles can look attractive but being able to pass as biological women or as homosexual transexuals isn’t possible. Autogynephiles have gone through puberty and have had years of testosterone masculinizing their bodies. Even with surgery and hormone treatments they won’t be able to pass as biological women or homosexual transexuals, but again, some can look attractive without a doubt.

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1. all childhood memories are unverifiable. It's not an autogynephile pathology.

2. both autogynephile and homosexual transsexuals almost always pass through puberty without benefit of surgery or hormones. They're in the same boat when it comes to passing.

3. I pass fine, thank you, and have had many men and women (mom friends) in my life over the years without them knowing about my past.

I'm a conservative Republican. And I regret to tell you that your inaccuracies and bravado amount to hate speech and serve as an example why Ms. Shrier often finds herself shunned by the mainstream.

If Ms. Shrier doesn't have enough sense to filter out this kind of garbage, I'll gladly bid this blog adieu.

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Parents can back up homosexual transexuals childhood memories of sexual inversion and gender dysphoria. They will have plenty of their own examples too.

Homosexual transexuals are effeminate males apparently due to a lack of male hormones during gestation, small in stature and depending on where they live in the World they will take birth control pills around 12 years old to prevent puberty and masculinization.

My comments are based on current scientific research.

I believe it’s better to end this thread now. Goodbye.

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Nope. Ever heard of "gaydar"? Well, that is basically "femdar". They are measuring the femininity.

Autogynophiles passing is rare.

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Trish, you have been incredibly patient and kind here, and I deeply appreciate your insights. I can understand why you are becoming fed up.

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Can you give more information about the clinical studies you reference?

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I'm waiting for Mike Tyson to self identify as a lightweight, and take the lightweight title.

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Hi Richard,

Just something to ponder ...

Anyone could have a child who struggles with these issues. Now, I’m definitely in the category of someone who would discourage transitioning. Encouraging hormone blockers and such is nothing less than evil.

However, making light of the condition makes it harder for children to talk about it. They internalize their shame and are more likely to be victimized by trans zealots who encourage surgery and hormones as a solution.

I wish you well. Please don’t let the vocal woke warriors hate all of us.

I wouldn’t wish gender dysphoria on anyone.

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If a child has all the signs at a very young age that they are a sexual invert - homosexual transexual - parents should definitely look into putting the boys on birth control pills around age 12 to prevent the masculinizing effects of puberty. Girls, on the other hand, should not be put on any testosterone or other hormones or puberty blockers or have surgery. The affect of male hormones on girls is irreversible. Surgery will cause sterility. Most girls will grow out of their gender dysphoria and many boys will too. Therefore, a girl should not make any decision about surgery or taking male hormones until she is an adult.

The key is early onset around 3 years old and persistent and consistent behavior from the child that they are the other sex, have crushes on the same sex, and want to play and socialize with the opposite sex and are attracted to opposite sex interests and activities.

Putting a boy on birth control pills will delay puberty but once they are taken off the pills they will quickly masculinize. They will not be irreversibly harmed by taking birth control pills. Few homosexual transexuals get bottom surgery though they will often get top surgery - breast implants.

That said transgenderism is very rare. There has been a transgendered mass hysteria among young women fueled by social media for the last few years and now many videos can be found of young women who now regret transitioning.

Mass hysteria is a real phenomenon. Fear of COVID became the latest mass hysteria. The public can be worked up in to mass hysteria by the media and subversives. The Salem witch trials along with prior witch trials were mass hysteria. Fears of ‘white supremacists’ is another example of leaders trying to whip up mass hysteria. Don’t fall for the latest mass hysteria.

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There's nothing wrong with investigating HRT for a gender-nonconforming young son. But please, leave him alone until he goes into puberty and let him tell you whether he's an effeminate gay man or a transwoman. Fifty years of studies have demonstrated that puberty is the bright line: the majority of these boys settle with their sex and come out as gay, but there's a critical minority who find that their gender dysphoria doesn't fade. (As you point out, transgenderism is very rare.) Don't shame your son or push him in any particular direction. Offer insight therapy (neither gender-critical or gender-affirming) to help him figure it out, in case he's struggling with internalized homophobia or other issues that he hasn't discussed with you. Let him know that whether he turns out to be gay or trans (or who knows? even straight!), it's fine with you. That way he'll remain true to himself and won't feel pressured to conform to your or society's expectations.

Also, I have heard from detransitioned males that HRT is not always reversible in boys. I've heard of boys getting stuck with a micro penis or one that never grows to its full size. Sexual function and libido may be negatively affected, and overall growth may be stunted. Parents should have access to a good endocrinologist to help a boy normalize as male if he determines that he's not trans after all.

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Internalized homophobia is a term to gaslight young sexual inverts to call their own biology as "homophobia". Stop that non-sense.

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Homosexuals aren’t ‘gay’. ‘Gay’ is a lifestyle that is primarily made up of pederasts, pedophiles, sexual paraphilias - narcissism, sadomasochism, and political, social, hierarchical, economic or situational motives.

Homosexual is a sexual orientation, it is innate as is heterosexuality.

Pederasty and pedophila are cyclical - the abused will grow up to be the abuser. It should never be accepted or normalized - ever.

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Thanks for redefining the word gay. Be sure to call Webster's and let them know your new definition so that no one is out of the loop.

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Nothing new about it. Gay has always been an umbrella term and it describes a lifestyle. It doesn’t not describe a sexual orientation.

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I agree with your last paragraph. The sexual abuse of children is one of the most odious, evil and reprehensible acts that can be committed by one human being against another. Little girls are raped by priests. Fathers abuse daughters. Mothers abuse sons. It's not just a same-sex phenomenon.

As a lesbian who's been in and around the lesbian and gay community for fifty years, I make no distinction between the terms gay and homosexual and neither does anybody else I've ever known who's gay or lesbian. Personally, I prefer "lesbian" to identify myself, but as a shorthand I may sometimes say I'm "gay." Obviously, this has nothing to do with the molestation of children, paraphilias, or personality disorders such as narcissism. Over the past half century, I've known many gay men, and they have been some of the kindest, most loyal and trustworthy friends that I could hope to have. They are not child molesters.

You've identified two different types of individuals that exist within the gay community. But with all due respect, you're not going to get a lot of traction by attaching the ubiquitous, garden-variety term "gay" to behaviors that are so reprehensible. Perhaps a different term is in order.

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Lesbian and Gay are lifestyles not sexual orientations.

Most are pederasts - penetrating males who like boys - with young homosexuals as their preferred prey; Sexual Inverts, who may develop autoandrophilia (in biological males or Autogynephilia in biological females ) and become ‘new gay males’. Mirroring the gender expression of the type of person they are sexually attracted to, finding a similar looking partner doing the same thing and then switching roles as in “you pretend to be a penetrating male tonight and I get to be penetrated”; and non-trans Autogynephiles who have behavioural Autogynephilia , that is, they want to experience 'sex as a woman' ie be penetrated. These might transition in the future.

Gay is an umbrella term that has been developed to lump together homosexuals with paraphilias. By doing so wolves in sheep’s clothing get to live among the sheep and steal their identities.

Sex is better understood as wanting to penetrate and wanting to be penetrated. Masculine/Male/Pentrate/Dominate vs Feminine/Female/Penetrate/Submissive.

Low libido is asexual. Sex is a binary and gender expression is a result. Gender expression is based on whether one wants to penetrate or be penetrated. Even if it’s as simple as a submissive biological male wearing an earring or a handkerchief in their pocket to signal that they are a bottom / submissive.

My point is that true homosexuals are not gay. True homosexuals are sexual inverts - who were born that way and most don’t even consider themselves gay. Pederasts and pedophiles are cyclical meaning they are a result of abuse - the victims grow up to be the perpetrators - a repeating cycle of abuse. The abuse causes the abused - who is now too old to be found attractive to be exploited - to try to reclaim their innate desire to dominate. Pederasts often marry the opposite sex and have families while abusing youth on the side.

Homosexuals make up a very small percentage of ‘gays’. They are outnumbered and out shouted by the very vocal AGPs, etc..

Outside of the West homosexuals would live and be accepted as sexual inverts. Prior to the creation of the new gay male in the 1960’s homosexuals / sexual inverts did the same in the West.

Oscar Wilde was a pederast. He lost interest in his young wife as she got older and pursued effeminate young men / minors. He himself said he wasn’t a homosexual because he wanted to penetrate. If he were a homosexual he would have been a sexual invert and he would have wanted to exclusively be penetrated.

The real LGB agenda has been announced this week - normalizing pederasty (and pedophilia) under their new term ‘minor attracted persons’. The highly coordinated MAP campaign stated officially this week with the announcement by an Old Dominion University professor who was quickly joined by a chorus of supporters in academia.

Wolves who have now taking off t he their sheepskins who intend to dupe others in to believing that there is such a thing as an altruistic/ non- practicing pederast / pedophile who should be allowed near minors, children and youth - actually they want their agenda to be encouraged and celebrated under diversity and inclusion.

As a self described ‘lesbian’ only you know what they means in your life and sexuality. No one should ever mistaken homosexuality for the LGB and AGP ( Heterosexual/ pseudo bisexual transvestite) lifestyle.

There are differing degrees of sexual inversion. Homosexual transexuals being the complete sexual inversion. With some ‘gays’ being incomplete sexual inverts. The rage of TERFs over gender reassignment surgery for

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My understanding is that homosexual transexuals will acknowledge what they are - biological males, but autogynephiles are the ones who insist that “transwomen are women.” Yet HSTS are far more convincingly female.

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I think that's almost always true. But there is the occasional autogynephile who acknowledges that that's what he, is but still feels better presenting as female; for instance, Debbie Hayton.


Hayton says: "I speak from experience when I say that it’s difficult for autogynephiles to admit the simple truth that they are simply heterosexual males who use the conceit of female self-identification as a means to rationalize their sexual attraction to a female version of themselves. As any sex therapist can attest, people often feel ashamed about unusual sexual proclivities. Shame is a powerful emotion, and a person who suffers from it often will be driven to control their narrative in a way that protects their sense of self-worth.

"Autogynephilia drove my own transsexualism. And I can attest that there is huge mental dissonance built up in the brain of a male who somehow is heterosexually attracted to their own body. This paradox can have a devastating effect on one’s mental health. I also can attest that the process of gender reassignment can help alleviate that dissonance. My critique of gender ideology should in no way be interpreted as an argument to deny such therapies to males such as myself."

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Yes I’ve heard Autogynephiles admit that they their sexual paraphilia fills them with great shame. I’m sure it is extremely difficult to live with, on the other hand, they tend to be highly narcissistic and narcissists are pretty awful and abusive in endless ways.

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Hayton is a liar. She said she had gender confusion at 4. Like 4? An AGP?

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Thank you for using your strong and clear voice to advocate for women and girls. Thank you for articulating the issues with your insight and depth. Your voice will change minds.

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Thank you for everything you are doing. We need to stay grounded in reality. It feels like women need to start from ground zero for our rights all over again. This is crazy.

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