Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023

Good timing for this article since I'm currently watching, "What is a Woman?".

Social work is one of the most worthless degrees out there. Statistically speaking they are one of the most prone to mental illness and they have the lowest IQ out of all of Academia.

I think things in society are finally beginning to change and we will see a massive turn in the next couple years. People are done with DEI, woke indoctrination, and and virtue signaling corporations.

My only concern is that it continues and people don't give up. The Bud light and Target brands need to be destroyed to set an example for others. I truly hope more people also support school choice and realize that the humanities and social sciences are completely broken.

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Follow the money. The billionaire Pritzker family is the Sackler family of trans. They fund trans health initiatives and profit from trans drugs. The corrupted doctors, health systems, and big pharma companies view trans as a cash cow. Until we hold them accountable, the madness will continue to destroy children's lives: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2

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Also look at the Stryker family, whose John (net worth 4 Billion) heads the Arcus Foundation, another leading funder of trans rights (& curiously, primate habitat conservation). What does Stryker Corp. do? Leading manufacturer of surgical instruments.

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Jennifer Bilek, being one of the earliest (and bravest) voices in the debate, has been smeared with many things. I don't know how much the Stryker family benefits from the emerging medical apparatus of trans but it is a fact that Arcus Foundation money was instrumental in the corruption of the UK gay rights organisation Stonewall. The donations are visible in the published accounts.

Arcus is, of course, a Stryker family charitable trust.

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And the woman Pritzker who used to be a man (Jennifer?) OWNS a company which supplies implants and medical devices for gender surgeries. 😤😡

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023

Yes, and he is still a man whatever he calls himself - Jennifer/James - and regardless of what cosmetic surgeries he may or may not have. If it were just a matter of wanting their pals to call these dudes "she" nobody would care - but these men need the enforced "affirmation" of all of humanity. And, this is not mental illness/narcissism?

Also, they seem to need the validation of transing the girls:


Look at the people trying to take down the above study. They wrote a letter threatening that they will no longer review academic papers if the real scientists are not taken down. How about we take them at their word? Let them find other employment or or a nice mental institution. Anyone who has viewed "What is a Woman" will find it interesting to see "Marci" Bowers name on the letter against the academic paper on ROGD. These mentally ill and fetished folks are trying to "Lisa Littman" the paper in order to justify their own choices in lifestyle and also profit making (harming others).


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We need to insist that Biden remove "Rachael" Richard Levine as health secretary as he promotes harming children - not that Biden would understand - so his handlers need to do this - NOW.

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More than gender issues, Mr Levine should be removed because as a health official in Pennsylvania during the pandemic, he issued a regulation prohibiting nursing homes from screening visitors and new patients for COVID, on the grounds that the virus was already prevalent in nursing homes.

The morning before he issued the regulation, he took his mother out of a nursing home and brought her home.

I chose my pronouns carefully, in the hope Mr Levine will find them offensive. It will be the only penalty he's likely to face for his actions during the pandemic.

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This! I believe Levine is a toxic force where President Biden is concerned. Joe Biden is a caring man with good intentions who has a supposed expert telling him that transing children will prevent them from committing suicide, and that the caring, Progressive thing to do is support the child's own choices. Levine is his only source of information. I would give anything for a Gender Critical writer like Ms. Shrier, Kara Dansky, etc. to have a chance to show President Biden the harm gender ideology is doing to Women's Rights and to the lives and bodies of confused, sick children.

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No, Joe Biden is not a caring man. He is a corrupt, greedy, profoundly dishonest creep who has his own bizarre invasive thing going on with underage girls. He's also affected by senile dementia and wouldn't even have the mental capacity to understand what Ms. Shrier would have to say.

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They won’t because: 1. campaigns are being funded by the people mentioned above 2. Millennials and Gen Z are believers so this is how they buy their vote. Another point is this started back with Obama allowing trans to serve in the military & have the SRS paid for by tax payer dollars.

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They will never do that until he loses the 2024 election bigly. And then we won't need them to do that.

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I fear you are right. I also hope for a President DeSantis and not another Biden type regime.

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Joe Biden hasn't the foggiest understanding of the trans debate. He's got a bunch of woke kiddie aides telling him what to think about this & he doesn't have time to do his own research as he's got *real* problems to deal with. Someone adult needs to pull him aside and point out he's harming women and children.

I'm not voting Democrat next year. I'll 'throw away' my vote on an indy rather than vote against women and chilren (which is one of the many reasons why I don't vote Republican).

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Good one: "‘Fat Guy In A Costume’: Tucker Carlson Mocks Rachel ‘Rick’ Levine For Pushing Trans Ideology" https://dailycaller.com/2023/06/30/tucker-carlson-rachel-levine-trans-ideology/

It's TC episode 8.

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If you are interested in the social contagion aspect, you might be interested in this article out not long ago in The TransAtlantic – "Ideology & Anxiety: What Can We Learn From Penis-Shrinking Panics?". If you get something from it, please do share...


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Jennifer Pritzker is a man. Just say it.

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💯 and looks like one too, of course

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A man named James.

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A pig in a wig. Although I think Rachel Levine whatever his real name is is uglier.

Which is not saying much.

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Money is the root of all evil. And evil has taken root.

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023

Aren’t you glad you don’t live in Illinois where the Pritzker demons oppress their people?

Howdy, stop going to Hyatt Hotels.

No worries, this fat wealthy man will meet his match, and then bow down like the low dog he is. And then grovel and screech as King Jesus sends him to the Lake of Fire.

God is good, all the time….

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Our friends own a Caterpillar franchise here in VA. I love that Cat has now moved HQ to TX.

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Yes. The Federalist put out a very detailed expose back in '18. Trans billionaire Pritzker, trans millionaire Rothblatt, gay billionaire Stryker and gay millionaires Gill, Pike and Bonham, as well as the estate of deceased gay millionaire Weiland.


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If only it was just limited to big business elites. The truth is much darker than this. Take another example, most educated people have learned to attribute the madness of the Cultural Revolution to Mao and his gang of acolytes. The real problem though was the tens of millions of biddable, favour-seeking, grudge-bearing 'ordinary folk' who made Mao important in the first place. Its exactly the same now with millions of tertiary 'educated' bureaucrats and administrators etc etc who do these gender fanatics' bidding. Why did our wonderful Western 'free' media ever give voice and traction to this tiny tiny minority's obsessions in the first place. THAT is the real Western disease

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And that remains a mystery. It's crucial to understand what's going on here, yet it remains inscrutable. At least to this troubled observer...

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My own answer - for what it's worth - is that it is a downside inherent in mass media that it will give a disproportionately large voice to certain kinds....the politico-obsessive, the mouthy and malcontent especially. More balanced people will simply be far less likely to be forever spouting their opinions. A tragedy really.

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023

The sack of shyts have murdered hundreds of thousands.

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Well said, especially "The billionaire Pritzker family is the Sackler family of trans." My wife and I listened to a radio adaption of a book about the Sackler's crimes. We are in the UK and I had not been aware. I was appalled.

I did look into Pritzker though.


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I dearly hope you’re right, but I FEAR that Ms. Shrier is... We are SO much further down the rabbit hole than people realize. Wokeism is now baked into every facet of the structure of our society: education (K-12 onwards); the economy (ESG in both private and public sectors); government (how about Biden’s extensive regulations -- via executive orders -- to embed cadres of DEI commissars into every department of every government agency); sports (Title IX, anyone); the arts; the mainstream media (Substack is one of the few places of truth left, and it’s not actually “mainstream”); etc. We have truly undergone a bloodless coup.

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Once it becomes a Belief when people think they’re going to get some sort of salvation at the end of the gender journey. It’s very hard to get people to stop believing with so much sunk cost,

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Please do not use the moniker Ms. It is an extreme insult to actual women and an insult their own psyche. I prefer to use the ancient terms of endearment. Miss, for young women before they marry, or even much older women who never do marry. Or Mrs, for women who fulfill their ancient purpose in life. To create a home. Welcoming to their husband and their children. And grandchildren. It is honorable to be a Miss. some are too shy to be married. Some devote themselves to God for life.

Men do not share a similar moniker. But they also have stations in life. Virulent men always prefer marriage to procreate and prosper our species. Some men are damaged in health or body. Some men are perpetually single men.

Jesus Christ spoke on this topic in Matthew 19. We are not all the same. But we are also not deviant freaks like the trans whatevers or the homosexual deviants.

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most the females write emails to for work or business i will never meet and its none of my business if their married or their age. so i cant use miss or mrs.

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I'm offended if I'm not called Ms. The titles Miss & Mrs. are indicative of ownership in a patriarchal system. I am neither the property of a father or a husband. I have my own agency. Mixing extreme religious ideology with opposition to gender ideology gives the Trans Activists a powerful slur to use against Liberals who might otherwise speak out against it. If you want to accomplish a cultural shift, it's going to take Centrists of both parties acting together.

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Do Democrats have centralists?

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Democrats love the centralization of power in Washington.

OTOH they use the promise of centrism as a tactic. Real compromise with Leftists is not really possible because Leftists never really compromise. They sometimes agree to compromise, but after the Right has moved Left, the Left never move Right; the Left always just moves farther Left.

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Tom Potts: Please don't be stupid. I know I'm asking for something you are not able to do, but perhaps it will help if you try.

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It’s very disturbing!I am not brave enough to talk with my Unitarian liberal friends who are totally converted to this new religion. Only a very few realize what is happening.

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But then, but. Who controls the orbits of the quarks ?

Every so often, Yahweh sends out new prophets to preach truth to His people.

Alone and isolated, we have no power. Who has to actually power to change things?

So, don’t go all stupid folks. “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay.”

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Tom, your stupidity is in believing that Christianity is the true religion. I believe in God, and there is evidence for God, but "he" is not what people expect. "He" is a multidimensional creature composed of living energy, the same energy we are all composed of. Christianity is an ancient religion filled with the twisted and prejudiced ideas of an ancient culture. Quoting the Bible will get you nowhere when dealing with rational people. This "deviant" has more wisdom than you do.

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You seem to be interested in the ways and means in how these things spread. If you are interested in the social contagion aspect of this, you might be interested in this article out not long ago in The TransAtlantic – "Ideology & Anxiety: What Can We Learn From Penis-Shrinking Panics?". If you get something from it, please do share...


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Bud Light’s decision to feature the misogynistic mug of a prancing pony on its beer can and Target’s perverse desire to market “trans-friendly” swimwear to children serve as the latest confirmation of the blue-collar suspicion that liberalism is no longer organized around working-class economic interests, further encouraging conservatives in their feeling of cultural besiegement and the sense that all major institutions of American life are arrayed against their mores and values and traditions.


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pony or gelding?

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Re "liberalism is no longer organized around working-class economic interests"

I am not sure it ever really was.

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FYI most pedophiles are heterosexual, as are the trans who insist on being in women’s spaces.

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That is utter bs.

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School choice is critical. Home schooling is great!!

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"Statistically speaking they are one of the most prone to mental illness and they have the lowest IQ out of all of Academia."

Lmao I can totally believe that. A lot of them certainly seem that way.

Where can I find those statistics? I'd like to use them to win some internet arguments lol.

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I hope you don't mind if I throw a spanner in the works.

As someone with eight decades of personal experience with the issue, I'd like to point out that there can be a distinction between being transgender and living with gender dysphoria.

I don't believe that gender dysphoria is defined as a mental illness, although many in the public sector would dismiss it at as such. It can come and go, disappearing for long periods and then returning with greater urgency. Those who think it's a choice don't understand how the accompanying confusion and stress can dominate one's thoughts and make day-to-day living more difficult. I would not wish the condition upon anyone.

Seeking relief, one may well experiment with presenting as the "other" gender because it feels like the right path to take. And then, when the urgency subsides, that person can feel shame and believe that he (most commonly) can and should control the impulse that pushed him in that direction. Can one accurately apply the label of "transgender" to someone without a clear-cut desire to change?

Depending upon the individual, hormone treatment may help to alleviate the dysphoria. It can make it feel less important and more easily controlled. Or, it might reinforce the feelings of those whose urges are stronger and may lead them to consider transition. I think it's important not to paint with too broad a brush and assume that every gender dysphoric person is transgender. One doesn't "grow out of" gender dysphoria. Some can find a way to live with it and some cannot, and a lot depends upon how it impacts the person's life.

I write this hoping to make the point that some who society would deem "transgender" are just as much as odds with what's happening today as is anyone else. The concepts of "transgenderism" and "trans agenda" are foreign to me. I don't favor giving puberty blockers to minors.

I am not gay and I don't live a "lifestyle". I've always been gender dysphoric, but that's not something I'm proud of. I don't need a flag.

Anyone who would define me as a "pervert", "sinner", "child groomer", et al., is - in scientific terms - a blithering idiot.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

Real & important stories like this are key to all our understanding of this issue & I really feel for you. Personally I would never dismiss any mental health condition, whether it be ‘gender dysphoria’, schizophrenia or clinical depression. They are all conditions of misperception of reality & must be awful to experience.

As for ‘transitioning’ I think is a misnomer. Nothing is actually crossed over too. Hormones will change your body shape, voice etc, but they will never change your sex. So it becomes a palimpsest, a veil that can partially fool the person themselves but, crucially, it’s to gain affirmation from the rest of the world, from whom the person seeks validation. The problems come when the affirmation is sought for nefarious reasons, as we see in the activist set of people now trying to push an agenda, but also those who would use the conceit in order to disrupt social ‘rules’ ie, entering women’s toilets, changing rooms, hospitals, prisons etc, in order to prey on & abuse women. It becomes an easy route for fetishists & it’s this safeguarding aspect that women seek to address. There is also of course the issue of paedophiles using ‘trans’ ideology to encourage children, usually via social media, into a gender-confused state in order to ‘recruit’ them to their cause.

The word ‘transgender’ is equally problematic. I wear jeans & sweatshirts most of the time, I have short (ish) hair & I only wear make up rarely (weddings, funerals & Christmas mainly!) Does that make me a man? No, because I’m not dysphoric. But you could say I’m not gender conforming either. Because women of my generation (born in the 50s) have been dressing however they like since the 70s. We’ve been wearing trousers & other stereotypically ‘male’ clothing for decades. So now we see men in dresses & lipstick but we’re supposed to think that they actually are women? Or more importantly - THEY think they’re women. But skirts, lipstick, long hair, nail polish… these things don’t ‘make’ a woman. They’re just presentation. And they’re a 50s stereotype. By this definition we’re all ‘transgender’ now, because gender stereotypes are just superficial.

My point is that a man’s urge to ‘be’ a woman can’t come from knowing how a it feels to be a woman. Only a woman can know that. So it probably comes from a need to ‘present’ as a woman - but a throwback woman from the 1950s when they wore skirts & dresses & looked like something out of a 50s soap advert… it’s as if men never got the memo 50 years ago that said it’s ok now - dress how you like, women. As in ‘wear a dress - be fabulous!’

(Check out the song ‘My Conviction’ from the musical ‘Hair’.)

So, if women have broken through the gender ceiling & can wear whatever they like & still be women, man should equally be able to wear whatever they like without anxiety or shame .. and just be men. Gay, straight, bi, whatever. Men who, like women, just want to smash gender stereotypes.

That would be a win for everyone.

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As a person who's very much grounded in logic and reality, I don't understand to this day why I felt such an intense need to appear in public as female mode. I knew it was a masquerade and was certain it would be seen as such by others. I constantly feared for my personal safety when not among people who (to their great credit) accepted my presentation at face value and were unfailingly kind. A psychologist whose advice I sought pronounced me one of the most well-adjusted clients she'd ever had. And yet I was in the grips of something mental that overwhelmed my common sense and stoic nature to push me out the door to risk disaster in many forms. I hated the feeling of being driven to action by something I could not control, and I'm very thankful that my particular flavor of gender dysphoria turned out to be cyclical and has now - at my advanced age - essentially dissipated.

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I'm sorry if I misled you to assume that I was seeking your advice.

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I’m sorry if it felt that I was patronising you.

I hoped to empathise. Everything else was just my own personal thoughts on the issue.

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A large number of the APA members were closet homosexuals and wanted to come out. This also played a role.

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Wtf planet are you on? You must be old and stuck in the 70’s.

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Yes re book. But you’re conflating transgenderism with homosexuality. Check out Michael Bailey’s work on autogynephelia- they are primarily heterosexual men.

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Social Workers serve as the middle men and "fixers" between the people looking for handouts and Big Mommy Government. A symbiotic relationship that's so complicated and out of control now, (thanks to thoughtless job, family, and human will destruction) that a job had to be created to meet demand.

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I have a friend who is a psychologist, a profession he actually left about 30 years ago and became a chef. While very proud of that doctorate, he became disillusioned. He told me, long before the madness of trans ideology, that most social workers are mentally unstable, psychologists are worse and psychiatrists are the most mentally unfit people he has ever been exposed to.

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Your typical shrink could easily get diagnosed with at least one personality disorder. If any took their own tests. :)

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Most psychiatrists have had to go through their own intense therapy experience as part of their training. Got to ‘fix’ your own head before you can claim to be able to ‘fix’ other people’s .

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Well said.

'lo sir wacko' is anagram of 'social work', I just checked. Might explain the mental illness.

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I think there is shift underway. If you are interested in the social contagion aspect of the trans phenomenon, you might be interested in this article out not long ago in The TransAtlantic – "Ideology & Anxiety: What Can We Learn From Penis-Shrinking Panics?". If you get something from it, please do share...


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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Same here; "What is a Woman" primed me for this blog post.

The Church of Gender Ideology has Satan's fingerprints all over it.

I think iI'll start referring to people as scientific descriptions rather than pronouns, ie. "Is biological male ready to start the meeting?"

Really, I exist in a location in which people are not giving thought to such foundational questions of "what am I," like we all figured it out early on and moved to larger issues such as short and long term investing, but if I ever have a reason to respond to a GI church member, I'll have my vocabulary in order.

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Me too, I also just saw it a few hours ago.

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I think you could use some counseling.

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I am not waiting for the gender pendulum to swing back either.

I am testifying against bills in the Oregon legislature that would irreparably harm children, and working to get others to join organizations fighting for women and children, who are being harmed by transgender ideology.

https://womensliberationfront.org https://womensdeclarationusa.com https://www.partnersforethicalcare.com


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Thank you for fighting. Wishing you much strength and success. And resilience.

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Women's Declaration has remained steadfast in its support for the rights of women. Unfortunately many other organisatons, e.g. Planned Parenthood, Stonewall (UK), have been capureed by transgenderism.

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By 'capureed' I meant 'captured', of course. Here in the UK, that is the term used for all the people, organisations and institutions that have fallen into the gender identity trap: the BBC, the universities, the health service (one man who went to donate blood was asked if he might possibly be pregnant), etc.

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Holly Hart, is there an organization in Oregon fighting the bills? I’m moving to the state soon and want to be involved.

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There are several groups that you could join, depending on what you want your focus to be and where you will be living in Oregon. Contact me when you get here: hollymhart@gmail.com

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I will! Thank you!

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WoLF (Women's Liberation Front, one of the groups Holly mentioned) is doing great work in general and is well deserving of support: https://womensliberationfront.org

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Thank you!

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Today my daughter competed in her first track and field tournament. She won first place with three of her classmates in the grade four girls 4x100m relay.

When they handed her a blue ribbon it took her a moment in all of the excitement and confusion to realize what she was holding in her hand. Then, knowing that her dad and I were just on the other side of the track watching, she bolted to us as fast as she had run in the race. She ran into our waiting arms absolutely elated. It was one of those magical moments you don’t easily forget as a parent.

Later in the day it occurred to me that someday she could have these important moments sullied by a circumstance that she should never have to face - losing to a biological boy who shouldn’t be competing with her. I pray that never happens to her.

Thank you so much for fighting the good fight. Thank you for putting up with this nonsense for our girls. They are worth it.

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Congratulations to your daughter. It must've been a wonderful experience for all of you. As the father of a daughter, myself, I certainly hope that she will never lose in an unfair competition... BTW, you may find this essay intersting... https://everythingisbiology.substack.com/p/beauty-pageants-rarely-make-me-sad

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Yes, Andrea, I think about this every day. I was always terrible at sports—so I can’t relate directly—but I think of this generation of girls growing up and I think of their parents, how sad it is that some are being forced to compete against biological males. and it’s so so so sad—I think of people in your situation every day, and my heart breaks for you.

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023

I agree - but the silver lining is that the sports issue gets more broad attention in society and has a chance of bringing GI down. Somehow, the 100 child "Gender Clinics" in the US do not catch enough attention or outrage, nor does the Gender Evangelism in the classroom as most people buy into the lie that the matter is somehow about "civil rights" and "not denying healthcare" for a very few. But, sports competitions... people are noticing the unfairness there.

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Yes, and once one leg of this falls, they all do. How can the culture say, for example, that a 'transman" can't compete against women but he can go to a women's prison? Hopefully, the sports issue is the first card to fall.

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You’re right. I wish the mutilation of kids were enough to outrage the centre. It makes me very angry. It was the reason we moved our daughter out of the public school system where we live. Not for one more day did I want to risk her being indoctrinated. But even after moving her to a better school we still live in fear that her experience as a girl is under threat.

Trans ideology has far reaching impacts for girls and woman.

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Yes. Our daughter was indoctrinated in a private school years ago before we understood TI to be a thing. I think she is ok now?

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Girls need to “stand-down “ and not participate in competitions that involve boys. Do this collectively and we could win. Bravo on your daughter!

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I had an argument with a 49 year old friend the other day who wanted me to “prove” that men had a physical advantage over women in sports. The total denial of reality is seeping into everything.

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i was about to tell you to show them this:


then i remembered it's useless to use facts or reasons against religious beliefs.

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We should start calling these people flat-earthers; that's the only other example I can think of right now that reaches that level of denial.

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Love it!

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Creeping and creeping and slowly sinking into consciousness. Slow and easy. The way of Satan. Steady and slow. Going to and fro across the planet earth.

The only antidote is Jesus Christ, King of Kings.

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Stop it. Your religion is yours - my religion is mine. Stop proselytizing. I’m Jewish and don’t need you telling me about the Jewish carpenter being my savior.

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I don’t think this was a personal message to you. This person was stating their belief…fellow tribesman.

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So what is the antidote to people like you? meaning, people who adopt their religion as the truth without questioning any of it? God gave us brains because he wants us to think, and you aren't doing that.

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Well, let's see. Taking estrogen does make men weaker, but it doesn't erase all their advantages. Men have larger hearts, lungs and bones than women. Men are taller, have longer legs and longer arms, which means they can run faster and have a stronger grip. Their reach is also greater, which gives them an advantage in racket sports.

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Yep. I’ve had that same discussion. I was just shut down. I was incredulous. I was told, flat out, “there is no difference.”

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At some point one realizes there is no point in “casting pearls before swine.”

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or in playing chess with a pigeon.

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Ask your friend why sports teams are divided into men's and women's. If there one sex doesn't have an advantage over the other, why should they be separate at all?

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Here's what I don't understand about this, though: for 50 or 60 years (pretty much the entire lifetime of your friend), it was feminists who insisted that there wasn't really any difference between males and females and females should be allowed to do everything males could do, and then some. The refusal to admit basic differences between males and females actually started with feminists. How can they now turn around and say that the sexes really are different, after all?

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Tell him to prove a man can be a woman first

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Thank you for being such a warrior for Truth and and a resource for those who need a clear voice of reason to carry them through this labyrinth of evil and sadness. Abigail, you could have a comfortable life and you have chosen to use your immense talent to lead our daughters to a saner place. Thank you.🙏🏼

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Gender ideology is such toxic nonsense. It has an especially pernicious impact on women and children. But advocacy is now required by all those who subscribe to the progressive faith and worship at the Church of Woke, and these people are all too happy to oblige. Now that the major civil rights victories of the late twentieth century are pretty much secured, agitators must look to new areas to initiate change because Progressivism is all about the blind desire to uproot whatever currently exists.

This goes so much further than demanding that people refrain from harming or legally discriminating against trans individuals; the demand is for people to participate in an alternative reality that is wholly dependent on the public maintaining positive regard for gender ideology and the trans movement.


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No one is "trans" though. That's the thing. There's no such thing.

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023

It is absolutely impossible to switch out a human being’s DNA and chromosomes to be something else. Like a pumpkin. Or a worm, or a different sex of human being. These people are either psychopathic freaks who need to be locked up. Or the extreme tip of Satanic demons who wish to drink our blood and kill us. NO middle ground whatsoever.

Just say no to Satanic worship.

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Or they are in middle school and high school and getting led down the garden path.

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Yes, I really wanted to "like" your first comment, Brad, but I feel that we must stop playing along with the GI/activist language. What Exactly is a "trans person"? So many things seems fit under that - especially if you are in high school and then Anything can fit under that name. Maybe we could amend to say "trans identified people"? - LM

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Trans nowadays includes, among other types, transvestites, who play at being women but whose male bodies are central to the performance of their fetishes.

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As in those that wear women's clothing and also have beards? And why aren't most of these men having bottom surgery? If they're really suffering because they're in the wrong body it seems like they'd be anxious to remove that male body part as soon as possible.

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No, never say that. No one can transition to anything at all with their bodies, or souls. That is the great big stinking lie straight from hell, from Satan himself.

They can be changed by faith, given to us by Yahweh the Holy Spirit, to a new life. If they accept faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. God gives it, we receive it.

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There is much around the world the woke progressives could do but instead they focus on the so called transgender genocide in the West and things like pronouns.

The woke have been eerily silent about the LGBT community in Uganda where real repression is occurring. In addition, there are human rights struggles for a return of democracy in Burma, the end of kids working in cobalt mining in the Congo, and civil wars in Syria and Yemen. Places like Western Sahara and West Papua are fighting for agency and gaining control of their own lands. Not to mention the people of Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang in China.

Personally, I think the woke stay away from these human rights struggles cause they are difficult to win and involve hard work. Plus, big corporations are more than happy to support Pride month and pronoun usage.

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Well said!

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As was your comment.

Take care :)

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Yes, it is an easy "win" for corporations and they do not have to actually do anything good. And, they do not seem to care that they do damage. "Woke" has destroyed the word "progressive" which may have meant something decent once - maybe in the 1800s?

LBG - lose the T! Bring back classical liberalism. This corporatism/government/government school/media combo approaches fascism.

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More like another liberal brain fart gone cuckoo.

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As a pregnant woman with mutilated breasts as a He, graces the cover of Glamour magazine for pride, I fully agree with you.

And the only way to turn the tide is to constantly point out the distortion.

It is not that I don’t think these people deserve kindness or health care.

But when have you seen a full bare breasted pregnant woman on the cover of a magazine.

Why exactly are we celebrating this?

Why are people who want to be men getting pregnant and then denying they are mothers?

Why is the the gender reassignment industry expected to grow by 30% by 2030?

It’s a sinister military grade operation against embodiment getting us ready for Transhumanist regimes.

It’s evil and it’s frightening.

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023

I didn't know that about Glamour magazine. That is truly shocking to me and I've been in this for years now. Glamour magazine is glamorizing body hatred, mutilation, and a fundamentalist Gnostic cult ideology.

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Yes, no one is denying anyone medical checkups or help with diabetes. It is wrong to call Frankenstein surgeries any form of "medicine".

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If you are interested in the social contagion aspect, you might be interested in this article out not long ago in The TransAtlantic – "Ideology & Anxiety: What Can We Learn From Penis-Shrinking Panics?". If you get something from it, please do share...


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Another excellent post Abigail!

Well done for stepping into the lions den, with the truth.

Too many are making the historic mistake, many have when facing radical actions and movements - they ignorantly dismiss them as fads, groups of nuts or a phase.

This is a multifaceted, planned, subversive attack - that was implemented - as a sexual based religion. It is tied to the woke and queer movement. At it's core and higher levels - not the brainwashed actors/victims level - is rooted in political ideology. You can listen to some of their more vocal leaders, openly admit this.

We've been conditioned over decades and centuries, to ignore and dismiss the crazy person yelling on the street corner - while the quiet ones move effortlessly into the the schools, universities, corporations, governments and libraries.

Trying to put the Trans Genie back in the bottle, is going to be like baking an ice cube without it melting...good luck.

We need to learn this lesson of ignorance, in dealing with the next phase EARLY - the normalization, mainstreaming and legitimizing of Pedophilia. The Queer/Trans movement and the early pushes we are seeing to legitimize Pedophilia are ideologic siblings - with the same parents.

We have to stop making these myopic mistake, otherwise, as always, the children will pay the price.

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You nailed it! Normalizing Pedophilia is next. The LGB community must stand with us.

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Very true.

I actually am finding quite a few in their community (and on Substack), who are breaking ties with the radical mafia and calling for others to follow suit. Many are calling to not go to pride events, as it no longer represents them.

They are seeing, as we all have in the last 4 years - when radical agendas, movements or regimes are done using you for their purposes, they either discard you or turn on you and try to destroy you - regardless of race, sex, preference, creed, religion, age or political affiliation. All are expendable for the cause...except those calling the shots.

It' good to see them standing up and speaking out.

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There are many of us using the tag #LGBwithoutT because sexual orientation is real while gender identity is not. GI is homophobic and misogynist and many in the LGB community want nothing to do with it.

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I've heard this from others, as well and it's encouraging. Thanks for being in the fight, against the radicalism, that has subverted and infiltrated every aspect of our collective societies. This affect us all and we all must fight it.

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The gay community along with women and children are the targets of this trans ideology. They tell gay kids that they aren’t actually gay but born into the wrong body. They tell children that THEY know who the kids are, not their parents and tell them that they are old enough to decide on life-altering changes to their bodies with out their parents. They tell girls and women that men can choose to call themselves women and deprive women of their rights and protections.

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Affirmation is certainly the worst thing one can do. If you are interested in the social contagion aspect, you might be interested in this article out not long ago in The TransAtlantic – "Ideology & Anxiety: What Can We Learn From Penis-Shrinking Panics?". If you get something from it, please do share...


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The gender thing will not disappear on it's own without intervention like any other manmade disaster does . This is a multi-faceted problem.

The pandemic fucked up the kids and a lot of them think they're trans. These children are damaged. They are looking for a place to belong. Normally when the children are damaged, the parents course-correct them. Goth kids and punk kids eventually grew out of it. This is the first kid-driven phenomenon that parents have opted into. There is no one putting barriers around them so they keep escalating.

Parents of autistic kids now have the opportunity to change their kid's identity from autistic to trans. Autism is embarrassing. Trans has a flag and parades. The demographic of "trans" before 2016 was a young adult male. It's teenage girls now. But why?

Ten years from now we're going to have a crisis. When the kids discover that they're sterile and have no sexual functioning because their mom wanted to be cool, there's going to be a huge problem.

This is our lobotomy. Lobotomies were done for ADHD. Seems crazy now, right? What is it when you cut off the breasts of a 14 year old because she and her mom want you to? Kids are doing the same stupid things that kids have always done. The difference has been that the parents were smarter than the kids and now they're not.

One of the weirdest things about what's happening now is that I'm evidently right wing. I believe in the freedom of speech for everyone. And I think that government intervention in people's rights is bad. I don't need people to agree with me. I need them to know that they can.

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Lots of good points here. I am another one of those "evidently right wing" people! Once you see how they will paint every single person with this label the second they disagree with even a fraction of the BS, you can't see the world the same. I was a life-long liberal or so I thought. The truth is that the trans incursion has actually made me more conservative. I can't un see the things I am seeing now.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Yes, it's weird that I am somehow right-wing now as well - simply because I am not a believer in the new fundamentalist religion. This is our lobotomy era. I think it is wrong to blame the moms in all cases though. So many of us moms and dads on PITT.substack.com fight for our teens and young adults but the schools and neighbors plus local, state, and federal governments work against us. Your kid does not even need to be autistic to be indoctrinated at school. The teachers have been trained to cheer and do not listen to parents. The kids normally do not make the big reveal until they are thoroughly indoctrinated and once they are 18 they can get opposite sex hormones from Planned Parenthood on the first visit. Our ROGD daughter seems to have desisted in time but GI spells years of hell for families. The kids are led step by tiny step - usually first by becoming an "ally" to the alphabet club at school. They are turned against the people who really love them. That is how cults work. And, what teen does not want to rebel against parents? What is different from the past is that society and the schools say the children "know" everything and parents do not understand their own children.

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I should have made more clear that I was referring to the green-haired moms who have lawn signs and are into the latest thing. I'd never blame a conscientious parent because their kid fell into this. The pressure on kids is relentless. Like you, I know many parents whose kids are suddenly trans and they are at a loss as to what to do. I didn't intend to blame the moms. That job is hard enough! I'm sorry if I implied that parents are to blame for their trans kids' behavior. Far from it. You're the ones fighting to get them back!

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Thank you so much, Vot4Labs. I appreciate your words :-) The green-haired and the lawn signs drive me bonkers as well - specially when they go on celebration mode while families melt down.

I think we all sometimes fall into using the Orwellian language of the forces that want to destroy our families and our society like "trans kids". When we do that, they are winning. For instance, how do we define what a "trans kid" is? Is it a child who has received "puberty blockers" and been celebrated by Biden?" So, for that reason I prefer to say someone is "Transed-out" or "Trans-ID". Like, if a girl cuts her hair short and makes an announcement, does that make her this magical thing called "trans"? Is it when Admiral Levine announces he "is a woman"? Does that make him this trans thing? Does it extend to those who have done medical stuff or just to cross dressers? To gay men who cross dress or just to the straight men with a parafilia/fetish?

I would like to quote to you from the comments section of yesterday's PITT

"But over the past half-century, left-wing gay academics contributed Queer Theory to the various critical theories of identity politics. Now "queer" and "queering" refer not to homosexuality per se, but to acting in ways that subvert and dismantle the foundational norms of society, specifically with respect to biological sex, sexual identity and sexual practices. This ideology has filtered down to the public schools and the medical profession, of course, and has the blessings of the Democratic party, which benefits financially from Queer donors such as the Human Rights Campaign and the Pritzker family. Times have changed.

"Most of the children claim to be some type of queer." When your five year-old comes home from kindergarten and tells you that even though he has a penis, maybe he's a girl, you're living in the Queer Zone."

a response: "This gender-cult is evil and vicious and selfish and it does not care who it snatches or whose family it tears apart."

Then: "In fact, snatching away children and tearing apart the family is the whole point."


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I couldn't agree more. From experience.

The PITT-type parents doing everything in their power to try to protect their kids from the physical and mental harms of following trans cult diktats are nearly always invisible to others, because they have to be. Which leads some to conclude incorrectly that parents of kids drawn into identifying as trans tend to be on board with it, far more than is the case. We know there are legions of deeply worried or heartbroken parents out there, but muzzled, unable to speak out, because being identifiable would put them at risk of losing all that matters most.

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We are all anonymous for our, mostly, daughters. Somehow, the world does not notice PITT or 4thwavenow, or TransgenderTrend. Our narratives are drowned out by the One Narrative across the media - Gender is Real and there are "few regretters" - parents who disagree are meanies or something.

We are mostly quiet as we do not want even more bad attention brought to our indoctrinated kiddo or to our families. When we have tried to speak out - at high school for instance - it has not gone well. Parents don't matter. The ideology does. Plus, as you make clear, we do not want to further disaffect the cult indoctrinated kid from the parents who love them most.

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This has to be a living hell for parents of pre-teens and teens. I'm so sorry that you're going through this.

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There's a certain group of moms who push their kids towards this. I should have clarified that that's who I was referring to. Parents like you are doing everything you can to stop this which is completely the opposite of what they're doing. My heart goes out to you. I didn't mean to imply that every parent was pushing this and I'm sorry that's the way it came out.

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These moms are the ones who voted for the people who enabled and enshrined these policies (and they're going to continue to vote for these people for some time to come), so I do think it's fair to blame them. They may not have realized what they were voting for, and they probably still don't, but we're all having to deal with the results.

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On the political side - which is only a part of it - I expect the radical left to behave as it does - but what of the establishment conservatives who "don't want to fight culture wars"? I agree that most basic Dems probably didn't understand what they were voting for. The leftist media and lack of real journalism outside of a very few like Abigail doesn't help. I have high hopes for Elon's Twitter.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Not me. But, I do understand how you feel. I know moms of ROGD girls who marched wearing those "pussy hats". Even so, I feel sorry for them. When our daughter ROGDed in high school we were shocked and against "social transition" but no one at school or anywhere else would listen to us mere parents. It's a problem that most people think this is just an issue among progressive liberals. It is everywhere and most of us who love our children and want to protect them remain anonymous.

Also, this goes way beyond politics. All of our institutions have been taken over by those who push Gender Ideology. Just look at the medical and psychological associations, our universities, our media, and the teachers unions (which should just be closed down along with the Department of Education).

Look how awful Fox News is: "https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/05/22/exclusive-leaked-policy-exposes-fox-news-stances-on-woke-ideology/

Have a scan of: "Medical Journal’s False Consensus on ‘Gender-Affirming Care’"


The academic article Trans Activists are attacking:


Most churches have gone Woke. And, look at this Catholic hospital: "Catholic Health Network Hospital Receives Millions For Sex-Change Surgery Robot"


And, I highly recommend the "Transgender Leviathan": https://pitt.substack.com/p/lets-read-the-transgender-leviathan

I hope I get to vote for Ron DeSantis. That would be a step. But only one step.

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"Autism is embarrassing. Trans has a flag and parades."

This is key to understanding ROGD. No one wants to be an "autist" - in fact, among youth, "autist" is the new "retard." Even if a kid is not actually autistic, they will get labeled as an "autist" by today's cruel generation if they are quiet or socially awkward. These peers of theirs are experts at bullying that flies just under the radar - saying things like "Hey, it's okay to be autistic" or "You're autistic, right? It's okay to be different" as often as they can to any "different" kids of any stripe. Adopting the "trans" identity provides these different kids a shield and a cudgel against bullies. Administrations don't care much about regular old losers - but if a "trans kid" says they're being bullied, it's all hands on deck. Can't have a "trans suicide" at this school, that'll be weeks of bad publicity, months of interviews and years of lawsuits. Regular old loser kid commits suicide? Sad, but that's pretty much it.

Parents need to think really, really carefully about how tagging their child as "autistic" will affect their child's self-image and affect how their peers will treat them. Even if the diagnosis is on all points correct - when is it a good idea to tell your child that he's inherently different, inherently incapable of understanding "normal" people, and will forever live on the fringe? Why do people think it's remotely okay to tell an elementary-school-aged child these things? If the child is capable of getting along in a normal school class, having him tagged autistic (or ADHD) brings few benefits and absolutely shatters kids' hopes that they will fit in. Imagine if you had to go through school being officially labeled a "retard" - and it wasn't even because you were stupid, it was just because you had trouble fitting in. It's exquisite cruelty - and that's before we come to the idea of medicating children for early-life social & academic difficulties, which is not only an absolutely pants-on-head retarded idea to anyone with the slightest understanding of developmental biology, but also teaches children the lesson that "pills solve problems" at an early age. It's absolutely not a coincidence that every person in my family who was put on medication as a child grew up to have issues with drug abuse, and it's absolutely not a coincidence that almost every person who goes down the "trans" pipeline starts out with "gateway" psychiatric prescriptions such as for antidepressants or ADHD medications, whether in childhood or adulthood.

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If you are interested in the social contagion aspect, you might be interested in this article out not long ago in The TransAtlantic – "Ideology & Anxiety: What Can We Learn From Penis-Shrinking Panics?". If you get something from it, please do share...


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I will check it out and report back! Thanks!

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""Autism is embarrassing. Trans has a flag and parades."

This is key to understanding ROGD."

That is so perfect. Good thinking.

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I think the first thing to do is stop affirmation. If you are interested in the social contagion aspect of this phenomenon, you might be interested in this article out not long ago in The TransAtlantic – "Ideology & Anxiety: What Can We Learn From Penis-Shrinking Panics?". If you get something from it, please do share...


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Your voice is truly gratifying to all of us who know that not only Christians but Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, all sane people are outraged by this toxic, mental illness-glorifying cult insidiously infecting impressionable young minds. May G-d bless you in all your endeavors.

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I'm not convinced that anyone who believes in any of those ancient religions is sane.

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And that’s the beauty of them - they don’t impose you their beliefs and you don’t impose your beliefs on them.

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023

The mainline religions are organized for human thriving for the most part. And, they have been worked out over time.

In any case, they are not promoted in the public schools like the Gender Cult.

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Those ancient religions are extremely judgemental. There is a lot of imposition going on.

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They've also been almost completely scrubbed out of our institutions.

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It will swing back - but not until thousands of lives have been harmed . Happened is Swedan and will eventually happen here .

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It will not swing back unless we engage in many forms of activism.

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What does that mean exactly? Giving money to corrupt politicians? If so, then count me out. Does that mean forming communities of normal folks of Christians who live in the light of truth? I am fine with that. Orthodox Jews can join with us. They worship Yahweh as well.

No Freakshow, no alphabet freaks , no other sorts . Just simple normal folks looking for a decent life with decent people. That works.

Normal folks do not want violence or aggressive behaviors. We want peace and calm, and law and order. The crazy communists who rule us now understand this. So then, what to do? Break a few eggs if necessary? To give an example? Why not?

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023

For women, it means joining and supporting organizations like https://womensliberationfront.org


For both women and men, it means joining and supporting organization like



These groups do not support politicians.

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You do not have to be a woman to support WoLF and WDI-USA. They get large financial contributions from this man.

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Agree . And it will be led by the victims

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Alan, I wish I could agree that the pendulum will swing back! Just look at how the mainstream media won’t fully report on the damage of the Covid jabs or the hospital protocols that killed so many Covid patients. I still have family members who think the jabs are safe and effective. I’m still in shock that so many people think it’s okay for children to be mutilated and take dangerous hormones. And doctors, teachers, social workers, state legislators and judges are are buying into this! God help us that our country is so lost.

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Needless to say, all this is happening in Canada too.

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The unintended consequences have yet to be felt . It will take time . The pendulum will not swing all the way back - but hopefully settle somewhere in the middle . If not, we are all screwed

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Bags: I agree with you. We are at the beginning of something horrific. This is not the nadir. God be merciful.

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It doesn’t matter if things swing back. Truth is truth. Live not by lies. The lies are growing everywhere all the time.

Yahweh the Son is coming back soon to redeem His people. King Jesus will judge every human being whom ever lived.

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Tom. This is for you regardless of what any others may say or think. You have been given understanding by Him who alone is Truth. Stand firm. Sunday is coming.

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Abigail, I have missed you. We need your powerful voice! If my teen would desist I would be a lioness! This is a violation of the establishment clause in the US- especially in the public schools.

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Amen. Five years ago, as the coach (for nearly a decade) of a large, successful high school girls' cross country (running) team in one of the most leftist enclaves in the U.S., I fell on my sword over this issue when *everyone* above me in the school's administrative hierarchy (as well as the other coaches) blew a gasket at my refusal to put our girls' health, safety, sanity, and future prospects at risk by condoning this lie.

At the time, I thought I was alone. It is refreshing to see I am not.

Please keep speaking this vital truth.

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You are not. Look to the UK (google TERF island) for more support and inspiration. Feminists there started resistance a few years ago before COVID.

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I'm grateful for those take-no-flak Deborahs.

I'm dismayed at the lack of fearless-bold Gideons, Samsons, and Davids.

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I'm a gay man who never misses an opportunity to speak out against the excesses of trans ideology. I only wish I were not retired so that I could confront trans activism in the workplace and in the legal profession of which I was a member.

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Thank you, Art, for standing up for truth. I was pushed out of a job with teenagers due to my reversal to bow to the mob.

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You are truly a brave woman to be admired. I’ll pray for your safety and protection.

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If the pendulum does swing back, it'll be because people like you fought against this.

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Keep going! You were the Cassandra. You were right

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