I recently finished your book. I have three granddaughters and I'm terrified for their future. My takeaway wasn't just the madness of the "adult's" promotion of the current mania, but also the absolute misery being imposed upon our millions of girls and young women who should be experiencing a joyful and fulfilling youth but are instead suffering socially imposed immiseration. It is a genuine tragedy.
How profoundly have we failed women when the prospect of life as an adult female in our society is so horrifying as to be feared and rejected by increasing numbers of girls. Where is the love?
I think here, as in Britain, this madness will only end when young women who have been maimed by the pseudoscience of puberty blockers, test shots and surgery and sue and win.
It's a strange world we live in: after three waves of feminism: "How profoundly have we failed women when the prospect of life as an adult female in our society is so horrifying as to be feared and rejected by increasing numbers of girls."
Doesn't this strike people as bizarre? Passing strange? JK Rowling stands in the way, but it seems "woman" is in queue for cancellation.
It's a real shame that you get so much pressure from progressives not to go on Tucker's show. He has, by far, the most popular news show in the world. He's immensely influential and his platform gives you the chance to affect contemporary conservative thought. Why shouldn't you leap at the opportunity?
I got question on job application if I was a He, She, They... I said a He, but truth be told, identified as Silverback. Once again, banned from another internet resource
Arguably, though, it's preaching to the choir. I don't think typical Fox viewers need to be convinced that this is a problem. And unfortunately (and unfairly) such an appearance may make it even less likely that progressives/liberals will pay any attention to this.
Tucker's audience are predisposed to agree with Abigail, of course, but they may not be aware of the goings-on within schools and "clinics". Engaging with Tucker's audience can get them thinking about these issues more, which is extremely worthwhile.
You go where people listen. Tucker Carlson happens to be someone who listens. I disagree with him on many issues, but he gives many important liberal and moderate intellectuals a hearing when the mainstream liberal media will not. Bret Weinstein, Glenn Loury, Glenn Greenwald, all present important information on Carlson's show.
As the country becomes more polarized and the left becomes more and more captured by ideology, the old labels and partisan divides are falling away, at least with respect to certain topics. The issues you cover, concerning the trans ideological indoctrination and medicalization of children and the marginalization of women, have no political "side," just the truthful, human side.
You go where people listen. If progressives don't understand this, they have lost the plot.
Yes. The more people who are well informed about the threats of "transgenderism," the stronger our side grows. We grow stronger every time someone buys a book written by Abigail or one of our other gender critical authors. We grow stronger every time someone makes a donation to WoLF or WHRC to push for legislative reform. We grow stronger every time someone listens to a gender critical youtube interview or reads a gender critical newsletter. The greater the number of our supporters, the better.
Tucker is often annoying and self-important. Nonetheless, he clearly takes pleasure in scoring points on helpless "progressives" on such issues, and they deserve it.
Right. I once thought I was socially on the liberal side and economically a little more on the conservative side. But, simply not being nuts makes you a social conservative right now.
I like what Sally Sue said. We should develop a list of politicians who are pro women and girls and a list of politicians who are anti women and girls and pro the madness. Of course, there will be disagreement here and there about names but it could help. I want to conserve reality and health.
Here's a start: Sen Tom Cotton - good. Gov. Asa Hutchinson - bad.
As William F. Buckley said to those post-1968 disillusioned liberals later labelled "neoconservatives," come on in, the water is fine :)
Seriously, all the surveys indicate that, in the US at least, the most tolerant group is now working-class Democrats (that wasn't true 50 years ago), followed by college-educated conservatives. The college-credentialed left has slid down, down, down in the tolerance and open-mindedness rankings, as all of us have been noticing for 20+ years.
You can't fight Identity Politics while still clinging to Identity Politics. IDPOL is inherently divisive. "Those people, they're not our kind, Darling. We can't possibly work together on a common goal." Talk about ignorance and bigotry. And shooting yourself in the foot. How many times does it need to be said? Wars are won with allies, sometimes with distasteful, or even dangerous ones. Standing on principle doesn't win wars. Standing with a large army behind you does. After the war is won, you go back to hating and plotting against each other. That's how it's been done for millennia. Because it works.
Exactly. We need to be strategic and build a large enough tent so that everyone who holds a strong and sincere gender critical position is allowed in. We need to remember that when we lose the biological definition of woman as an adult human female, none of the rights that girls and women now have (or, sadly, used to have and lost) mean anything at all. Being gender critical is the new litmus test for the 2020's.
We allied ourselves with the Soviet Union to fight against Nazi Germany in WWII. Nazi Germany was the biggest threat to the world at that time. After Nazi Germany was defeated, we went back to Cold War with the Soviet Union.
Yes. This photo of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill taken during WWII says everything we need to know about forming strategic relationships to beat your common enemy.
When I see anyone attempting to get a truthful message out that is important, I see it as a huge win when they appear on or their message is (accurately) presented by any media source. In fact, if that media source happens to be one that tends to be one I disagree with, that’s an even bigger win. That means a whole lot of people who largely disagree with me on many things may - at least on this important point - discover the truth.
Yes, but I'd be concerned that in this case, by going on Fox, Shrier is (a) preaching to the choir, and (b) making it even less likely that people on the progressive/liberal side of the political spectrum will pay attention.
It seems to me that most Fox viewers don't need to be convinced that this kind of indoctrination by teachers is a Bad Thing -- they're already there.
Meanwhile, many more liberal types who like to see themselves as open-minded and supportive of LGBTQ+ issues may well just dismiss this as "Faux News" because of where it's being presented -- even though they may well otherwise have agreed that this indoctrination/deception is a Bad Thing, that it crosses a line even for them.
Anon, I hear what you are saying. But Abigail's only alternative is not to be heard at all, because liberal/mainstream news outlets categorically prevent gender critical viewpoints being heard. They have locked out all dissenting discussion on the trans issue.
The NYT even deletes respectful below-the-line comments correcting misstatements in their articles—for example, comments correcting the myth that puberty blockers are fully reversible. Posters see their comments being disappeared overnight.
So articulate, dissenting voices like Abigail Shrier's need to go where they can be heard, and get the information out there. Let people make their own minds up, and consider the message, and not the platform.
We will never convince anyone on the far left. But there is a growing minority of people who still consider themselves basically liberal but are becoming increasingly disenchanted with the extremist woke propaganda now inflicted on them. Abigail can influence,these people, and they won't care whether she's ever appeared on Tucker Carlson or not. In fact, they'd probably search for her interview on youtube and watch it two or three times.
I'm a former Democrat turned Conservative & I completely agree with you here.
Many of my friends are Democrats, my co-workers are Democrats, my patients are Democrats. Many of them, Sadly, feel that anything on Fox News or any conservative outlet is false/bad/wrong, etc.
Even when I was a Democrat, I was the sort of person (and still am!) who likes to read/watch from all sides of political spectrum. I watch/listen/read it all. I don't necessarily dismiss it.
However, many of these people I know, will instantly dismiss anything on conservative news media as false. If someone they love/agree with would go on Fox News, they would start to hate them on principle. that's (sadly) how crazy these people are. including people I know and love.
Shrier should actually try to go on liberal media & present her case there.
I am sure she would love to go on liberal media. But, I don't expect they will have her. If one of them somehow does the others will likely say that outlet is now Evil like Fox News! I don't know how you reach people like that. Shame on the NYT for not touching any of this. I don't suppose there is a such thing as a neutral media. I can't think of any... I suppose that's why we have Substack.
Abigail, you're the voice of reason against the aggressive "transgender" activists that have taken over our schools, healthcare institutions, and corporations. We're all rooting for you at Princeton.
YES, Abigail! Words cannot express how existentially important your work is for the preservation of our culture! These evil vultures preying on the innocence of our youth MUST be eradicated swiftly and without reservation!
These vile scumbags will be given NO quarter........EVER!
Ms. Shrier....keep appearing on the Carlson show and reach as wide an audience as possible. BTW, you should ask those upset subscribers in which shows you should appear....Would those shows invite you?
Looking forward to a tape or transcript to your Princeton talk.
He has probably already asked, but you should go on his long-form Tucker Carlson Today program. He's a terrific interviewer and the show is clearly a hit.
Lack of political diversity in Schools and Universities is the real underlying problem.
Any place where leftists have majority, as in Schools and Universities, is the end result of a constant political purge in hirings and workplace practices.
These places become defacto totalitarian enclaves where you will not be hired or you will be fired for wrongthink: not following the Left Collective groupthink.
Today if you are not a leftist or pretend to be one it will be unlikely to be hired in Universities, Big Tech companies, Media companies, or even government agencies. This grand scale political discrimination amounts to a violation of the first amendment rights.
If all social structures are controlled by a single political force then the society becomes totalitarian by definition, and now America is getting closer and closer to that.
Here's the issue, as I see it (and yes I'm repeating myself in what I posted in response to others below): I'm concerned that having this interview on Fox is (a) preaching to the choir, and (b) making progressives/liberals more likely to dismiss this as "Faux News."
My guess is that most Fox viewers don't need to be convinced of the impropriety (to put it mildly) of this kind of stuff going on in the schools.
Meanwhile, unfortunately, going on shows like Carlson's (or even writing for the WSJ, right?!) seems to make it less likely that NPR or the NYT or WaPo (recent piece, https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/11/24/trans-kids-therapy-psychologist/, notwithstanding) will pick up stories like this. And it's THOSE audiences who need to be made aware of how crazy things have gotten.
Sadly, NPR and the NYT are never going to pick this up. I once gave some money to NPR and I read the NYT daily most of my life before I stopped in disgust. They actively push this stuff, for whatever reason. Maybe those billionaire autogynophiles got to them, or maybe it's writers like "Jennifer Boylan" or something else. For whatever reason they are invested in Trans Ideology (not just what a few adult men might wish to do). Many "conservatives" don't understand the level of indoctrination of the young in our society. I think we need to thank Abigail for getting the word out any way she can. "Conservatives" and "Liberals" need to stop paying so much attention to/vilifying the human source or media where a story appears. Why do we stop our ears up because the delivery source has been demonized?
Never say never! I honestly can't believe Princeton is hosting Abigail! The world is slowly waking up. The joke of woke is it's people blindly following without understanding any nuance whatsoever.
If you look at the poster carefully, you'll see it's not officially Princeton University, per se, that's hosting Abigail. Instead it's three conservative organizations, all of which have strong ties to Princeton.
The first is the Princeton Tory, which defines itself as "the leading Princeton publication of conservative thought." The second is the Princeton Open Campus Coalition (POCC) which fights for free speech at the university. The third is a journal called Public Discourse published by the Witherspoon Institute, a conservative think tank founded in 2003 and headquartered in Princeton, NJ.
All I can say is thank goodness for these three organizations that are helping Abigail spread her important message.
NYT, NPR, WaPo, etc are actively pushing Trans agenda because they have billionaire donors like Pritzker who own Trans Pharmaceutical & Surgical corporations. Rich corporate donors who make a lot of $$$$ from putting innocent children on harmful meds. Meds which they profit from in Pharma. Which they have invested in. Surgical centers they have invested in. And so forth.
That might be true, although never underestimate the power of truly awful ideology on those with inherited money and no brains. A similar force is behind the ridiculous and anti-democratic ranked choice voting schemes inflicted on voters in a number of places. Once awakened to the reality, voters reject it. But the wealthy influential donors keep pushing the money. Look at "Zuckerbucks" in certain states in the 2020 elections.
Sad to say, the establishment sources you cite, e.g., NYT, NPR, are not receptive to people who think anything other than Groupthink. If Abigail does not go on so-called conservative new sites, she would have no platform outside of alternative media. The Left has become a cult impervious to facts; you can't reason with cult members. Moreover, I'm not sure even Fox audiences are aware of how extreme the Left/Dems have become. It defies the imagination.
The irony is that such people who blindly recoil at anything Fox are not being open-minded but blindly following a TQ++ narrative. Even the WSJ on the news side does not cover these sad stories. Instead, they published a gushy one about a 50 something CEO who divorced his wife and "came out as a woman" at work. There was no balanced reporting about what might be going on, the impact this had on other individuals, or on society. - Only that everyone who reported to him came around and was so supportive! & there are a lot of establishment "conservatives" who don't want to touch "the social stuff". It's a national scandal.
Of course the WSJ did a piece on an AGP CEO! Which is an indication that we can't rely entirely on the Right to serve as a bulwark against Gender Identity Ideology in the US. The Log Cabin Republicans recently had their annual gala event at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Club where they voiced their full support for the LGBTQWERTY and gave Melania Trump an award. (Currying favor with an eye to 2024?) And a handful of Republican reps have put forth their own version of the "Equality Act" legislation again, (HR 1440, the Fairness for All Act) which will exempt religious organizations from Gender Identity Ideology based laws and discrimination prosecution, but NO ONE else. Clearly efforts are being made to sway Republicans and Conservatives. And if they get their religious exemptions, (so their faith based organizations can still get gov funding without embracing GII- it's all about that free money) they may just shrug and say OK. It's not as if they care about the rights of women & girls, gender non conforming kids, or LGB.
What are the names of these Republican reps? They need to hear that this is not OK. More power to Tom Cotton!
Also, we need LGB organizers to separate from the alphabet madness in the US as they have in the UK. The AGP's are not even same sex attracted but want to call themselves lesbians to get into women's spaces or (best case) bend the world to fan their fetish.
Any Sell-out corporate conservatives who just care about $$$ and donations, who don't care about our children, who don't care about us, who are just chasing Donors, are not getting my vote. We need to publish names so people know not to vote for them. Anyone Selling Out conservative values.
That goes for Dems too. Many are Sell Outs. Joe Manchin is good & sticks to his values. So does Sherrod Brown. Sherrod Brown is one of the best. He cares about America, America's working class, our people and not about corporate donors. Bernie Sanders too, sticks to his values. Many others are Sell Outs for cash.
The great conservative and philosopher Edmund Burke stated, "Evil exist, because good men stand by and do nothing", this is what your talk reminded me of when I read it. It also encouraged me to keep standing for what I believe is to be right and true. As an American, who just happens to be Black, I too am often criticized because I won't kowtow to liberal talking points. Their insults of calling me an Uncle Tom or a coon, I now wear with a badge of honor. The ad hominem attacks is all that they have. I will be sharing this article with my peeps. Thank you again for standing strong.
I recently finished your book. I have three granddaughters and I'm terrified for their future. My takeaway wasn't just the madness of the "adult's" promotion of the current mania, but also the absolute misery being imposed upon our millions of girls and young women who should be experiencing a joyful and fulfilling youth but are instead suffering socially imposed immiseration. It is a genuine tragedy.
How profoundly have we failed women when the prospect of life as an adult female in our society is so horrifying as to be feared and rejected by increasing numbers of girls. Where is the love?
I think here, as in Britain, this madness will only end when young women who have been maimed by the pseudoscience of puberty blockers, test shots and surgery and sue and win.
It's a strange world we live in: after three waves of feminism: "How profoundly have we failed women when the prospect of life as an adult female in our society is so horrifying as to be feared and rejected by increasing numbers of girls."
Doesn't this strike people as bizarre? Passing strange? JK Rowling stands in the way, but it seems "woman" is in queue for cancellation.
It's a real shame that you get so much pressure from progressives not to go on Tucker's show. He has, by far, the most popular news show in the world. He's immensely influential and his platform gives you the chance to affect contemporary conservative thought. Why shouldn't you leap at the opportunity?
I got question on job application if I was a He, She, They... I said a He, but truth be told, identified as Silverback. Once again, banned from another internet resource
Sorry, this is in wrong spot. I was trying to address male athletes pretending to be female athletes.
Arguably, though, it's preaching to the choir. I don't think typical Fox viewers need to be convinced that this is a problem. And unfortunately (and unfairly) such an appearance may make it even less likely that progressives/liberals will pay any attention to this.
Tucker's audience are predisposed to agree with Abigail, of course, but they may not be aware of the goings-on within schools and "clinics". Engaging with Tucker's audience can get them thinking about these issues more, which is extremely worthwhile.
You go where people listen. Tucker Carlson happens to be someone who listens. I disagree with him on many issues, but he gives many important liberal and moderate intellectuals a hearing when the mainstream liberal media will not. Bret Weinstein, Glenn Loury, Glenn Greenwald, all present important information on Carlson's show.
As the country becomes more polarized and the left becomes more and more captured by ideology, the old labels and partisan divides are falling away, at least with respect to certain topics. The issues you cover, concerning the trans ideological indoctrination and medicalization of children and the marginalization of women, have no political "side," just the truthful, human side.
You go where people listen. If progressives don't understand this, they have lost the plot.
Truth does not have political boundaries.
Yes. The more people who are well informed about the threats of "transgenderism," the stronger our side grows. We grow stronger every time someone buys a book written by Abigail or one of our other gender critical authors. We grow stronger every time someone makes a donation to WoLF or WHRC to push for legislative reform. We grow stronger every time someone listens to a gender critical youtube interview or reads a gender critical newsletter. The greater the number of our supporters, the better.
Tucker is often annoying and self-important. Nonetheless, he clearly takes pleasure in scoring points on helpless "progressives" on such issues, and they deserve it.
I’m not as interested in who scores the points as I am in the fact that the information reaches people’s ears.
From a phone call with a friend, who has been a lifelong social democrat as am I. “The only people I can talk to right now seem to be conservatives.”
Right. I once thought I was socially on the liberal side and economically a little more on the conservative side. But, simply not being nuts makes you a social conservative right now.
Yes. That's what I have also found. Conservatives have a built-in, natural immunity to the woke propaganda that controls much of the left.
Conserving Reality itself.
I have become very cynical of all political labels. Progress to WHAT? Conserve WHAT?
I like what Sally Sue said. We should develop a list of politicians who are pro women and girls and a list of politicians who are anti women and girls and pro the madness. Of course, there will be disagreement here and there about names but it could help. I want to conserve reality and health.
Here's a start: Sen Tom Cotton - good. Gov. Asa Hutchinson - bad.
I agree. Today, the people making the most sense about "gender" are centrists and conservatives.
As William F. Buckley said to those post-1968 disillusioned liberals later labelled "neoconservatives," come on in, the water is fine :)
Seriously, all the surveys indicate that, in the US at least, the most tolerant group is now working-class Democrats (that wasn't true 50 years ago), followed by college-educated conservatives. The college-credentialed left has slid down, down, down in the tolerance and open-mindedness rankings, as all of us have been noticing for 20+ years.
You can't fight Identity Politics while still clinging to Identity Politics. IDPOL is inherently divisive. "Those people, they're not our kind, Darling. We can't possibly work together on a common goal." Talk about ignorance and bigotry. And shooting yourself in the foot. How many times does it need to be said? Wars are won with allies, sometimes with distasteful, or even dangerous ones. Standing on principle doesn't win wars. Standing with a large army behind you does. After the war is won, you go back to hating and plotting against each other. That's how it's been done for millennia. Because it works.
Exactly. We need to be strategic and build a large enough tent so that everyone who holds a strong and sincere gender critical position is allowed in. We need to remember that when we lose the biological definition of woman as an adult human female, none of the rights that girls and women now have (or, sadly, used to have and lost) mean anything at all. Being gender critical is the new litmus test for the 2020's.
We allied ourselves with the Soviet Union to fight against Nazi Germany in WWII. Nazi Germany was the biggest threat to the world at that time. After Nazi Germany was defeated, we went back to Cold War with the Soviet Union.
Yes. This photo of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill taken during WWII says everything we need to know about forming strategic relationships to beat your common enemy.
When I see anyone attempting to get a truthful message out that is important, I see it as a huge win when they appear on or their message is (accurately) presented by any media source. In fact, if that media source happens to be one that tends to be one I disagree with, that’s an even bigger win. That means a whole lot of people who largely disagree with me on many things may - at least on this important point - discover the truth.
Yes, but I'd be concerned that in this case, by going on Fox, Shrier is (a) preaching to the choir, and (b) making it even less likely that people on the progressive/liberal side of the political spectrum will pay attention.
It seems to me that most Fox viewers don't need to be convinced that this kind of indoctrination by teachers is a Bad Thing -- they're already there.
Meanwhile, many more liberal types who like to see themselves as open-minded and supportive of LGBTQ+ issues may well just dismiss this as "Faux News" because of where it's being presented -- even though they may well otherwise have agreed that this indoctrination/deception is a Bad Thing, that it crosses a line even for them.
Anon, I hear what you are saying. But Abigail's only alternative is not to be heard at all, because liberal/mainstream news outlets categorically prevent gender critical viewpoints being heard. They have locked out all dissenting discussion on the trans issue.
The NYT even deletes respectful below-the-line comments correcting misstatements in their articles—for example, comments correcting the myth that puberty blockers are fully reversible. Posters see their comments being disappeared overnight.
So articulate, dissenting voices like Abigail Shrier's need to go where they can be heard, and get the information out there. Let people make their own minds up, and consider the message, and not the platform.
Parents may not need to be convinced, but they need to push back... Hard!
We will never convince anyone on the far left. But there is a growing minority of people who still consider themselves basically liberal but are becoming increasingly disenchanted with the extremist woke propaganda now inflicted on them. Abigail can influence,these people, and they won't care whether she's ever appeared on Tucker Carlson or not. In fact, they'd probably search for her interview on youtube and watch it two or three times.
I'm a former Democrat turned Conservative & I completely agree with you here.
Many of my friends are Democrats, my co-workers are Democrats, my patients are Democrats. Many of them, Sadly, feel that anything on Fox News or any conservative outlet is false/bad/wrong, etc.
Even when I was a Democrat, I was the sort of person (and still am!) who likes to read/watch from all sides of political spectrum. I watch/listen/read it all. I don't necessarily dismiss it.
However, many of these people I know, will instantly dismiss anything on conservative news media as false. If someone they love/agree with would go on Fox News, they would start to hate them on principle. that's (sadly) how crazy these people are. including people I know and love.
Shrier should actually try to go on liberal media & present her case there.
I am sure she would love to go on liberal media. But, I don't expect they will have her. If one of them somehow does the others will likely say that outlet is now Evil like Fox News! I don't know how you reach people like that. Shame on the NYT for not touching any of this. I don't suppose there is a such thing as a neutral media. I can't think of any... I suppose that's why we have Substack.
Abigail, you're the voice of reason against the aggressive "transgender" activists that have taken over our schools, healthcare institutions, and corporations. We're all rooting for you at Princeton.
Wonderful. I hope your talk at Princeton goes well and am looking forward to reading your remarks!
YES, Abigail! Words cannot express how existentially important your work is for the preservation of our culture! These evil vultures preying on the innocence of our youth MUST be eradicated swiftly and without reservation!
These vile scumbags will be given NO quarter........EVER!
Ms. Shrier....keep appearing on the Carlson show and reach as wide an audience as possible. BTW, you should ask those upset subscribers in which shows you should appear....Would those shows invite you?
Looking forward to a tape or transcript to your Princeton talk.
He has probably already asked, but you should go on his long-form Tucker Carlson Today program. He's a terrific interviewer and the show is clearly a hit.
Tucker has become an excellent interviewer, indeed. He wasn't that five or ten years ago.
I hope you don’t get cancelled, your words are too valuable.
Lack of political diversity in Schools and Universities is the real underlying problem.
Any place where leftists have majority, as in Schools and Universities, is the end result of a constant political purge in hirings and workplace practices.
These places become defacto totalitarian enclaves where you will not be hired or you will be fired for wrongthink: not following the Left Collective groupthink.
Today if you are not a leftist or pretend to be one it will be unlikely to be hired in Universities, Big Tech companies, Media companies, or even government agencies. This grand scale political discrimination amounts to a violation of the first amendment rights.
If all social structures are controlled by a single political force then the society becomes totalitarian by definition, and now America is getting closer and closer to that.
Here's the issue, as I see it (and yes I'm repeating myself in what I posted in response to others below): I'm concerned that having this interview on Fox is (a) preaching to the choir, and (b) making progressives/liberals more likely to dismiss this as "Faux News."
My guess is that most Fox viewers don't need to be convinced of the impropriety (to put it mildly) of this kind of stuff going on in the schools.
Meanwhile, unfortunately, going on shows like Carlson's (or even writing for the WSJ, right?!) seems to make it less likely that NPR or the NYT or WaPo (recent piece, https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/11/24/trans-kids-therapy-psychologist/, notwithstanding) will pick up stories like this. And it's THOSE audiences who need to be made aware of how crazy things have gotten.
Sadly, NPR and the NYT are never going to pick this up. I once gave some money to NPR and I read the NYT daily most of my life before I stopped in disgust. They actively push this stuff, for whatever reason. Maybe those billionaire autogynophiles got to them, or maybe it's writers like "Jennifer Boylan" or something else. For whatever reason they are invested in Trans Ideology (not just what a few adult men might wish to do). Many "conservatives" don't understand the level of indoctrination of the young in our society. I think we need to thank Abigail for getting the word out any way she can. "Conservatives" and "Liberals" need to stop paying so much attention to/vilifying the human source or media where a story appears. Why do we stop our ears up because the delivery source has been demonized?
Never say never! I honestly can't believe Princeton is hosting Abigail! The world is slowly waking up. The joke of woke is it's people blindly following without understanding any nuance whatsoever.
If you look at the poster carefully, you'll see it's not officially Princeton University, per se, that's hosting Abigail. Instead it's three conservative organizations, all of which have strong ties to Princeton.
The first is the Princeton Tory, which defines itself as "the leading Princeton publication of conservative thought." The second is the Princeton Open Campus Coalition (POCC) which fights for free speech at the university. The third is a journal called Public Discourse published by the Witherspoon Institute, a conservative think tank founded in 2003 and headquartered in Princeton, NJ.
All I can say is thank goodness for these three organizations that are helping Abigail spread her important message.
Let's hope it goes well and gets some good attention.
I hope and assume that Abigail and the Princeton administration have discussed how to handle the disruption of her talk that is guaranteed to occur.
Yes, unfortunately.
Is the speech being given on campus or off campus? The location isn't given on the flyer.
It looks to me like they may need to take care in keeping the location under wraps. The hatred toward people questioning the ideology is vitriolic.
NYT, NPR, WaPo, etc are actively pushing Trans agenda because they have billionaire donors like Pritzker who own Trans Pharmaceutical & Surgical corporations. Rich corporate donors who make a lot of $$$$ from putting innocent children on harmful meds. Meds which they profit from in Pharma. Which they have invested in. Surgical centers they have invested in. And so forth.
That might be true, although never underestimate the power of truly awful ideology on those with inherited money and no brains. A similar force is behind the ridiculous and anti-democratic ranked choice voting schemes inflicted on voters in a number of places. Once awakened to the reality, voters reject it. But the wealthy influential donors keep pushing the money. Look at "Zuckerbucks" in certain states in the 2020 elections.
Sad to say, the establishment sources you cite, e.g., NYT, NPR, are not receptive to people who think anything other than Groupthink. If Abigail does not go on so-called conservative new sites, she would have no platform outside of alternative media. The Left has become a cult impervious to facts; you can't reason with cult members. Moreover, I'm not sure even Fox audiences are aware of how extreme the Left/Dems have become. It defies the imagination.
The irony is that such people who blindly recoil at anything Fox are not being open-minded but blindly following a TQ++ narrative. Even the WSJ on the news side does not cover these sad stories. Instead, they published a gushy one about a 50 something CEO who divorced his wife and "came out as a woman" at work. There was no balanced reporting about what might be going on, the impact this had on other individuals, or on society. - Only that everyone who reported to him came around and was so supportive! & there are a lot of establishment "conservatives" who don't want to touch "the social stuff". It's a national scandal.
Of course the WSJ did a piece on an AGP CEO! Which is an indication that we can't rely entirely on the Right to serve as a bulwark against Gender Identity Ideology in the US. The Log Cabin Republicans recently had their annual gala event at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Club where they voiced their full support for the LGBTQWERTY and gave Melania Trump an award. (Currying favor with an eye to 2024?) And a handful of Republican reps have put forth their own version of the "Equality Act" legislation again, (HR 1440, the Fairness for All Act) which will exempt religious organizations from Gender Identity Ideology based laws and discrimination prosecution, but NO ONE else. Clearly efforts are being made to sway Republicans and Conservatives. And if they get their religious exemptions, (so their faith based organizations can still get gov funding without embracing GII- it's all about that free money) they may just shrug and say OK. It's not as if they care about the rights of women & girls, gender non conforming kids, or LGB.
What are the names of these Republican reps? They need to hear that this is not OK. More power to Tom Cotton!
Also, we need LGB organizers to separate from the alphabet madness in the US as they have in the UK. The AGP's are not even same sex attracted but want to call themselves lesbians to get into women's spaces or (best case) bend the world to fan their fetish.
Tom Cotton is excellent!
Yes. WSJ readers have long complained that the news side of the paper might just as well be the NYT.
Any Sell-out corporate conservatives who just care about $$$ and donations, who don't care about our children, who don't care about us, who are just chasing Donors, are not getting my vote. We need to publish names so people know not to vote for them. Anyone Selling Out conservative values.
That goes for Dems too. Many are Sell Outs. Joe Manchin is good & sticks to his values. So does Sherrod Brown. Sherrod Brown is one of the best. He cares about America, America's working class, our people and not about corporate donors. Bernie Sanders too, sticks to his values. Many others are Sell Outs for cash.
Sen. Tom Cotton goes on the good list.
Money is bipartisan...
It is a scandal. Maybe lawsuits will make things less lucrative eventually...
I believe Dem Tulsi Gabbard has been a good person on this subject.
Rep Tom Cotton has been a good guy.
So true!
The great conservative and philosopher Edmund Burke stated, "Evil exist, because good men stand by and do nothing", this is what your talk reminded me of when I read it. It also encouraged me to keep standing for what I believe is to be right and true. As an American, who just happens to be Black, I too am often criticized because I won't kowtow to liberal talking points. Their insults of calling me an Uncle Tom or a coon, I now wear with a badge of honor. The ad hominem attacks is all that they have. I will be sharing this article with my peeps. Thank you again for standing strong.