I acknowledge the existence of transgenderism. I do not understand it, but I recognize it is real. I look at empirical data and find that gender identification and sexual orientation are often confused. I read imagery of the brain including functional MRI. There is little variation across gene pools or cultures. Some cultures are more accepting of "the other" than the average.
Best data available says 0.5% to 1.3% are transgender; geographic clusters might exist, but they appear to be a very recent phenomenon. I talked with LGBTQ-EIEIO teens occasionally. I also spoke with cross-dressers and female impersonators.
I counseled self-identified transgendered patients and offered reassurance that this was not typical, but also not abnormal. It's all part of the continuum of human sexuality. I helped them deal with the issue of being marginalized by people who think they have the moral high ground to make decisions about people they've never met.
Well, a tiny number of people have a mental illness that maybe means they have medical changes made to them but it does not alter their sex. It is the best of bad choices for them - maybe. This does not require that all of society be upended, reality denied, language messed with for everyone else, and children taught a whole Ideology around gender. Girls in particular are being destroyed in large numbers right now at a time when they are not capable of good judgement. First comes the psych destruction in school. That preps them for the medical. Politicians are either riding it for political gain or afraid to touch it. Have you looked at the different states under https://genspect.org/local ?
Very few have a problem with being kind to the tiny number who have a problem. Does "Proud Democrat" sound kind and understanding?
People can live productive lives with all manner of mental illnesses and destigmatizing mental illness is one thing but GI as taught in schools is a cult.
Oh, poor you! You might be asked to call someone them, seems like such a horrible thing to ask of one! /sarcasm. Girls are not being destroyed, you are insane and I am glad that your view is irrelevant.
But you know it has crossed over into the realm of a whole ideology when people are pushed to use words like "they" to refer to a singular person. It is madness that this cult religion is promoted in school systems and universities where it slides in under "diversity counseling". It's even a lucrative business to give lectures and have jobs just about telling everyone who to follow the religion with the right language. Then, there is the enormous amount of money being made by big pharma, bad therapists, and surgeons without scruples. Other religions are not promoted as fact/science in schools.
It sounds to me like PD and his father are both unhinged people. But, the issue is that society has allowed itself to be turned upside down but the likes of such folks. There is a certain amount of predation to the whole thing. "Lets have secret names and pronouns at school and then you must leave your family. They are bad people with WrongThink."
Another bad thing about it is the way in which kids are lead along a path with little steps - each one seeming like not such a big deal to them. Perfectly regular teen girls might take up "they" to be cool and have pals. They have dropped "she". After awhile it becomes less of a big step to go from "they" to "he". I've seen it plenty of times now.
Grooming the teens at an age when they are forming their identities involves a series of small steps over time, where each step in itself does not seem such a big deal to them. Then, they are at the point where they think GI non-believers are bad. And, you have all the online AGP predators suggesting "I'll be your mommie." There is a strong suggestion to grow away from/leave those who love you whether physically or even just mentally. Gender Identity Ideology as taught in the schools along with the secret pronoun use sets the kids on this path. Many are getting out of the cult all the time now. As those numbers grow and minds mature this issue will become impossible to ignore.
YOu may not like it but it is not madness. but you are a SELFISH person to ruin the lives of others simply due to the fact they are not what you want them to be.
Diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination are the way we operate a decent society. You want to control others to do your wishes, and whine to high heaven about having to say "them" vs "he or she. Oh the horror! GMAFB lady
And who is my father? He has been dead for a long time, but he too was a racist and a bigot. So I don't miss him much I'll admit.
That’s good. You’re following in his footsteps. Like father like son. You are racist bigot who hates women for extra women credit and will be missed by exactly no one. 😂😂😂😂
But you are fun to laugh at. Seriously, the level of entitlement and complete ignorance you embody is better satire than the fictional characters the best writers at the onion or babbalon bee could dream up.
I appreciate the good laugh - and your willingness to keep ranting for our amusement. 😂🤣😂🤣😂
I agree that it's not typical but "abnormal" is a loaded term... We ought certainly to help people with these issues live productive lives without agreeing to reshape society with some sort of unreality. The below might be helpful:
The first group is composed of ‘androphilic’ (sometimes termed ‘homosexual’) trans women, who are exclusively sexually attracted to men and are markedly feminine in behaviour and appearance from a young age. They typically begin the process of medical transition before the age of 30.
The second group are motivated to transition as a result of what Blanchard termed ‘autogynephilia’: a sexual orientation defined by sexual arousal at the thought or image of oneself as a woman. Autogynephiles are typically sexually attracted to women, although they may also identify as asexual or bisexual. They are more likely to transition later in life and to have been conventionally masculine in presentation up until that point.
There’s a critical difference between autogynephilia and most other sexual orientations: Most other orientations aren’t erotically disrupted simply by being labeled. When you call a typical gay man homosexual, you’re not disturbing his sexual hopes and desires. By contrast, autogynephilia is perhaps best understood as a love that would really rather we didn’t speak its name. The ultimate eroticism of autogynephilia lies in the idea of really becoming or being a woman, not in being a natal male who desires to be a woman.
Blanchard: "Modern trans activists reframed transsexualism/transgenderism as a political problem rather than a clinical problem. The flat denial that autogynephilia exists became a canon of modern trans activism, trans activism become a sub-department of the Social Justice Movement, and the Social Justice Movement became a primary combatant in the ongoing, pervasive Culture Wars."
As for the large number of trans identified teens, they are mostly caught up in an ideology being pushed online and in schools. They have no life experience with which to evaluate anything and it's very harmful when teachers gaslight them.
Agreed, but the problem is that teenagers are very susceptible to this narrative (it all sounds the same) and it is actively taught in schools and promoted in Gay-Straight "Alliance" groups for minors with little life experience.
I think the issue is not whether we have pity for the PDs (which I do) but that we have given the PDs access to the children & teens out of something like a lack of societal immune system or a desire to signal virtue. The AGPs can reconcile their universe with reality so they want to warp life for everyone else without concern for collateral damage.
Though the first guy to get "non-binary" on a driver's license (in FL) - Jamie S. has since regretted it.
Have you even read the articles? Your response is arrogant and specious. Children shouldn't be drugged, mutilated, or pressured. By people such as yourself.
It is child poisoners such as yourself who resort to ad hominem insults. Anyone pointing out your fetish to mutilate children needs "meds". Have you ever been convicted of molesting a child?
Children shouldn't be drugged, mutilated, or pressured. Neither should teens or young adults. Yet they are. We have to stop it!!
We need to end having mentally ill middle aged men who get excited about the thought of themselves as women (a fetish) stop influencing our education, medical, and legal systems/policies. Gender Ideology is promoted in schools. It is a total cult. We must recognize this as a mental illness for a tiny few (old guys like Bruce ("Caitlyn") Jenner, Richard ("Rachael" Levine and James ("Jennfier") Pritzker - not an "authentic" identity like they have an inner opposite sex-soul inside them or something. The kids get told it's science and that their non-progressive parents are bad. Once their minds are won over by groomers who separate them mentally from parents they are on a path and the legal and medical systems are on board with it. It's like the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the US. I am fighting very hard to save our daughter who is not physically harmed at this time. It is frustrating that until your family is hit with it people think it's a fringe issue/not a big deal. Ha ha about all the funny pronouns (language of a cult). There is no such thing as Gender outside of Sex which is Binary. Where are the doctors and politicians (beyond Tom Cotton) to shout about this?
Gender ID and sexual orientation are two different things. I do find many are ignorant of what people go through confuse them often, and many seem to really really hate the trans folks more than all and are actively working to make their lives as miserable as possible. Even preventing them from using a bathroom!
If you feel as you printed, why on earth are you supporting this bigoted woman?
I don’t hate trans people, I simply recognize no amount of drugs or gender mutilation will make someone a different gender/ sex than their chromosomes. I’m tired of misogynist trying to claim my immutable identity as a woman. No male can ever be a “real” girl or woman and telling them they can is delusional, not loving. It’s also cruel to actual women and girls who have a right to sex-specific sports and private places. To claim otherwise is misogynistic.
I won’t call a white woman a Black woman no matter how strongly a blue-eyed woman “feels” she’s Black. Likewise, I won’t call a human with Y chromosomes a “woman” no matter how much he wants me to because he is NOT a woman.
I was not talking to you lady. And I find your views bigoted and harmful to others and selfish! Why DO YOU GIVE A SHIT if a person born male feels they are a woman and transitions, what BUSINESS IS IT OF YOURS?
And your analogy with race only highlights your ignorance and bigotry.
You will never win your battle to stop others from being themselves, so give it up
Because she is not denying that transgenderism exists, merely pointing out that the current climate supports politicizing the issue and demands that all claims be unquestioned. When an individual's claim is held to be unassailable, and anyone who requests further examination is demonized, we've left the universe of cognition and entered the realm of cyberonanistic fantasy.
“Proud Democrat” is proud to erase women……….. should be more like “typical misogynistic Democrat.” The Democrat party hated women and minorities 100 years ago and they still hate them today. All that’s changed is they now hate children too!!!!!
Her rabid fans sure as hell are denying it exists, and want no questions, they want to never see or have to deal with trans individuals again and want to deny their existence, or at the very least make their lives miserable. And I have no idea what your made up word means, and do not really care.
My rules are to let people live their lives as they wish, and stop these religious moms, who homeschool or send their kids to religious schools that allow discrimination to stay the hell out of CA public schools and our policies.
The knee-jerk groupthink response to your reporting is so predictable.
If you disagree on a sensitive topic, you must of course be one of the Bad Guys, an enemy to poor struggling children everywhere. There can be “no debate” when it comes to the gender questioning kids (or even those who were just roped into the club).
But the point is, these teachers are trying to get kids to attend a club and hide the conversations from their parents. And the justification for this is an assumption that it needs to stay secret from the parents, because any parent who would object to teachers’ secret conversations with their kids about sexuality are Bad Guys too.
Either you agree with the current ideology 100% no questions asked, or you’re a bad person who’s up to no good.
You’d think the San Francisco Chronicle would be above such childish thinking but no. That why so many people are reading Substack.
The law in CA prohibits teachers from outing kids to anyone without their consent, PERIOD. No one is trying to make teens do anything or hiding things from parents. If you want to have a real debate, DO NOT LIE about what is actually the situation. If you do not like CA law, move or try to change it, but you will never do the latter, as bigotry against trans people is not acceptable in this state.
Yes - the same law that allows erect men to wonder around naked minor girls. The same law that let’s male rapist be housed with real women. CA is regressive, cruel, and crime ridden. Owning slaves was once legal too. That CA made child gender mutilation legal does not make it moral.
You don’t even have children! Who are you to have any day at all in this conversation?
Your like a drug addict making themselves feel better by getting other people addicted. You are damaged and damaging kids makes you feel better. Your miserable so your seeking company.
You know nothing about me, but I see you get wet in your pants when you insult others. I think you really do get off when you harm or anger others. Today's GOP is a cult and the only hope is our justice system stopping the traitors from doing any more damage
I see you for the moronic ranting loser you are. I’m treating you to the lightweight version of how you have treated others in every single ridiculous rant you’ve made you irrelevant little tiny pointless thing. 😂🤣🤣😂🤣
Are you too fragile and snowflake-like to take a lightweight version of the hate you spew? Are you really so dumb and delusional as to think you are “entitled” to fling ridiculous insults and rants at people you don’t agree with, but we won’t laugh you back into what ever bat poop stupid hole you crawled out of?
Keep it coming you sad little it. I find it amusing. And thus far, despite calling people “bitch” over and over, the agreement in the ratio is that you’re the little bitch. What’s your ratio looking like irrelevant Democrat? Done throwing temper tantrums over other people’s kids??? Done pointlessly demanding that which will NEVER be yours? Done making a complete and total fool of yourself?
If you lied then I apologize for taking you at your word. You said your mom kicked you out when she left the Dem party. You also claimed to be 60. That would make you almost 50 when she booted you. You CLEARLY have no children or friends or brain.
Please, keep commenting. But at least keep your story straight.
Goodness Proud Democrat, read - read - read. I am a northern Cal democrat and I read about the number of women being harmed and raped in California prisons by male pretending to be women. Wi Spa - a guy who is a convicted sex offender pranced around with his wee wee out in front of children. Read, think, follow science. What happened to our party? We believed in science - climate change etc. Remember that. Now, people with penises can be women because they think it. Nonsense utter nonsense. I voted for same sex marriage. I voted D my whole life not anymore. Let parents parent. Teachers teach math and reading. California sterilized mentally ill folks 30 years ago. It is doing it again. Sterilizing gender dysphoric kids and gay kids. Love thyself as one was born. It just isn't possible to be born in the wrong body. A fact is a fact is a fact is a fact.
Sexualizing 7 year olds is sick and damaging. I’m only 39, but ANY teacher talking about sex with my 7-year old will be going to jail and sued into poverty. I’m soooo glad my kids are not in public school. This is heartbreaking. A kid crush is just that - not something for some manipulative and abusive “teacher” to delve deeper into with a little kid!!!!! This is so destructive. I don’t know any parents who would care if their kid is gay. I also don’t know any parents that see anything positive in sexualizing little kids. These people are sick.
Gender Ideology is common in private schools as well these days. And, the laws in some states work against parents. That said, the California Teachers Association (CTA) ought to be disbanded.
It is, but not in academically elite conservative private Christian schools……. At least not the one mine go to.
A local Catholic school did let an 8th grader openly transition to a “they/ their” pre-pandemic. The sad thing about that was the parents never celebrated this great little girl for doing great in school, being a kind person, being a talented musician. But, once they convinced her to claim she was “not a gender” they ran to legally change her name, threw parties, celebrated her on Facebook. Cheered how this lost 8th grade girl “had found their true self.” 🙄.
It’s definitely in private schools, but our kids’ school openly rejects crt and gender ideology and rightly say they are racist, mysoginistic, run counter to our country’s history as a free democracy seeking opportunity for all, and crt and gender ideology violate the teachings of Jesus which is we are one body (one race) and TWO genders determined by God/ nature/ at the moment of conception/ in your DNA. They rightly point out there is no right way to be a girl or a boy, and no possible way to change your gender no matter how much you damage the one body you get in this life.
We picked the school for the academics. We are now almost more grateful for all the rest of it (no harmful destructive “theories,” open in-person school, mask optional and mostly not worn, no vaccine mandates, STEM that teaches elementary kids what ‘aerosol’ means).
Yeah, the attention they'd get from her being "trans" is much bigger amongst their social media NPCs. How sad for the girl that her parents care more about virtue signaling than her actual accomplishments and sad for society as a whole.
Her it’s bad, her 1st cousin, who was an extremely beautiful young lady, it’s devastating - they are mutilating the cousins body and with all the drugs I’m sure she’s sterile. I’m guessing this girl chose “they/ their” to avoid the medical interventions…………. The parents are doing this, and that’s in every case I’ve seen first hand (7 kids). The parents want attention.
My pediatrician actually thinks it is Munchausen………. And its what happens when social circles, like in a cult, condone or celebrate some type of child abuse the kid supposedly “enjoys” and “seeks out.” It’s just the newest form of parent initiated or supported child sex abuse.
I don’t care what you think. You’re a loser with extreme mental illness who adds nothing positive to society. You keep telling yourself your delusions. Bless your heart you are damaged
WOW, are you assbackwards in that thinking. Letting kids be themselves is racist, misogynistic and anti-democratic? You must have voted from Trump. I have never seen so many people ignorant of reality! You keep your Jesus OUT OF MY LIFE and LAWS and in your private school that gets to discriminate legally.
And a "Chrisitan" pushing no masks and vaccines is not a follower of Jesus.
Wow. You are irrelevant and dumb. You promote child gender mutilation. You’re sick!! Luckily people like you don’t pro-create (you just prey on other people’s kids). Poor you, I can afford to keep my kids from your sick ideology.
Dumb shit, being gay has nothing to do with being delusional. Stop insulting gay people who never asked to be included in your anti-woman anti-child madness.
And yet, you don’t seem to have kids in CA public schools…… why should I stay out of it when you don’t even have kids and insist on inserting yourself????? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
LOL We in California likely pay enough taxes to save your state's ass, assuming you live in a red state that RELIES ON BLUE STATES LIKE CA to survive. Most Americans live in cities that are liberal, GET OVER IT
I DO NOT CARE, I will continue financially supporting and volunteering to help homeless LGBTQ teens who had parents like you and ended up homeless. And you cannot stop us, we will never stop fighting against your hate, EVER.
Kids like mine don’t end up homeless. Even after our deaths they will be well looked after by people who actually love them and don’t project their delusions onto them. 😘
You have a lot to say for someone who has clearly not paid any attention to what is being said by people. You have some stereotype stuck in your brain. Zero people here "hate" lgbtq people.
This site breaks down what some of the laws are by state: https://genspect.org/local/ like if there is mandated curriculum on gender and if the state pays for mastectomies.
Also, it lists colleges that pay for cross sex hormones and surgeries - by state
it's much more common that you would think - so not just California. State laws have been getting quietly changed and then Gender Ideology hits the unions and then the schools. If the Equality Act is passed at the Federal level we are sunk.
While I agree, it’s so opposed to, well, nature, it’s bound to fail. The quiet part is over and the backlash has begun. People realize it’s happening and see the consequences to actual girls everyday. Democrats have spent the last two years destroying kids at every opportunity. Lots of us have woken up. 75% of the country agrees there are only two genders and biology, not feelings, determine gender. The other 25% are literally delusional.
People are done letting George Soros and Bill Gates, the primary founders of this push to erase women, ruin society. If the Democrats try to die in this insane hill, the party will die……….
The public doesn’t “support” this insanity - they were unaware it was happening. The consequences are the cure (though an incredibly destructive cure). The goal is now to minimize the damage and keep opening eyes.
Some bad actors have surprised me. For instance, why do you suppose Bill Gates and Warren Buffet would want to erase women? And, I guess George Soros wants to destroy the country out of some extra-globalist agenda? It is hard to fathom. It seems like the Democrats have lost control of the train and will likely die on this hill (not that many Republicans beyond Tom Cotton have fought much.) Tulsi Gabbard has been good. I completely agree that the public has been unaware of what is happening thanks to legacy media. I still do not see the NYT and the WSJ doing any real reporting on the subject. This is why substack is such a thing. Maybe it is time to let some of these old papers go. Good journalists like Bari Weiss have left.
What they are doing to girls is cruel. 💓💓💓. Hang in there
I had gender dysphoria as a child. I am now a mom with an amazing husband and a life I simply never envisioned. I have grown to love my strong, but comically female body. I have also grown to realize I will always hate pink, Barbie; princesses, and tea parties.
Time is your friend. There is no “right” way to be a girl. There are no right clothes, no right personality traits, no right hobbies. I never played with dolls (stuffed animals were my thing). I’m as shocked as everyone else I chose such a traditional and normal life (it was never forced upon me).
We get this one body. Growing up being a girl doesn’t always feel like a gift. It feels like it invites judgement and silly expectations. But as an adult it is so powerful.
My 💔 for what you must be going through. Lead with real love. Make sure she’s knows she’s not alone. Time will heal her wounds and insecurities if she will be patient and let it. 💓💓💓
If men with pens is would just live their lives this wouldn’t be an issue. Instead they demand to destroy women. They demand female roommates. They demand to play on the girls team (oddly only after years of mediocre sports performance as boys).
Leave girls alone, let them live their lives and have their sports and private spaces and this wouldn’t be an issue.
Denying women sex based private spaces and sports is the opposite of letting others “live their lives.” It’s demanding men be allowed to destroy women because you think men matter more.
You can’t have both. They are mutually exclusive. Either you value protecting the private spaces and opportunities for women and girls, or your a misogynist that thinks coddling the delusions of men is more important than fairness and bodily safety for women and girls.
You can’t have both because there are innate and immutable biological differences between the two sexes.
Your delusions will never change that. Your ideology being scrapped to the dustbin of history is enviable because of that.
Males and females are biologically different. Period.
No amount of anti-science nonsense from gender ideology can or will change that.
I will not stop protecting my daughter from monsters like you who think her role in life is to coddle men with delusions. I will never think as little of actual females as you do.
Your ranting makes it clear this is all about YOU.
I am curious, are you either a gay women who destroyed your body to deny you sexual orientation, or a delusional man pretending to be a woman?
Very well stated, NCmom. Straight, Gay, and mentally ill people are all entitled to the same rights. In fact, the AGP category of Trans Identified people are actually straight. Many brave lesbians and some brave gay men are speaking out against the lunacy now :)
Dave Chappelle probably reached the widest audience though. He was kind and funny!
Log Cabin republicans is one of the fastest growing political groups in the country that’s held several events with Trump and other prominent Republicans. I welcome the group weigh open arms - they respect women, the constitution, and most especially children.
You guys really, really want to make trans people's lives even harder than they are as it is, and more miserable. Disgusting that you get off on those who use their fame to harm others.
My guess is he's a 50 something AGP guy. What is crazy is not the one off crazies like him but that so much of society could be hoodwinked and that politicians would ride the crazy for political gain. Somehow, our society has been weak and bought this bit about "we are just trying to live our lives". If that were true, nearly everyone would be on board. Instead, activists push to change all of our language ("1984") and our laws so that naive young people are permanently harmed and reality is upended.
I agree. 10 years ago I didn’t see the big deal. But I saw earlier than most because until I was 10ish I swore I should have been a boy. My heart shatters at how people are destroying little girls (Tom boys) like me today.
I’m 39 in a great marriage (to a man). We were both athletes growing up. We have two amazing kids. He finds my hatred of pink and dolls amusing. I look like a soccer mom and love it.
I love my strong and comically female body now. My life is better than I could have ever envisioned even as a teenager.
I saw early the danger in this ideology because I realized it could have been me. And I would have killed myself in my early 30’s CNE I realized all I had given up as a dumb kid who bought a lie that I was “born in the wrong body.” That isn’t a thing. We are born in the only body we get.
I’m out to save my own daughter from the destruction of erasing women, but also every little girl who is wrongly being told to turn her insecurities towards destroying the only body she will ever get.
The dysphoria and discomfort passes if you simply embrace the unique person you are and let time pass. Learning to live in the temporary discomfort s a great life lesson. It builds strength and patients.
Laws needed to be changed to stop bigots from discriminating and making the lives of LGBTQ people hell. You guys want control over all, well hon, too late, you lost and will never rid the world of trans or gay folks.
My daughter took my elementary age grandchildren to an Asian country for the duration of their k-12 educations for precisely this reason. She will not tolerate the sexual, racial and anti-knowledge sect destroy her kids.
I hope I don’t have to go to that extreme. We brought in the new year in the Caribbean. My kids go to an academically elite genuinely Christian private school that publicly rejects CRT and gender ideology. Still, being here with all the extra paperwork, my 10-year daughter looked at me the other day and said “it’s nice to see only male and female boxes again. I don’t think the Jamaicans even realize how much smarter than United States Americans they are.” 😂😂😂😂🤣
My grandkids have been overseas less than two months and they’re already flourishing. None of this lunacy is poisoning their childhoods.
I never in my life thought I’d be glad my grandchildren are out of the US. Only over the last five years have the dangers of a psychotic, child-endangering, truth averse pseudo-culture become so prevalent as to make a 29 hour one way trip to visit a reasonable idea.
Thank you. I appreciate that. When your family is bombed by this it's as if you are transported from your nice community where you were well liked to North Korea. Everyone competes to smile and clap hard with the occasional person looking over their shoulder whispering "some of us are not on board". If you do not smile you are suddenly a bad person. Teachers in their 20s (who are the age of people you might have diapered) beam and use crazy pronouns, patronize you, act like they know your child way better than you do, and do not heed what you say.
Teachers are not talking about "sex" with 7 year olds. Since your kids do not go to public school, STHU about what goes on there, and continue to raise good little bigots
Not where we are. Some are fine. Others condone and promote it. We’re Catholic, and our kids go to a Christian, but not Catholic, school for a reason. The Catholic schools we know about across several states are a mixed bag.
Exactly, not many schools are safe from this stuff anymore, including Catholic. Between the Trans agenda, CRT, and SEL, homeschooling is the best option. I just started homeschooling my son.
Homeschooling is a great option. Or university model. There are so many programs for homeschooling these days it’s a far reality from what so many envision.
We love our kid’s school, but they know very well if we move or things change there homeschool is our next option.
I agree. It’s weird - the Catholic Church has undoubtedly done some enormous good for humanity, but for a few decades, they’ve allowed themselves to be corrupted (and worse) which is very sad
my father’s family were catholic. after Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia my grandpa was hired as chief engineer in charge of constructing railroad lines throughout Ecuador. they travelled to remote villages where they firsthand bore witness to the victimization of the locals as perpetrated by church officials ... financial as well as sexual... it was not isolated incidents.
I saw that article, it was a complete disgrace and a blatant attempt to whitewash what you uncovered, presumably to please the twitter chorus that dictates the direction of legacy media newsrooms. I have been lazy about canceling my subscription (the cancel option on their website doesn't even work) but I will be sure and get to it now.
Even the aggressively moderated comments section there seems mostly to fall on the side of reason.
God are you people hateful assholes. It seems you GET OFF when you manage to ruin the life of a trans person. I bet you celebrate when one kills themselves
We need 10,000 more Abigail Shrier’s !
Retired shrink here Agree
I bet you did a lot of damage if you advised LGBTQ teens
I’ll bet you’re a very damaged person. Description of “Proud Democrat” Angry, gullible, racist, misogynistic, barely literate, and crazy
I acknowledge the existence of transgenderism. I do not understand it, but I recognize it is real. I look at empirical data and find that gender identification and sexual orientation are often confused. I read imagery of the brain including functional MRI. There is little variation across gene pools or cultures. Some cultures are more accepting of "the other" than the average.
Best data available says 0.5% to 1.3% are transgender; geographic clusters might exist, but they appear to be a very recent phenomenon. I talked with LGBTQ-EIEIO teens occasionally. I also spoke with cross-dressers and female impersonators.
I counseled self-identified transgendered patients and offered reassurance that this was not typical, but also not abnormal. It's all part of the continuum of human sexuality. I helped them deal with the issue of being marginalized by people who think they have the moral high ground to make decisions about people they've never met.
Such as you.
Well, a tiny number of people have a mental illness that maybe means they have medical changes made to them but it does not alter their sex. It is the best of bad choices for them - maybe. This does not require that all of society be upended, reality denied, language messed with for everyone else, and children taught a whole Ideology around gender. Girls in particular are being destroyed in large numbers right now at a time when they are not capable of good judgement. First comes the psych destruction in school. That preps them for the medical. Politicians are either riding it for political gain or afraid to touch it. Have you looked at the different states under https://genspect.org/local ?
Very few have a problem with being kind to the tiny number who have a problem. Does "Proud Democrat" sound kind and understanding?
People can live productive lives with all manner of mental illnesses and destigmatizing mental illness is one thing but GI as taught in schools is a cult.
and you guys are bigots
Does anyone have any idea how I may communicate directly with Ms. Schrier?
Oh, poor you! You might be asked to call someone them, seems like such a horrible thing to ask of one! /sarcasm. Girls are not being destroyed, you are insane and I am glad that your view is irrelevant.
I will not use incorrect grammar which requires me to call a blatant lie truth to satisfy someone’s delusion. Period.
Her view isn’t irrelevant, you are 😘
But you know it has crossed over into the realm of a whole ideology when people are pushed to use words like "they" to refer to a singular person. It is madness that this cult religion is promoted in school systems and universities where it slides in under "diversity counseling". It's even a lucrative business to give lectures and have jobs just about telling everyone who to follow the religion with the right language. Then, there is the enormous amount of money being made by big pharma, bad therapists, and surgeons without scruples. Other religions are not promoted as fact/science in schools.
It sounds to me like PD and his father are both unhinged people. But, the issue is that society has allowed itself to be turned upside down but the likes of such folks. There is a certain amount of predation to the whole thing. "Lets have secret names and pronouns at school and then you must leave your family. They are bad people with WrongThink."
Another bad thing about it is the way in which kids are lead along a path with little steps - each one seeming like not such a big deal to them. Perfectly regular teen girls might take up "they" to be cool and have pals. They have dropped "she". After awhile it becomes less of a big step to go from "they" to "he". I've seen it plenty of times now.
Grooming the teens at an age when they are forming their identities involves a series of small steps over time, where each step in itself does not seem such a big deal to them. Then, they are at the point where they think GI non-believers are bad. And, you have all the online AGP predators suggesting "I'll be your mommie." There is a strong suggestion to grow away from/leave those who love you whether physically or even just mentally. Gender Identity Ideology as taught in the schools along with the secret pronoun use sets the kids on this path. Many are getting out of the cult all the time now. As those numbers grow and minds mature this issue will become impossible to ignore.
YOu may not like it but it is not madness. but you are a SELFISH person to ruin the lives of others simply due to the fact they are not what you want them to be.
Diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination are the way we operate a decent society. You want to control others to do your wishes, and whine to high heaven about having to say "them" vs "he or she. Oh the horror! GMAFB lady
And who is my father? He has been dead for a long time, but he too was a racist and a bigot. So I don't miss him much I'll admit.
It’s madness. Like killing kids to not make it rain or burning teenage girls at the stake for not being witches.
That’s good. You’re following in his footsteps. Like father like son. You are racist bigot who hates women for extra women credit and will be missed by exactly no one. 😂😂😂😂
But you are fun to laugh at. Seriously, the level of entitlement and complete ignorance you embody is better satire than the fictional characters the best writers at the onion or babbalon bee could dream up.
I appreciate the good laugh - and your willingness to keep ranting for our amusement. 😂🤣😂🤣😂
I agree that it's not typical but "abnormal" is a loaded term... We ought certainly to help people with these issues live productive lives without agreeing to reshape society with some sort of unreality. The below might be helpful:
The first group is composed of ‘androphilic’ (sometimes termed ‘homosexual’) trans women, who are exclusively sexually attracted to men and are markedly feminine in behaviour and appearance from a young age. They typically begin the process of medical transition before the age of 30.
The second group are motivated to transition as a result of what Blanchard termed ‘autogynephilia’: a sexual orientation defined by sexual arousal at the thought or image of oneself as a woman. Autogynephiles are typically sexually attracted to women, although they may also identify as asexual or bisexual. They are more likely to transition later in life and to have been conventionally masculine in presentation up until that point.
There’s a critical difference between autogynephilia and most other sexual orientations: Most other orientations aren’t erotically disrupted simply by being labeled. When you call a typical gay man homosexual, you’re not disturbing his sexual hopes and desires. By contrast, autogynephilia is perhaps best understood as a love that would really rather we didn’t speak its name. The ultimate eroticism of autogynephilia lies in the idea of really becoming or being a woman, not in being a natal male who desires to be a woman.
Blanchard: "Modern trans activists reframed transsexualism/transgenderism as a political problem rather than a clinical problem. The flat denial that autogynephilia exists became a canon of modern trans activism, trans activism become a sub-department of the Social Justice Movement, and the Social Justice Movement became a primary combatant in the ongoing, pervasive Culture Wars."
As for the large number of trans identified teens, they are mostly caught up in an ideology being pushed online and in schools. They have no life experience with which to evaluate anything and it's very harmful when teachers gaslight them.
PD is a child who cannot reconcile his universe, seemingly a junior high cafeteria, with reality. Look on him with pity
Agreed, but the problem is that teenagers are very susceptible to this narrative (it all sounds the same) and it is actively taught in schools and promoted in Gay-Straight "Alliance" groups for minors with little life experience.
I think the issue is not whether we have pity for the PDs (which I do) but that we have given the PDs access to the children & teens out of something like a lack of societal immune system or a desire to signal virtue. The AGPs can reconcile their universe with reality so they want to warp life for everyone else without concern for collateral damage.
Though the first guy to get "non-binary" on a driver's license (in FL) - Jamie S. has since regretted it.
Have you even read the articles? Your response is arrogant and specious. Children shouldn't be drugged, mutilated, or pressured. By people such as yourself.
You're parroting both the article and my post. May I suggest you go back on your meds.
It is child poisoners such as yourself who resort to ad hominem insults. Anyone pointing out your fetish to mutilate children needs "meds". Have you ever been convicted of molesting a child?
Children shouldn't be drugged, mutilated, or pressured. Neither should teens or young adults. Yet they are. We have to stop it!!
We need to end having mentally ill middle aged men who get excited about the thought of themselves as women (a fetish) stop influencing our education, medical, and legal systems/policies. Gender Ideology is promoted in schools. It is a total cult. We must recognize this as a mental illness for a tiny few (old guys like Bruce ("Caitlyn") Jenner, Richard ("Rachael" Levine and James ("Jennfier") Pritzker - not an "authentic" identity like they have an inner opposite sex-soul inside them or something. The kids get told it's science and that their non-progressive parents are bad. Once their minds are won over by groomers who separate them mentally from parents they are on a path and the legal and medical systems are on board with it. It's like the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the US. I am fighting very hard to save our daughter who is not physically harmed at this time. It is frustrating that until your family is hit with it people think it's a fringe issue/not a big deal. Ha ha about all the funny pronouns (language of a cult). There is no such thing as Gender outside of Sex which is Binary. Where are the doctors and politicians (beyond Tom Cotton) to shout about this?
Gender ID and sexual orientation are two different things. I do find many are ignorant of what people go through confuse them often, and many seem to really really hate the trans folks more than all and are actively working to make their lives as miserable as possible. Even preventing them from using a bathroom!
If you feel as you printed, why on earth are you supporting this bigoted woman?
I don’t hate trans people, I simply recognize no amount of drugs or gender mutilation will make someone a different gender/ sex than their chromosomes. I’m tired of misogynist trying to claim my immutable identity as a woman. No male can ever be a “real” girl or woman and telling them they can is delusional, not loving. It’s also cruel to actual women and girls who have a right to sex-specific sports and private places. To claim otherwise is misogynistic.
I won’t call a white woman a Black woman no matter how strongly a blue-eyed woman “feels” she’s Black. Likewise, I won’t call a human with Y chromosomes a “woman” no matter how much he wants me to because he is NOT a woman.
Get over it.
Absolutely well said. 👏🏻👏🏻
I was not talking to you lady. And I find your views bigoted and harmful to others and selfish! Why DO YOU GIVE A SHIT if a person born male feels they are a woman and transitions, what BUSINESS IS IT OF YOURS?
And your analogy with race only highlights your ignorance and bigotry.
You will never win your battle to stop others from being themselves, so give it up
Lol... Bigoted? Not everyone who disagrees with you is a bigot.
Those who make the lives of LGBTQ folks hell are bigots in my book
Because she is not denying that transgenderism exists, merely pointing out that the current climate supports politicizing the issue and demands that all claims be unquestioned. When an individual's claim is held to be unassailable, and anyone who requests further examination is demonized, we've left the universe of cognition and entered the realm of cyberonanistic fantasy.
Where you appear to be making the rules.
“Proud Democrat” is proud to erase women……….. should be more like “typical misogynistic Democrat.” The Democrat party hated women and minorities 100 years ago and they still hate them today. All that’s changed is they now hate children too!!!!!
Her rabid fans sure as hell are denying it exists, and want no questions, they want to never see or have to deal with trans individuals again and want to deny their existence, or at the very least make their lives miserable. And I have no idea what your made up word means, and do not really care.
My rules are to let people live their lives as they wish, and stop these religious moms, who homeschool or send their kids to religious schools that allow discrimination to stay the hell out of CA public schools and our policies.
The knee-jerk groupthink response to your reporting is so predictable.
If you disagree on a sensitive topic, you must of course be one of the Bad Guys, an enemy to poor struggling children everywhere. There can be “no debate” when it comes to the gender questioning kids (or even those who were just roped into the club).
But the point is, these teachers are trying to get kids to attend a club and hide the conversations from their parents. And the justification for this is an assumption that it needs to stay secret from the parents, because any parent who would object to teachers’ secret conversations with their kids about sexuality are Bad Guys too.
Either you agree with the current ideology 100% no questions asked, or you’re a bad person who’s up to no good.
You’d think the San Francisco Chronicle would be above such childish thinking but no. That why so many people are reading Substack.
(edited for typos)
Yes, you'd think. Unless you're oblivious to the ubiquity of group-think.
I knew a Jesse Porter once. You didn’t grow up in Cleveland did you?
No I didn't.
The law in CA prohibits teachers from outing kids to anyone without their consent, PERIOD. No one is trying to make teens do anything or hiding things from parents. If you want to have a real debate, DO NOT LIE about what is actually the situation. If you do not like CA law, move or try to change it, but you will never do the latter, as bigotry against trans people is not acceptable in this state.
Yes - the same law that allows erect men to wonder around naked minor girls. The same law that let’s male rapist be housed with real women. CA is regressive, cruel, and crime ridden. Owning slaves was once legal too. That CA made child gender mutilation legal does not make it moral.
OMG you are a nut case and a liar. I assume you live in North Carolina? Stay the hell out of CA and leave our schools alone.
And you are from the South and bring up slavery? GET BENT YOU RACIST POS
You don’t even have children! Who are you to have any day at all in this conversation?
Your like a drug addict making themselves feel better by getting other people addicted. You are damaged and damaging kids makes you feel better. Your miserable so your seeking company.
And you’re incredibly immature.
You know nothing about me, but I see you get wet in your pants when you insult others. I think you really do get off when you harm or anger others. Today's GOP is a cult and the only hope is our justice system stopping the traitors from doing any more damage
I see you for the moronic ranting loser you are. I’m treating you to the lightweight version of how you have treated others in every single ridiculous rant you’ve made you irrelevant little tiny pointless thing. 😂🤣🤣😂🤣
Are you too fragile and snowflake-like to take a lightweight version of the hate you spew? Are you really so dumb and delusional as to think you are “entitled” to fling ridiculous insults and rants at people you don’t agree with, but we won’t laugh you back into what ever bat poop stupid hole you crawled out of?
Keep it coming you sad little it. I find it amusing. And thus far, despite calling people “bitch” over and over, the agreement in the ratio is that you’re the little bitch. What’s your ratio looking like irrelevant Democrat? Done throwing temper tantrums over other people’s kids??? Done pointlessly demanding that which will NEVER be yours? Done making a complete and total fool of yourself?
😂🤣😂🤣😂☺️. You are too funny!!!!!!
If you lied then I apologize for taking you at your word. You said your mom kicked you out when she left the Dem party. You also claimed to be 60. That would make you almost 50 when she booted you. You CLEARLY have no children or friends or brain.
Please, keep commenting. But at least keep your story straight.
Goodness Proud Democrat, read - read - read. I am a northern Cal democrat and I read about the number of women being harmed and raped in California prisons by male pretending to be women. Wi Spa - a guy who is a convicted sex offender pranced around with his wee wee out in front of children. Read, think, follow science. What happened to our party? We believed in science - climate change etc. Remember that. Now, people with penises can be women because they think it. Nonsense utter nonsense. I voted for same sex marriage. I voted D my whole life not anymore. Let parents parent. Teachers teach math and reading. California sterilized mentally ill folks 30 years ago. It is doing it again. Sterilizing gender dysphoric kids and gay kids. Love thyself as one was born. It just isn't possible to be born in the wrong body. A fact is a fact is a fact is a fact.
Ad hominem attacking. You fascists often resort to it. State and debate facts? That wouldn't feed your child abusing agendas.
In these instances they are pressured into the "decision".
I bet you go to the website and try to 'own the libs' all the time, there are so many of you the place stinks
Sexualizing 7 year olds is sick and damaging. I’m only 39, but ANY teacher talking about sex with my 7-year old will be going to jail and sued into poverty. I’m soooo glad my kids are not in public school. This is heartbreaking. A kid crush is just that - not something for some manipulative and abusive “teacher” to delve deeper into with a little kid!!!!! This is so destructive. I don’t know any parents who would care if their kid is gay. I also don’t know any parents that see anything positive in sexualizing little kids. These people are sick.
Gender Ideology is common in private schools as well these days. And, the laws in some states work against parents. That said, the California Teachers Association (CTA) ought to be disbanded.
It is, but not in academically elite conservative private Christian schools……. At least not the one mine go to.
A local Catholic school did let an 8th grader openly transition to a “they/ their” pre-pandemic. The sad thing about that was the parents never celebrated this great little girl for doing great in school, being a kind person, being a talented musician. But, once they convinced her to claim she was “not a gender” they ran to legally change her name, threw parties, celebrated her on Facebook. Cheered how this lost 8th grade girl “had found their true self.” 🙄.
It’s definitely in private schools, but our kids’ school openly rejects crt and gender ideology and rightly say they are racist, mysoginistic, run counter to our country’s history as a free democracy seeking opportunity for all, and crt and gender ideology violate the teachings of Jesus which is we are one body (one race) and TWO genders determined by God/ nature/ at the moment of conception/ in your DNA. They rightly point out there is no right way to be a girl or a boy, and no possible way to change your gender no matter how much you damage the one body you get in this life.
We picked the school for the academics. We are now almost more grateful for all the rest of it (no harmful destructive “theories,” open in-person school, mask optional and mostly not worn, no vaccine mandates, STEM that teaches elementary kids what ‘aerosol’ means).
Yeah, the attention they'd get from her being "trans" is much bigger amongst their social media NPCs. How sad for the girl that her parents care more about virtue signaling than her actual accomplishments and sad for society as a whole.
Her it’s bad, her 1st cousin, who was an extremely beautiful young lady, it’s devastating - they are mutilating the cousins body and with all the drugs I’m sure she’s sterile. I’m guessing this girl chose “they/ their” to avoid the medical interventions…………. The parents are doing this, and that’s in every case I’ve seen first hand (7 kids). The parents want attention.
"The parents want attention" Exactly. Like Munchausen by proxy or whichever that is.
My pediatrician actually thinks it is Munchausen………. And its what happens when social circles, like in a cult, condone or celebrate some type of child abuse the kid supposedly “enjoys” and “seeks out.” It’s just the newest form of parent initiated or supported child sex abuse.
I don’t care what you think. You’re a loser with extreme mental illness who adds nothing positive to society. You keep telling yourself your delusions. Bless your heart you are damaged
WOW, are you assbackwards in that thinking. Letting kids be themselves is racist, misogynistic and anti-democratic? You must have voted from Trump. I have never seen so many people ignorant of reality! You keep your Jesus OUT OF MY LIFE and LAWS and in your private school that gets to discriminate legally.
And a "Chrisitan" pushing no masks and vaccines is not a follower of Jesus.
Wow. You are irrelevant and dumb. You promote child gender mutilation. You’re sick!! Luckily people like you don’t pro-create (you just prey on other people’s kids). Poor you, I can afford to keep my kids from your sick ideology.
Dumb shit, LGBT people have kids every day. GET USED TO US WE ARE NOT GOING AWAY
Dumb shit, being gay has nothing to do with being delusional. Stop insulting gay people who never asked to be included in your anti-woman anti-child madness.
Again, keep your religion out of CA public schools and MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS
And yet, you don’t seem to have kids in CA public schools…… why should I stay out of it when you don’t even have kids and insist on inserting yourself????? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Do you also “identify” as a parent? 😂🤣😂🤣😂
You don’t even have children. You are the one who needs to butt out. 😂
Oh, I’d never subject my kids to public school. No worries there. 😂
You don’t even have kids “proud Democrat.” 😂. Maybe you should get out of the way of actual parents.
The state of California ought to be banned from the United States. They hate the Constitution, as well as most Americans.
They mostly HATE children
I hear you... Sadly, crazy laws have been enacted in a number of states - under the radar of most. https://genspect.org/local/
LOL We in California likely pay enough taxes to save your state's ass, assuming you live in a red state that RELIES ON BLUE STATES LIKE CA to survive. Most Americans live in cities that are liberal, GET OVER IT
Nobody here agrees with you. No one likes you. Your rants only confirm your mental illness.
I DO NOT CARE, I will continue financially supporting and volunteering to help homeless LGBTQ teens who had parents like you and ended up homeless. And you cannot stop us, we will never stop fighting against your hate, EVER.
Kids like mine don’t end up homeless. Even after our deaths they will be well looked after by people who actually love them and don’t project their delusions onto them. 😘
You have a lot to say for someone who has clearly not paid any attention to what is being said by people. You have some stereotype stuck in your brain. Zero people here "hate" lgbtq people.
This site breaks down what some of the laws are by state: https://genspect.org/local/ like if there is mandated curriculum on gender and if the state pays for mastectomies.
Also, it lists colleges that pay for cross sex hormones and surgeries - by state
it's much more common that you would think - so not just California. State laws have been getting quietly changed and then Gender Ideology hits the unions and then the schools. If the Equality Act is passed at the Federal level we are sunk.
While I agree, it’s so opposed to, well, nature, it’s bound to fail. The quiet part is over and the backlash has begun. People realize it’s happening and see the consequences to actual girls everyday. Democrats have spent the last two years destroying kids at every opportunity. Lots of us have woken up. 75% of the country agrees there are only two genders and biology, not feelings, determine gender. The other 25% are literally delusional.
People are done letting George Soros and Bill Gates, the primary founders of this push to erase women, ruin society. If the Democrats try to die in this insane hill, the party will die……….
The public doesn’t “support” this insanity - they were unaware it was happening. The consequences are the cure (though an incredibly destructive cure). The goal is now to minimize the damage and keep opening eyes.
Some bad actors have surprised me. For instance, why do you suppose Bill Gates and Warren Buffet would want to erase women? And, I guess George Soros wants to destroy the country out of some extra-globalist agenda? It is hard to fathom. It seems like the Democrats have lost control of the train and will likely die on this hill (not that many Republicans beyond Tom Cotton have fought much.) Tulsi Gabbard has been good. I completely agree that the public has been unaware of what is happening thanks to legacy media. I still do not see the NYT and the WSJ doing any real reporting on the subject. This is why substack is such a thing. Maybe it is time to let some of these old papers go. Good journalists like Bari Weiss have left.
I agree with you 100%. I have a further goal of saving my own daughter who has not yet suffered physical harm. I am never going to forget this trauma.
What they are doing to girls is cruel. 💓💓💓. Hang in there
I had gender dysphoria as a child. I am now a mom with an amazing husband and a life I simply never envisioned. I have grown to love my strong, but comically female body. I have also grown to realize I will always hate pink, Barbie; princesses, and tea parties.
Time is your friend. There is no “right” way to be a girl. There are no right clothes, no right personality traits, no right hobbies. I never played with dolls (stuffed animals were my thing). I’m as shocked as everyone else I chose such a traditional and normal life (it was never forced upon me).
We get this one body. Growing up being a girl doesn’t always feel like a gift. It feels like it invites judgement and silly expectations. But as an adult it is so powerful.
My 💔 for what you must be going through. Lead with real love. Make sure she’s knows she’s not alone. Time will heal her wounds and insecurities if she will be patient and let it. 💓💓💓
Because it is ALL ABOUT YOU not others who are just trying to live their lives.
If men with pens is would just live their lives this wouldn’t be an issue. Instead they demand to destroy women. They demand female roommates. They demand to play on the girls team (oddly only after years of mediocre sports performance as boys).
Leave girls alone, let them live their lives and have their sports and private spaces and this wouldn’t be an issue.
Denying women sex based private spaces and sports is the opposite of letting others “live their lives.” It’s demanding men be allowed to destroy women because you think men matter more.
You can’t have both. They are mutually exclusive. Either you value protecting the private spaces and opportunities for women and girls, or your a misogynist that thinks coddling the delusions of men is more important than fairness and bodily safety for women and girls.
You can’t have both because there are innate and immutable biological differences between the two sexes.
Your delusions will never change that. Your ideology being scrapped to the dustbin of history is enviable because of that.
Males and females are biologically different. Period.
No amount of anti-science nonsense from gender ideology can or will change that.
I will not stop protecting my daughter from monsters like you who think her role in life is to coddle men with delusions. I will never think as little of actual females as you do.
Your ranting makes it clear this is all about YOU.
I am curious, are you either a gay women who destroyed your body to deny you sexual orientation, or a delusional man pretending to be a woman?
Very well stated, NCmom. Straight, Gay, and mentally ill people are all entitled to the same rights. In fact, the AGP category of Trans Identified people are actually straight. Many brave lesbians and some brave gay men are speaking out against the lunacy now :)
Dave Chappelle probably reached the widest audience though. He was kind and funny!
Log Cabin republicans is one of the fastest growing political groups in the country that’s held several events with Trump and other prominent Republicans. I welcome the group weigh open arms - they respect women, the constitution, and most especially children.
You guys really, really want to make trans people's lives even harder than they are as it is, and more miserable. Disgusting that you get off on those who use their fame to harm others.
My guess is he's a 50 something AGP guy. What is crazy is not the one off crazies like him but that so much of society could be hoodwinked and that politicians would ride the crazy for political gain. Somehow, our society has been weak and bought this bit about "we are just trying to live our lives". If that were true, nearly everyone would be on board. Instead, activists push to change all of our language ("1984") and our laws so that naive young people are permanently harmed and reality is upended.
I agree. 10 years ago I didn’t see the big deal. But I saw earlier than most because until I was 10ish I swore I should have been a boy. My heart shatters at how people are destroying little girls (Tom boys) like me today.
I’m 39 in a great marriage (to a man). We were both athletes growing up. We have two amazing kids. He finds my hatred of pink and dolls amusing. I look like a soccer mom and love it.
I love my strong and comically female body now. My life is better than I could have ever envisioned even as a teenager.
I saw early the danger in this ideology because I realized it could have been me. And I would have killed myself in my early 30’s CNE I realized all I had given up as a dumb kid who bought a lie that I was “born in the wrong body.” That isn’t a thing. We are born in the only body we get.
I’m out to save my own daughter from the destruction of erasing women, but also every little girl who is wrongly being told to turn her insecurities towards destroying the only body she will ever get.
The dysphoria and discomfort passes if you simply embrace the unique person you are and let time pass. Learning to live in the temporary discomfort s a great life lesson. It builds strength and patients.
Hang in there!!! 💓💓💓🙏🙏🙏
Laws needed to be changed to stop bigots from discriminating and making the lives of LGBTQ people hell. You guys want control over all, well hon, too late, you lost and will never rid the world of trans or gay folks.
The CTA did not make the laws you knucklehead
My daughter took my elementary age grandchildren to an Asian country for the duration of their k-12 educations for precisely this reason. She will not tolerate the sexual, racial and anti-knowledge sect destroy her kids.
I wish I could disagree with her but I don’t.
I hope I don’t have to go to that extreme. We brought in the new year in the Caribbean. My kids go to an academically elite genuinely Christian private school that publicly rejects CRT and gender ideology. Still, being here with all the extra paperwork, my 10-year daughter looked at me the other day and said “it’s nice to see only male and female boxes again. I don’t think the Jamaicans even realize how much smarter than United States Americans they are.” 😂😂😂😂🤣
My grandkids have been overseas less than two months and they’re already flourishing. None of this lunacy is poisoning their childhoods.
I never in my life thought I’d be glad my grandchildren are out of the US. Only over the last five years have the dangers of a psychotic, child-endangering, truth averse pseudo-culture become so prevalent as to make a 29 hour one way trip to visit a reasonable idea.
You are a very good mother. The maternal and paternal extinct has been lost by too many.
Thank you. I appreciate that. When your family is bombed by this it's as if you are transported from your nice community where you were well liked to North Korea. Everyone competes to smile and clap hard with the occasional person looking over their shoulder whispering "some of us are not on board". If you do not smile you are suddenly a bad person. Teachers in their 20s (who are the age of people you might have diapered) beam and use crazy pronouns, patronize you, act like they know your child way better than you do, and do not heed what you say.
Teachers are not talking about "sex" with 7 year olds. Since your kids do not go to public school, STHU about what goes on there, and continue to raise good little bigots
You don’t even have kids- how would you know what’s going on in schools?
Not where we are. Some are fine. Others condone and promote it. We’re Catholic, and our kids go to a Christian, but not Catholic, school for a reason. The Catholic schools we know about across several states are a mixed bag.
Exactly, not many schools are safe from this stuff anymore, including Catholic. Between the Trans agenda, CRT, and SEL, homeschooling is the best option. I just started homeschooling my son.
Homeschooling is a great option. Or university model. There are so many programs for homeschooling these days it’s a far reality from what so many envision.
We love our kid’s school, but they know very well if we move or things change there homeschool is our next option.
Yes, exactly. (That there are so many programs) From expensive, inexpensive, and even free.
think Catholic Church has been compromised for a long, long, long time.
I agree. It’s weird - the Catholic Church has undoubtedly done some enormous good for humanity, but for a few decades, they’ve allowed themselves to be corrupted (and worse) which is very sad
my father’s family were catholic. after Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia my grandpa was hired as chief engineer in charge of constructing railroad lines throughout Ecuador. they travelled to remote villages where they firsthand bore witness to the victimization of the locals as perpetrated by church officials ... financial as well as sexual... it was not isolated incidents.
That’s 💔
AS IF Protestant Christians are all so perfect and moral, while they spread hate and COVID across the USA.
Pedophile priests, for how many decades? And how many punished?
Not enough……. But it will pale in comparison to the victims of early child sexualization and gender ideology 💔💔💔
I saw that article, it was a complete disgrace and a blatant attempt to whitewash what you uncovered, presumably to please the twitter chorus that dictates the direction of legacy media newsrooms. I have been lazy about canceling my subscription (the cancel option on their website doesn't even work) but I will be sure and get to it now.
Even the aggressively moderated comments section there seems mostly to fall on the side of reason.
No, it was to please the trans lobby that controls the state of California.
I'll buy that.
God are you people hateful assholes. It seems you GET OFF when you manage to ruin the life of a trans person. I bet you celebrate when one kills themselves