This is a part of the statist effort to destroy the nuclear family and substitute government.

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Thank you for your advocacy!

~from a mental health therapist who refuses to be a cheerleader for the dark side. (It’s lonely out here.)

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I reccomend resigning.

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I have already “resigned”. I started a solo private practice, self-pay only, in August of 2020.

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I'm so looking forward to listening in tonight and tomorrow night. Knock 'em dead, Abigail. LOL!

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Commies believes children belong to the state... not the responsibility of the parents. Public schools are imbued with Errors of Russia, ie communism. Our Lady of Fatima warned about this in 1917

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Thanks again for your work on this. Will the FAIR webinar be available to replay for those of us who cannot attend?

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Not that I think a discussion of sexuality is necessary in elementary school, but I do think you should stay focused on gender identity and be clear that the problem is only with bundling gender identity along with sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is innate and largely immutable, that is quite well-established. Kids genuinely may need help coping with non-heterosexual orientation, if nothing else because it is a minority case, but yeah, sometimes there may be a need to work with intolerant parents - again, not saying to cut them out, that worries me, but it is quite different than gender transition - for one thing a discussion of orientation doesn’t have to be apparent to anyone else, but also, the worst thing about a mistaken orientation is some awkward encounters, not any serious long-term damage.

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I agree that the LGB ought not to be bundled with the T. They even contradict each other as many same sex attracted young people come to think they are straight but in the "wrong body".

I still think we shouldn't have any sort of GSA groups at school for minors. There is too much that can go wrong with adults outside your family talking to kids about these intimate matters. Kids can come to maturity and have the kind of sex they want - talking to people in their own generation. Kids will grow up to be gay or straight regardless of "support" from teachers. Parents generally come around to whatever out of love for their child. And, if they don't that's for an adult child to figure out without schools sending the message that one's parents are generally not to be trusted more than other adults.

And, then there's the part that these clubs bring in kids as part of an "alliance". There is so much room for groomers and grifters and narcissists.

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I thought the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) was supposed to be about creating a home for gay students in schools and about providing support for those students from straight students. It sounds like a good idea on its face. Why can't we get such an organization to work? By the time they are teenagers, most kids know if they are gay, and having a supportive environment for them seems important. How can we do that without creating the big mess that Abigail has discussed in her book?

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It does sound like a good idea on it's face. And, the sentiment is one that most loving adults would agree with.

If the school talks about kindness and understanding that's one thing, but when you pair it with these clubs and Gender Ideology you have trouble. The California Teachers Association has actively adopted and pushes "The Gender Unicorn". This is not science.

Another problem is that at the high school level (below college anyhow) GSA Clubs attract more troubled kids who want to be activists and kids who don't have a lot of friends than it does same sex attracted kids - from what I have seen as a mom. My kids went to different high schools and in each case the actual gay kids often didn't join these clubs. Although, many of them do go online and come to think they are "trapped in the wrong body" and actually straight.

Then there is the way Trans Ideology has just taken over everything. An unrealistically large number of young people now identify as some form of queer since it seems to take in just about anything. A kid comes in as an ally and is slowly brought around to thinking that their feelings of teenage discomfort or interest in some random thing means they belong to another sex of which there are now many? The other teachers agree to new names and pronouns - gas lighting them out of a desire to be accepting.

A further problem is that I don't see anything good coming from an adult (as there is always an adult advisor to a kid club) whether gay or straight talking to under aged kids very personally about their own sexual awakenings/experiences and inviting such conversation from minors. This invites an inappropriately close relationship between minors and adults. Under aged kids may have a pretty good idea about their orientation but do they need an at school club?

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Reading this article I am sickened by what is going on in our schools. Thank God my children are all grown.

But something else caught my eye. The teacher holding the flag. She wears that beach outfit to teach a class to young children!?? White sleeveless tank top and mini mini skirt. Totally inappropriate!!!!

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Is there a link for the webinar? Difficult to share without one, It is not on the twitter image nor at the site in any obvious way, thanks,

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Loudoun Rapist Sentenced, Put On Sex Offender Registry For Life


3 victims

"Soon after, the school board sought to pass a policy that would permit transgender students to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with. To address concern by parents that this could cause a safety issue, Superintendent Scott Zeigler said definitively that there had been no bathroom sexual assaults in the Loudoun schools. "

"But on Wednesday Judge Pamela Brooks said the assaults did occur, saying, “Over the years this court has read many psychosexual reports, and when I read yours, frankly, it scared me. It scared me for you, it scared me for society.”

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Thank you to sex neuroscientist Dr. Deborah Soh for reporting in the Washington Examiner:


I am still waiting for the NYT and the WSJ :) Please be brave and report!

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I came across this video of last night:


My heart goes out to these families. But, it is an all too common story now.

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Can you give a summary after the broadcast for those of us who live outside the US. Would be grateful.

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I think the CTA needs to be disbanded - as a political and ideological organization that actively works against parents and hurts children - though I expect it is "too big to fail". Maybe the $$ could follow the children instead of the schools. It would be a different thing if the schools had names like "Church School of Gender Ideology" and parents actively made a choice for this. Do these teachers think that helping children master the basics is too lowly for them & they need to follow a higher religious calling?

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Privatization of education isn't going to solve this problem.

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I like how Virginia’s lieutenant governor-elect, Winsome Sears, said “The money in education follows the brick building, it doesn’t follow the child. I don’t care about the brick building. I care about the human life. We don’t get do-overs for our children.”

If the money followed the child we would still be living in a world suffering from mass sociogenic illness - but parents who are increasingly aware might choose schools that focus on the 3 Rs and do not have sex and gender identity clubs for kids under 18.

Our daughter went to a private school and we were caught by surprise.

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Parents have less influence over private schools, in law. Ms. Sears' call for "the money to follow the child" is part of a long-term strategy to defund the public schools. Where I live, parents can extract thousands from their child's local school that they can apply towards private enrollment. In practice, this has only resulted in affluent families obtaining a small discount for expensive schools they were going to go to anyway. My state's voucher program has harmed vulnerable students and their schools.

Having said that, I will say that I appreciate your comments very much. I am enraged as a parent too, and have been following the "trans" madness with great concern. I see it as a form of corporate warfare and a threat to human rights globally.

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I didn't pay much attention to the charter school movement until recently. I live in a left wing "progressive" area that is very much against them. It does seem that there are some failing schools out there - especially in poor areas - and that charter schools might put some pressure on them to be better. And, if the parents take that child plus the amount of money the public school would have put on that child in the failing school it seems like not that much of a taking away? Here there are people who put their kids in private school for whom money is no object, and kids with very little who go on scholarship - with the middle class dwindling. Then, there is the idea that we now how some awareness of GI and it's promotion in all manner of schools so a parent could choose a charter school that is expressly for promoting academics and not DIE (where GI and kiddie GSAs fall). Our public and private schools are uniformly indoctrination centers but I do hear you about potential influence over the public schools. It's just hard to see improvement happening there when there is this top down control over everything.

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Thank you. And, I can see your point of view.

I won't disagree about corporate warfare and a threat to human rights globally...There is a great deal of money being made in the Trans Corporate Industrial Complex. However, where I might once have thought something like Universal Pre-K sounded like a good I now fear this State control and indoctrination of our children. I see the Trans Ideology movement partly as a movement to destroy the nuclear family. If another ideology were being taught in the public schools (like any mainline religion) - we would hear objection. It seems that most people don't hear what is really happening but think there is some sort of gay acceptance movement going on and that people can just ignore the Gender Unicorn nonsense as parents will just tell kids it's silly.

I will be happy with any good solution to this travesty!

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This gender identity business has been a profound wake-up call for me. I understand big business tends to capture the state but I never thought I'd see children targeted like this.

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Yes. Stories like this one are nightmarish for parents. It's a case of regulatory capture, where big business corrupts respectable institutions--schools, charities--into advertising their products.

If there are solutions, I think they will come from parents, especially mothers. Public schools, for all their warts, are uniquely liable to parental influence.

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Let's hope there are solutions. I think this needs to be fought on all fronts. The so called "Equality Act" would be a disaster, for instance. Let's go Mama Bears! MamaBearsUnite.org ? The unfairness in sports seems to have captured some attention.

I think that we will need a "Never Forget" - as we have had for Nazi Germany and the Salem Witch Trial times.

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Maybe not - but the CTA at least needs a reboot. Maybe they are too big and powerful and could be busted like Bell Tel into Baby Bells - or something. I do think the money ought to follow the child rather than the school.

Of course, it will take much more to solve this problem which goes beyond CA. My guess is that the Trans cult ends with lawsuits and eventual public exposure. Someday it will be the subject of a documentary like NXIVM. But, how long will it take and how many will be harmed?

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