Thanks to all who turned on their flashlights to expose the CTA, other activist teachers and school boards. Our children deserve a youth in order to mature without agenda first cheerleaders.

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To paraphrase Huey Lewis : You've made a wrong thing right 😉

I want to see the 'teachers' in jail. Genuinely.

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Perhaps you should ask if there are other teachers who were involved in the scheme......In other words, parents may want to ask students which teachers, besides the 2 already known, were involved in this.

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Agreed. 2 teachers did not start a middle school sexual grooming club on their own. If they're bragging about it in CTA Zoom conferences, dozens of teachers had to know about this behavior. In CA, all teachers are "mandated sexual abuse"reporters. Any teacher that new this was going on had a legal obligation to report it, and clearly didn't.

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"There has never been a shortage of people eager to draw up blueprints for running other people’s lives."

-Thomas Sowell

Remember, as C.S. Lewis warned, “Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

Let's bring back the good old days of the East German Stasi

-Tiny holes were drilled in apartment and hotel room walls through which Stasi agents filmed citizens with special video cameras. Schools, universities, and hospitals were extensively infiltrated-

It was very effective.

How sick in the mind it is to think it's OK to spy on your students.

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Student electronic surveillance is a big deal right now. This is not related to the trans thing but more generally: My friend’s son (in high school at the time, now in college) has gotten the ACLU involved in what seems like unconstitutional online surveillance of the kids in a large California school district (using the program Gaggle).

They are still hashing it out. I haven’t got an update from them in a while but the ACLU is still involved and thinks there is a valid concern.

Anyway, it’s not related to trans issues, but everything the kids said to each other or did online was being recorded, tracked, and monitored. It’s all part of the same thing.

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I'm afraid I can no longer support anything the ACLU does. The gay healthcare multibillionaire Jon Stryker and his husband recently gave $15 million to the ACLU to promote "transgenderism."

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Me too. Same with Planned Parenthood and Southern Poverty Law Center. They have all strayed from their mission.

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Planned Parenthood too yes. Giving out hormones to anyone, regardless of mental health status, on the first visit no questions asked. Damaging people health. That’s another organization I faithfully supported even when I couldn’t afford to. Not anymore.

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i sent PP a letter letting them know that handing out T to females was the opposite of reproductive health care and that this was nothing more than a return to their eugenic origins.

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Strayed big time.

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These organizations did such good in the beginning. But today, the US would probably be better off without them.

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Yes. They've all strayed.

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Neither organization has "strayed from their mission". Both have missions central to the subversion of normalcy. I hope that you're straying from their influence.

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I no longer am an ACLU member and I no longer financially support them because they support this knee-jerk pro-trans wokeness. Nevertheless, if they are working on electronic surveillance issues in a way that helps us, I'm willing to support them to the extent they're doing good in the world.

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It's not true that the gift was "to promote 'transgenderism'".

Getting facts straight MATTERS. We claim to have the facts on our side, we should get them right.

Here is the ACLU announcement of the gift on March 4, 2021: "The American Civil Liberties Union announced that it would name its project working on LGBTQ and HIV issues after Jon L. Stryker and Slobodan Randjelović. The Jon L. Stryker and Slobodan Randjelović LGBTQ & HIV Project, located inside of the ACLU Ruth Bader Ginsburg Liberty Center, will continue the ACLU’s work to make justice and equality a lived reality for LGBTQ people and all people living with HIV. The launching of the Jon L. Stryker and Slobodan Randjelović LGBTQ & HIV Project is made possible through a landmark $15 million gift to the ACLU Foundation. The gift is the largest LGBTQ rights-focused gift in the ACLU’s history and builds on decades of personal support from Stryker and Randjelović to the ACLU and other LGBTQ rights organizations." You can read the whole thing here: https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-announces-jon-l-stryker-and-slobodan-randjelovic-lgbtq-hiv-project

Trans issues are indeed mentioned later, but to say that the gift was "to promote transgenderism" is in no way a fair reading.

Truth, people. Keep it on our side.

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I agree we need to keep truth on our side and be careful how we characterize things. My support of the ACLU went away after watching Chase Strangio use his position as staff lawyer as a pro-trans pulpit, with no one at ACLU even attempting to rein him in. He constantly advocates for his favored political positions instead of advocating for _all_ our rights under the Constitution. In advocating for his political beliefs, he frequently misrepresents the truth, eg, talking about Arkansas “banning health care for trans minors” as if there’s some needed medical care that these children aren’t receiving. He’s a lawyer for gosh sakes. He knows what he’s doing with that sort of language, and he does it anyway. This is no longer the noble organization that Ira Glasser was once in charge of, which stayed deliberately away from political advocacy. I sent ACLU money every year, even when I couldn’t afford it. No more. It’s not the same organization, and it doesn’t appear to represent all Americans’ civil liberties. It’s the worst sort of instrument of rigid, narrow, authoritarian wokeism. That being said, if ACLU does something to stop the surveillance of public school kids, I support that.

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Well. Well. Well.

I'm sure the radical feminist Kara Dansky (a lawyer with the Women's Human Rights Campaign and author of the just released book, The Abolition of Sex) would beg to differ with you. Kara used to work at the ACLU but left when she saw the handwriting on the wall in the form of a "transgender man" (a natal female) with the unintentionally hilarious name of Chase Strangio, Esq.

Neither Kara Dansky nor Jennifer Bilek of the 11th Hour Blog would fall for that impenetrably woke, self-serving boilerplate you quoted from above. But don't take my word for it, just ask Kara and Jennifer. Money talks and $15 million ain't hay. When it comes to protecting the fundamental rights of biological girls and women, the ACLU just ain't what it used to be.

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"When it comes to protecting the fundamental rights of biological girls and women, the ACLU just ain't what it used to be." I completely agree. But your statement about the purpose of the $15M donation, according to both the donors and the recipients, is factually false. And my point is that making factualy false statements does NOTHING to help the cause of women and girls. It hurts that cause, by allowing our enemies to claim (correctly) that we lied about them.

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I understand you have a PhD in science from Stanford. I actually went to graduate school at Stanford, back in the 1970s and lived at Crothers Memorial Hall. Here are the facts and you will notice my earlier statement was not false.

This is what former ACLU attorney and radical feminist Kara Dansky, who wrote the excellent new book (The Abolition of Sex: How the "Transgender" Agenda Harms Women and Girls"), had to say about the $15 million gift that healthcare billionaire Stryker gave to the ACLU and his support of transgender activism.

"Jon Stryker is heir to the Stryker Corporation, a medical device and technology company that brings in nearly $15 billion annually. In 2000, he founded the Arcus Foundation.... In 2015, it announced its plan to earmark $20 million specifically for "transgender" causes, and in 2021, Stryker donated $15 million to the ACLU to advance its LGBT causes in law and policy. As a practical matter because legal rights for lesbians and gay men have largely been secured, this means advancing the ACLU's gender identity agenda in the courts and in state legislatures across the US, as described in Chapter 2.

I don't think Kara Dansky is lying. I think she's telling the truth.


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Why do you expect the transgender rights crowd to tell the truth about anything. They tell the most unbelievable lies about everything related to transgenderism. It's one blatant lie after another.

These are the lies I can think of just off the top of my head:

Puberty blockers are reversible.

Double mastectomies are reversible.

There are relatively few complications from phalloplasties, and vaginoplasties.

Almost no one regrets transitioning.

Anyone who detransitions was never transgender in the first place.

Men can give birth to babies.

If you don't allow your child to transition they will kill themselves.

The murder rate for "transgender" people is shockingly high.

Biological men with intact penises can be lesbians.

And let us not forget that the main message of the teachers who delivered the lecture to the CTA was to lie to parents about everything related to their child. It's lies, lies, lies all the way down.

I am a private citizen not a professional journalist. I am entitled to express my opinion on Substack even when it disagrees with your opinion. You weren't in the room when Stryker and the ACLU allocated that money. You don't know where that $15 million actually went. And I don't believe that press release any more than I believe that America's newest four star, Admiral "Rachel" Levine, is female.

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Wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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"Truth, people. Keep it on our side." OK, sure. You go first.

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Involving the ACLU is inviting the fox into the chicken coop. The ACLU is front running this kind of activist crap and is much more likely to offer support to the teachers unions than to provide any meaningful help to people who want to stop the activists from getting their way.

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I am no fan of the overall direction the ACLU has taken. I'm with you on that. But in terms of online surveillance of schoolkids: If the ACLU takes a stand against that (which they seem to be doing) it's fine by me, and it serves our purposes.

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And those questions are just for starters! What will the Wellness Center be doing with those children? Is anyone monitoring that???

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And here are my questions to add to your list.

Which "independent-third party" firm are they using. Does that firm have ties to the "transgender identity" industry?

Which individuals have been placed on administrative leave, and what will happen to those individuals if it's established they committed any wrongdoing?

What is the district counselor's and principal's policy on promoting "transgender identity" at the Wellness Center to children under 18?

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I would add:

Who are the individuals working at the Wellness center, what are their qualifications and backgrounds, and what situations would they or wouldn't they notify a child's parents about?

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Oh and disclosures re: the detailed job postings and/or employment contracts for all, their compensation structure, and whether they have any paid and/or outside commitments/positions. If so, what are they?

Some of the above can likely be ascertained once the names of the employees have been disclosed.

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Yep! A law firm with an agenda? A “third-party firm” out of Kaiser? More good questions!!

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This is going to sound elitist, but... does teaching in public schools attract stupid people? Because WTAF made these people think this was a good idea? What about the “queer” male teachers having kids act out sex acts during class? Or the teachers fraternizing with kids outside of school, via apps parents can’t break into? Or that shop teacher in Canada, wearing double Z fake breasts with visibly erect nipples in front of boys, which is sexual harassment?

Do we need to pay them more across the board to attract talent or something? How did we wind up with such a dumb ass cohort of teachers??

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