Ms shrier thank you for your book and insight. Unfortunately it was too late for my daughter. Much like the cases you presented,I dropped off a successful, happy beautiful daughter to UCLA at 18. Within 6 months she declared that all men were rapists, within a year she denounced me as an obstacle complicit with the patriarchy and within 2 years with the help of Ucla Med center at 19 she fast tracked herself to hormones and top surgery.

And just like that this cult took my daughter.

I grieve her absence from morning to evening everyday

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I am so sorry for your loss and cannot even imagine the pain you must be experiencing. Hopefully someday your daughter can be deprogrammed once she gets a bit more wisdom and life experience.

The Crit Theory cult (of which Gender is a branch) is truly malevolent and they do not care about your daughter or anyone's daughter, they are on a demented crusade to dismantle every institution in this country and replace its leaders with commissars who share their miserable faith.

Someday they will try to deny what they've done, they will say "Oh, we didn't know better," or "We were just trying to help, it was a good cause," which is the same excuse every destructive pseudo-reformer has used to wave away their crimes.

But we will know better and we will have to make sure they are held accountable.

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May they burn in Hell. This one from Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans, "PITT" is a little more secular than my comment...

"International Right to Truth Day on March 24th"


"Society must defeat this Gender Ideology cult craze, and it will. But think past simply defeating it: a dangerous Gnostic delusion has destroyed the lives of countless young people, and it did so with near-unanimous institutional and media support. Think past victory and start thinking about justice and reform. Thousands of children were harmed psychologically and many physically butchered - even as they believed they were finding their “authentic selves”. We vow to never, ever let this happen to other children. So what will we do after we have defeated this cult?"

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Yes, there should be trials and convictions. There will need to be dedicated academic study into this phenomenon, explorations of how it came about and was defeated. But we are a long way from that yet when the president of the US is such an extreme member of the cult. On his very first day in office he made it a priority to underscroe the genderist assault on children and women.

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Biden showed his colors at a town hall before the election - applauding the "transition" of an 8 year old girl. At this point I don't think he is aware of what he is doing but whoever is running things at the White House certainly has a crazy unhealthy/destructive agenda on this matter. I think we are going to need a museum about what happened. Planning for that could show we are serious. Things could shift really suddenly. People are gaining more awareness via the men in sports fiasco. There could be a sudden preference cascade. And, we need to vote out anyone who does not speak out against Gender Ideology and stand up for the kids and young people and women. What is happening in education is enormously unpopular.

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Yes, LM. The people must send a strong message to stop this "gender" insanity once and for all before any more children or adults are harmed.

I can only imagine what horrors might be in this museum. Let's start with a video of a 12 year old girl undergoing a double mastectomy so she can "live her authentic life."

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Second up in the museum might be "The Call is Coming From Inside the House" documentary


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Jun 19, 2022
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No, Marek.

Abigail Shrier is a brave woman going against all odds striving to protect children from being at best sexualized and worst having their bodies mutilated. She's putting her own life on the line to protect vulnerable people.

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The scary part is how we move on and recover from these kinds of things (cultural shift) is usually a world war.

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The article above, "International Right to Truth Day on March 24th"


suggests that some people can/should be persuaded and forgiven but others who are complicit require pressures and lawsuits, etc:

"Be like Churchill at Tehran. Be picky. Prioritize. Distinguish between degrees of bad guys, and go after them accordingly, with appropriate tools:

Category 1: Polite persuasion, forgiveness, rapid reintegration Category 2: Social/civil pressure Category 3: Civil law Category 4: Criminal law Category 5: Maybe, just maybe, international crimes-against-humanity law."

I do not think it is too early to work through the first 4 categories on this list.

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Do you consider drug abusers to be "victims" of evil pushers rather than people of low character who readily succumb to temptation. It's one thing when a child or adolescent is duped into sex dysphoria - but, an adult (18 year-old college student) has no one blame but herself.

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I would consider anyone of any age who is conned into disfiguring surgery / damaging drugs to be a victim entitled to restitution. These teenagers are psychologically manipulated prior to being physically altered.

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Yes, they are steeped in the ideology for years in high school before they have take hormones and have surgery.

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The con man is indeed guilty of wrong-doing, but only people of low character become their willing dupes. Answer my question - is a drug user a "victim"?

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I wouldn’t pre-judge anyone as a ‘willing dupe’ or ‘low character’. You are making determinations about situations and people you know nothing about.

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You're full of humanist bah-loney and a muddle-headed thinker. I do not "judge" people at all - they define themselves by their actions. I have no sympathy for ADULT addicts or suicides or bizarre mental disorders or criminals.

Children - CLEARLY - are a different issue. They do not have the cognitive development to be able to resist temptations and tricksters. That adults fail to develop character is unfortunate, but it's their problem and is almost entirely iuncurable. Protecting and enabling them is destructive to the species.

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My child was the epitome of good student socially engaged and grounded

If they can take care any kid with even the slightest anxiety in college has no chance

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The young people are groomed for "gender". It is likely a different matter if the person is 50, like Richard Levine (AGP).

For the young it is pretty much a cult where they are mentally separated from families who love them and trained to think they are something other than what they are. The mind is still maturing at the ages when these people who have vowed to "do no harm" give them hormones and perform surgeries. Think NXIVM or HeavenGate or JonesTown but without one specific leader. Instead it is institutionalized everywhere in Education, Medicine, and Law. But, there is no such thing as a "Transgender" person. There are CFM (Cosmetically Feminized Men) and CMW (Cosmetically Masculinzed Women). The fully grown people do it for sexual reasons like fetish - see Dr. Deborah Soh "The End of Gender". The young people - teens & twenties are in a cult and people are making $$$ off of their naivety.

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You're making up nonsense and believing nonsense. Learn biology -- learn genetics -- learn psychology.

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Again you have not faced off with this cult if you think they dupe only people if low character

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So, you agree with me that most people are dupes.

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I really hope that nothing bad ever happens to you where you need to use strong pain medication for more than 3 months. Why? Drug user. Low character. Would apply to you. We will all put our hands in our pocket to buy you the T shirt. Drug users can be victims. Why? Many drug abusers are trying to find a, way to shut out the voices in their heads. Drug users all say they are not victims but can control their drug use. The majority can otherwise everyone who drinks alcohol would be totally disfunction and the western world would collapse. Some people will have an issue with drugs. They are not of low character any more than you are, although from your comments on here, we could assume that you are of low character by the way you speak of others. People have issues, people deal with their issues. You may not approve but nobody is asking for your approval. And you are entitled to your opinions, just think about where you put them.

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I suggest you not waste your time arguing with this person. Any time someone attacks the person he’s arguing with is the time to walk away because he is not interested in discussion, learning, or educating. He’s interested in forcing his views on you. He’s interested in overpowering you. The individual you’re battling with here is consistently using ad hominem as his modus operandi. Keep up your own good work, and bless you for it!

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You blather.

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"Answer my question - is a drug user a 'victim'"?

Perhaps you'll never know until you walk a mile in their shoes.

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You don't realize how logically incoherent that statement is, do you?

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Drug users land along a spectrum. Many use drugs occasionally for pleasure and short "altered states" which is something humans have engaged in for thousands of years. On the other side of the spectrum are those whose lives are incredibly painful with so many unmet needs that they struggle to ever be in a sober state. To punish an addict is to make their life even more painful and exacerbate the problem. Addicts don't need to be punished, they need community, a sense of meaning and purpose.

When a person turns 18, they don't immediately become a mature, high functioning adult. They are the same person as they were the day before, when they were 17 and still a child. I'm curious why you think you are the one to judge who is of "low character"?

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Thank for the standard, irrational humanist perspective.

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I am sorry, but it is necessary to be blunt:

You are very much mistaken and your assumption has no basis in science.

Even you as a human being are susceptible, under the right circumstances, to mental illness.

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That's my point - humans are subject to mental illness. I never said otherwise. What I said is they are NOT victims - especially those who CHOOSE their destructive poisons.

Do you think there are no "bad" people in the world? What I'm arguing is that you fail to place blame where it belongs. You are not thinking logically, but emotionally, and your sympathies are misplaced. That's because the humanists have brain-washed you. They were able to do so because you are weak-minded.

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Legally, an adult, so yes, responsible for her decisions. However, we now know that the frontal cortex is not fully developed in most humans until they are about 25, so perhaps this situation merits a tiny bit of empathy and not just finger-wagging moral superiority.

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Yes, the brain is not fully developed until somewhere in the mid 20s but hormones and surgeries are promoted younger and younger and labeled "life saving affirming care". Planned parenthood hands "T" out with no gatekeeping at all. And, college campuses are in the hormones and "sex change" operation business on the parents' insurance dime without informing them. I don't think you can get your vision laser corrected until 26 because the eye is still changing.

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You've bought into the pop psychology nonsense about brain development. The evidence is not there for that claim. Development (change over time) is a LIFE-LONG process. Different brain function mature at a different times in different people. You're being duped by bogus, "sciencey" claims of ideology-motivated pseudoscientists and the medias' distorted reporting of same.

It's like global warming and COVID - nothing conclusive has been demonstrated to support the claims regarding either - it's all "expert" speculation and "authoritative" claims. The well-controlled studies either contradict (the efficacy of masking for e.g.) or fail to support the claims.

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I really cannot care much about COVID or Global warming right now one way or another - I have to say. These young people are suckered into a cult ideology at a very young age. Everyone around them including all authorities and institutions promote and affirm the Gender Religion. Once these kids are in the cult they are easy fodder for profiteering doctors. When left alone most of them mature out of it around their mid twenties. Many of them mature out of it around that time after having suffered permanent physical harm. There are 26,000 regretful detransitioners on a subreddit - and these are just the 20 somethings who are up to posting about their experience. The more steps these kids take with social tranistion and then hormones the harder it is for them mentally to turn around and desist. And, only parents tell them they should.

I do not see the point of your post... Why should we be teaching Gender Ideology at School like it is scientific fact?

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People's character is largely fixed by the age of 12. Neither YOU nor anyone else knows anything about the relationship of the frontal cortex to character - that's pseudoscience.

Empathy for the depraved is callousness for the decent. Try thinking.

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Maybe you should read shrier book oh all knowing righteous one !

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I don't read - I write. I don't need the guidance of ideologists.

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I've read similar, that many of us fail to factor in the long-term consequences of our actions until we are well into our twenties. It's a complex world, more so than it has ever been. Small wonder that so many of the young are having difficulty differentiating fact from fantasy.

As for their older enablers, they have no excuse.

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That's right and it's why I make a distinction between protecting kids and protecting adults.

The encouragement of gender fantasies and transitioning is destructive lunacy - children must be protected from the psychopaths who promote such damaging ideas. However, we have to accept the reality that kids differ in their innate capacity to resist loony ideas and some will succumb to them when they achieve autonomy. It's the same with drug addiction - kids of innately strong character will not have a problem resisting upon exposure - the genetically defective will yield to it.

Children should be protected and given a chance to mature. Adults are cooked and are not deserving of the money and energy wasted trying to "save" them. To do so is to practice dysgenics. Ironically, humanists who oppose eugenics have no problem with promoting dysgenics (rationalizing and enabling the depraved).

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Brain development is not completed until the age of 25 - so no, nobody who succumbs to predatory pushers below that age is fully in possession of their faculties, whatever the legal age of adulthood may be.

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Pop psychology pseudoscience. So, no one under the age of 25 is responsible for his bad acts? You make my point - not that you'd realize it.

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People are responsible proportionate to their developmental stage. Fact: brain development is not fully completed until approximately age 25. Ingesting brain/hormone altering substances at any stage before that can be more dangerous or disruptive to development. The brain goes through a sort of neurological pruning process between the ages of approx 17-25. This is quite often when schizophrenia begins to develop and there is some good evidence suggesting this process going awry may be the cause. This is the period when schizophrenia most ofen first manifests in those who have it. It's known that as little as a single episode of drug or alcohol abuse can trigger it in some people. This is obviously not directly on the point of puberty blockers or hormones but it is illustrative of how damaging the ingestion of puberty blockers (for younger people) - and hormones could be. There is criminally little research on the full range and longer term effects of either. If a person who has latent or incipient schizophrenia were also to take hormones and puberty blockers the consequences could be severe. Either way, brain development is still not complete until approx 25yrs of age.

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I made no mention of chronological age. I made a distinction between children and mature adults. You don't have a clue when brain development is "complete" - you're just reciting pop psychobabble nonsense.

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You think there are no vulnerable adults! Do you know any drug users who are having to prostitute themselves for money for drugs? I do. I worked with adult drug users for many years and know there are as many reasons for their use as there are people who use. As for young adults being inducted into the church of trans. It is hard to leave home as a young woman in thus world. It is hard to work out what is right and what is wrong. I M ow I was one such young woman. Trans was not the issue, but living with "unsuitable and dangerous" people in a squat and doing things that were not legal were. I am lucky! What I did didn't negatively impact my life.

Please have some humility when it comes to judging others as it might all come back on you in the future.

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I said the opposite - learn to read. Your just feeling sorry for your own shortcomings and making excuses by blaming "circumstances" or "others."

I've already said, I do NOT "judge" others - THEY define themselves by their behaviors.

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I can read!! And you are so judgemental... No, people do not define themselves only by their behaviours but by the way they treat others. And you stand out as judgemental and full of yourself,i.e not a very civilised or bright individual. Have a nice life!

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You've gone hysterical.

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This whole "conversation" (if it could even be CALLED that) has gone a little sideways.

I'll just ask this one question of You, hominid: Are You wrong often? In Your own mind, I mean.

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Please don’t feed the troll!

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Derailing the conversation would seem to be Hominid's aim. He doesn't want to allow Abigail's readers to be able to gather and respond together to her article. (Vested interest, much?). Hence his illogical, non sequitur, scattergun trolling, flooding the comments section.

People who act in bad faith to disrupt... oh nevermind. Life's too short. And if Hominid has a go at this comment, I'll not take the bait.

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I'm not often wrong about the points I make because I do not offer opinions based on wishful thinking or pop culture myths, but rather on hard evidence with which I'm familiar. Where I lack knowledge of such evidence, I keep my mouth shut and try to learn.

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Jun 19, 2022
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I feel sorry for you. You seem to be a fantasist, but I do hope you have evidence re what you have just put on this site as I can see her suing you for slander. Don't know what book you read but I don't think it was the book she actually wrote.

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You are naive and cruel if you think that. What I am trying to communicate is that extremely powerful forces and incentive structure will kidnap your child and all of society will fight me the parent to rescue her.

You have obviously not lost or been humbled

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When Dean Rusk turned 60 Andrei Gromyko welcomed him to the world of adults. Simply put 18 year olds, regardless of what the law says are not adults.

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That's not the issue. Try to focus.

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Go back and try to understand what you wrote. You have mindlessly accepted the idea that one is an "adult " at age 18. Anybody over 40 would understand that one doesnot automatically become an adult at age 18.

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No, I did not. I mentioned nothing about chronological age p that was someone else. YOU "go back" and try to follow the thread as it emerged.

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Your analogy creates a false dichotomy. A doctor/patient relationship is not comparable to a drug pusher/addict. Or shouldn't be anyway. A medical doctor is licensed by their state's medical board. Physicians have a duty to 'do no harm'. Drug dealers are criminals who do whatever they want unless they're caught. A child seeking out unnecessary, irreversible surgery should be told 'No' by a responsible, ethical doctor.

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teachers should also be required to adhere to the oath of ‘first do no harm’

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Learn reality. One person's harm is another person's boon. Ever heard the quip, "There is no free lunch"?

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Idealistic blather.

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Said the pot to the kettle.

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Hey, dummy - ask an abortion doctor if he does harm. You dunces think it's a matter of you're "right" and the opposition is "wrong" or you're "good" and they're "bad." While many might agree with your ethics (myself included) your opponents see it the other way around. Ergo, the right vs wrong argument is utterly stupid. Your goal must be VICTORY - you have to IMPOSE your ethical standards on the nation.

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18 is a young adult. Colleges and universities are "trans/queer/gender identity" indoctrination centers now. Parents send their young adults to colleges and universities for higher education, not indoctrination. No, it is not the fault of the young adult or parent, that colleges and universities have become indoctrinations centers, IF, the young adult or parent did not know this in the first place.

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It IS the fault of the duped. That's your problem - you've bought into humanist mythology. You're an excuse-maker.

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Duped means tricked/deceived. It IS the fault of those deliberately deceiving children and young adults. Even the elderly get are targeted for deception/scams because of their age.

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Children and the aged are exceptions - why do I have to keep saying that?

But, weak-mindedness is the reason dupes are dupable.

I've explained this at length. If you subscribe to fallacious humanist ideology that tells you to accept (even celebrate) deficiencies, you embrace dysgenics and will suffer the consequences you and others are whining about (miseducation, perversion, drug abuse, criminality, etc). Are you incapable of grasping that logical concept?

It is this emotion-based "empathy and sympathy" that enables the problems to reach destructive levels. Only if humanists stop defending losers and let natural selection work its magic will the problems recede. Read the biological reality of Darwin and put down the Bible and Marxist Manifesto. Learn reality and stop believing myths.

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Addiction is a blight. This is a way too simplistic look at

Humans. It doesn’t reflect neuroscience. Addiction is a big behavior driver as well as sex. It is curbed thru morals which are influenced by religion and parenting. But when the parent or god isn’t there…well. Its absolutely about the abuser or dealer. There should be no mercy for them.

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Totally unsubstantiated humanist mythology. Neuroscience shows exactly the opposite - personality traits and resultant behaviors of adults are mainly genetically determined. God is mystical nonsense.

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Ah yes truly anti-human and a technocrat. Find a new sandbox to play

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Interesting. So you don’t think humans are foragers? God is part of the eons of morality teaching of our forebears designed to inhibit those behaviors. Its why the lack of it that will be our undoing. You've proven it today.

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Baseless assertion.

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Apr 8, 2022
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Redemption is baloney - like rehab - a humanist con job. God is logically incoherent.

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I am certainly glad that you have deigned to share your brilliance with us.

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So, would you have your car mechanic diagnose your cardiac symptoms? Do you realize how stupid your comments are?

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While there is nothing any of us can do for HG's daughter, there is something we can do for our own: stop sending our kids to universities that want to harm them! I've met lots of great parents (even home educating ones) who did everything right until age 18. Then they proudly sent their kids off to Harvard or UCLA or Berkeley or MIT or Stanford, not knowing that they were paying thousands of dollars to a cult. Now we know. We can no longer claim ignorance. So how many of us are going to stop sending our kids to these places?

We've told our 3 daughters that we will not pay for any Ivy League or similar level school. If it's a big name in US News, it's likely off our list. However, there are lots of schools that provide a great (in many way better) education. Hillsdale College is rapidly becoming the homeschool Harvard. Christendom, Ozarks, PHC (somewhat), maybe U of Austin (if they get it off the ground). There are many others, but you have to be willing to forgo the "big name" and the resulting (slim) chance to make it into the elite of America.

We've decided that truth is more important than Harvard (ironic considering its motto.) How many others are willing to "live not by lies" as Solzhenitsyn said?

BTW: HG, my heart goes out to you. Just make sure your daughter knows that however much she's mutilated herself physically, however miserable she becomes spiritually, she will always have a place at home. That's all you can do. The rest is up to her.

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Thanks for your words Brian

I would give anything to go back to the day her UCLA acceptance came. I wish I could tell them to shove their acceptance and scholarship up their …

Parents should absolutely not allow their kids to go these universities

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I have three daughters. The oldest is 10 right now, but when we talk about college we talk up Hillsdale (where my Godparents went, and which is near my parents' house), Franciscan University of Steubenville (my alma mater), and similar schools like Thomas Aquinas, Ave Maria, and University of Dallas.

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Yes. Stuebenville and Aquinas are on my list. I didn't know about U of Dallas, but I'll look into it. Anyone else have suggestions from their own research?

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U of Dallas may be good now, but it takes federal student loans, and unless it has a plan to forgo that funding source, it will eventually cave. The federal student loan program has already been used to enforce social engineering regarding race and sexual orientation. It will be used as a club against Christian universities the same way gay marriage laws are being used as a club against Catholic adoption agencies (Bethany, the largest Protestant agency, already caved.)

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Very well said!

BTW, I can vouch for Hillsdale College. I have been a supporter for years, living mere miles away. They have many classes available on line and and free.

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What is the root cause of most of our problems?


This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button or other issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing on fixing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

What is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this, and then join in the solutions minded comments. It is totally free:


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empathy for your situation, it is a predatory cult preying on impressionable youth. those complicit need to be held accountable.

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Thank you for your comment.

Righteous people like above have mo idea what powerful force we are dealing with. Putting down my child as low character will not help get rid of this child trap for other parents

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I am so sorry. Reading this quite literally broke my heart. I fan’t imagine how you feel. Best to keep kids away from colleges now. I say that as an adjunct. These places are indoctrination centers now.

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You are absolutely right

I can’t emphasize the transformation of my child in merely 18 months at UCLA.

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Gawd, my heart hurts for you and your daughter. I pray she will come back. 🤗

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This experience is truely a nightmare that I didn’t see coming

I can’t even pray anymore

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My heart absolutely breaks for you.

I grew up near Ann Arbor, and know several families - liberal, progressive parents - who did nothing but "affirm affirm affirm" every single pronoun change and bespoke "Gender", and their daughters still went to college, accused them of being "abusers", mutilated themselves, and broke off all contact.

They are devastated.

I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers.

Don't blame yourself.

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Let us pray for you, HG. I'm so sorry.

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I am so sorry to hear this. This is truly heartbreaking.

I warn parents everywhere (myself as a parent included!) to avoid sending their children to liberal universities, no matter how prestigious, unless the child is very Firmly Set in conservative beliefs and not vulnerable to peer pressure (my little brother fits in that category). Most people are vulnerable to peer pressure. These schools brainwash these kids to a horrific degree.

Just like your daughter, they are wonderful, normal happy children before college & college transforms them into something else. Many children go to college then turn away from their families, hate their parents, become AntiFa extremists, some become terrorists, some join ISIS. There is no way to predict.

Warning to Parents everywhere: Do not send your children to liberal universities. It is NOT worth it. It will destroy their lives. Unless they have Firm Grounding & are completely impervious to peer pressure (there are rare people with that gift)

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I tell this to every parent I know

I live in California ;not for long )

I tell every parent to forget the entire UC system. Send them to Hillsdale Christian university anywhere but the liberal organizations. My daughter had no preexisting factors, by the time I realized what I was dealing with she was 19 and I was powerless

UCLA did everything in their power to speed this up. I am a physician and I hope the ones that treats my daughter have hell waiting for them

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I'm a physician too, with young kids

completely agree. they deserve hell for doing this to kids. they know what they're doing.

I'm sorry this happened to you and your daughter <3 I hope she recovers someday

thank u for telling me & other parents, I'll spread the word too to avoid these horrible institutions

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Girls afraid of men. Who wouldn't be in this hyper-sexed environment? Most of today's pop culture is pornographic. I personally know girls raped at a young age that became lesbian. Maybe this is also a factor to consider.

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right, exactly. this could be a fear/way to insulate yourself from what may be portrayed as very scary.

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I'm sorry for you and your family. Change the name of the school are our daughter's story is virtually identical. As is the grief.

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I am sorry to hear that. I am a physician and I know for a fact that they are suppressing the data on hormone therapy especially in girls. High testosterone levels are a detrimental to the female body. First their thyroid gland stops working by 20s by 30s their liver shows dysfunction by 40s their heart. I am watching my daughter die in slow motion

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Someone quite seriously needs to take this one on as malpractice and negligence. Its truly time to scare them away from doing these. I am so so sorry. Everytime. I read another parent replying to your original post my heart breaks. Luckily I have boys and they are both alpha males. I just don't see it ever happening thank god. We joke about all the time instead like today I am a man. Tomorrow I am a woman. But it doesn't seem so funny anymore.

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alpha males is good. we need more of those

hope they find good wives & raise good kids!

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Any idea if that is reversible if they desist? Or is there insufficient data to tell at this point?

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According to my reading. The testosterone effects on the liver and cardiovascular systems are cumulative and irreversible. Women simply don’t have the enzymes to metabolize testosterone like men do. So the products lingers in their systems. The liver works overtime ti get rid of it and of course it can’t.

Fertility is irreversible after a few years

The effects on their voice is irreversible right away so is hair growth.

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Hi HG, Maybe you would like to add your story to the many others on Parent's with Inconvenient Truths About Trans? I think you just need to send an email to PITT@substack.com. You might include what you know about the UC System and the effect of Testosterone on girls & women. We are living through a scandal of epic proportion. I suspect most of the girls are steeped in the ideology for some years before they show any signs of it affecting them. I heard Gender Ideology spewing from a friend of my daughter's here and there for some time and never dreamed such nonsense would have an effect.

I am very sorry for your family tragedy. - LM

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HG. My heart goes out to you. I truly hope you will be reunited with your daughter again someday soon.

Note to other parents: the University of California will indeed indoctrinate your children. The organization is controlled by activists from the UC Regents through the administrations of the schools and the hospitals.

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think the best strategy is to assume indoctrination will happen and start a dialogue as early as possible with your child so they recognize it and reject it... probably easier said than done.

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So your daughter who believes that all men are rapists and that you are a patriarchal obstacle rebels by ....

"becoming" a man? How does this sad event even make internal sense?

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It makes no sense at all. This ideology via completely irrational

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I agree completely. They are in a cult and they cannot speak logically about it. You cannot reason a person out of a religion and everyone around the girl celebrates them.

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My daughter has stage 4 cancer. I would take that over this cult. At least I have a chance at saving my child. I am sorry for all the families that have to endure this. It’s a nightmare.

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What is the root cause of most of our problems?


This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button or other issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing on fixing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

What is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this, and then join in the solutions minded comments. It is totally free:


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Jun 21, 2022
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When you posted the same comment over and over about Ms Shrier I took you to simply be some sort of troll. Here I see you have real and passionate concerns but I think you are very mistaken in your interpretations of what you observe. If you are truly for children, you won’t find a better advocate than Abigail Shrier, so please do read her book.

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Jun 21, 2022
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Exactly where did Abigail Shrier ever say anything even remotely like “promoted the rape of children”? Please provide exact quote and date of article.

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Jun 21, 2022
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Thank you for making it abundantly clear that you have chosen to concoct the most twisted meaning possible of Shrier’s statement. “Exposing” a person, child or adult, to “ideas” is not even vaguely condoning pedophilia. Do you have children? What do you teach them? Do you think you have a right to teach them what you do?

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Jun 21, 2022
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Exactly what legislation by Sen. Tom Cotton would make pedophilia a parental right? Please post a link.

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Exactly where did Nellie Bowles “agree the pedophilia should be a parental right”? Provide exact quote and date of article.

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Jun 21, 2022
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I have seen no evidence in any of Abigail Shrier’s writings efforts to sway public opinion to normalize pedophilia. Please provide exact quotes and dates of her writings so we can see how you are forming these bizarre interpretations and incredible accusations.

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I ordered 5 of your books at our local, extremely leftist bookstore. I will buy 3 and leave 2. That’s how I get these important books into places that would NEVER carry them on their shelves. They’re stuck with them. I also get great satisfaction from the actual order process. It usually takes 3 attempts but my efforts pay off and they take my money for the books. Excellent investigation and exposure of this horrific experiment on our children. God Bless you Abigail.

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Ditto that is what I do-- drop them off free at our local library. 🥰

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Does the library put them on the shelf or discard them and deny knowledge of them?

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