Feb 7, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022Liked by Abigail Shrier

I am a family law paralegal in NC with 20 years experience. This just wasn't even a thing until the last few years. If you are a parent fighting this, be prepared to go to the wall. Don't expect fair and equal treatment. You are going to be labeled the bad parent on day one. Find an attorney and if they won't overturn every rock and go to the wall with you, find another. It will take every penny you have and then some, but fight for your kid.

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You might take your kid and leave the country.

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this is why we are seeing a huge amount of parents homeschooling in America now. CRT helped wake up parents before they even knew the new T cult existed & would come for their kids. If those of us are awake, no other country is safe. I believe we stay and fight with every breath we have to reject this madness. Build trust & mobilize with killer strategies as more lawsuits emerge.

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tickled by your pronouns: you/are/joking 🐱heheheshe🐱 (dark humor allowed)

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gallows humor is essential or how would we stay sane in the midst of this madness? ;)

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But where to go? Gender Ideology is not restricted to America.

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Not Europe. Anywhere else.

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I don’t know of any other country with court decisions like this around it.

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or, at least the blue state... it’s not like this everywhere... YET.

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I believe I read about an child custody dispute similar to this one in Dallas (Texas).

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But then you’ll be accused of parental abduction. That’s not a good road to go down.

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Better to complain about the use of Satanic Panic Diane and not Ken Zucker.

Take it to the Supreme Court!

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I have been litigating for close to 30 years, but not in Family Court or with respect to domestic relations issues . I saw the beginnings of this in law school back in the late 1970s, but I suspect that in NY , the Family Court has more than a few judges such as those described in this article and that there are mental health professionals who are ideologues for gender fluidity. In NJ, a mental health professional can lose their license if their therapy revolves in any way about helping a patient deal with same sex attraction, as opposed to approving of the same with no questions asked.

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That's the problem with licensure. It's a stick and carrot.

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You are so right, James! We went through this. It was terrifying not being able to find an attorney who would fight with us and go to that wall. We finally found one. Didn't get everything we hoped for but it was 100% worth the loss of our retirement savings.

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How awful though you lost that! So unfair.

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Look at this link http://ww2.nycourts.gov/ip/lgbtq/aboutthecommission.shtml and all of these as well https://ww2.nycourts.gov/CAREERS/diversity/links.shtml and proceed very cautiously if you are a person with traditional values

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I don't think this is necessarily a "traditional values" issue, but more about protecting the health of a minor child who believes they need to undergo irreversible medical procedures. But on the subject of "traditional values," I can remember not that long ago (maybe 25 years?) when a minor could not even get their ears pierced without parental approval. My how things have changed.

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Part of the issue is that parents are losing their rights to protect the health of a minor child-but there is an ideological component as well which is the war of the woke on traditional values and especially the family as the locus of the transmission of those values. Both are worth fighting for at all levels and with all means available

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Take a look at these linked caseshttps://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=17355187991478756546&q=gender+identity&hl=en&as_sdt=4,33 and https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=5903196873620684983&q=gender+identity&hl=en&as_sdt=4,33 which are relatively early cases and this case which illustrates one upstate New York trial level court's survey of the various opinions of psychiatric evidence in the DSM and elsewhere on pedofilia and other related disorders https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=8706077336224370623&q=gender+identity&hl=en&as_sdt=4,33

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Abigail Shrier

What a powerfully written expose. Rather than comment upon the absurdity of the legal morass that has ensnared the father herein, I'll leave that to the other commentators that have done that so well.

Instead, I would like to concentrate on the uncanny ability and skill of Ms. Shrier to present the episode plainly but factually, chronologically yet purposefully leading to a climax that reverberates incessantly in the minds of those of us to have been blessed with children of our own.

I am shaken by the utter cruelty and tyranny of a justice system that seems intent upon usurping the role of parents. The patterns of Huxley's "Brave New World" where government has supplanted in its entirety the role of family and parenting, seem imminent and rapidly encroaching. Can we as societal members react and curtail these perversions before they are all-encompassing? I'm glad Ms. Shrier is there to ring the alarm.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Abigail Shrier

I am not a parent, and yet her words of alarm resonate powerfully with me. My heart aches for the parents and for the children. I want to do something to make it stop. I do my best to make people aware. And yet I hear from people I used to think were sane that I’m being transphobic. Transphobic? To oppose sterilizing children and the removal of healthy body parts from people who aren’t considered responsible enough to rent a car, that’s what transphobia is??

I refuse to be silenced by being called a bigot. But am I doing any good? How can I do good in a world that thinks this is ok? Where are the sane people?

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You are not alone. We work one calm conversation at a time. Many people are very busy in their lives and have no idea how quickly things are changing around them.

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Please support Court cases where "gender-critical" issues are at stake. There are many going on in the UK, where I live. I subscribe to grahamlinehan.substack.com. Graham provides a daily news round-up and links around the world, especially the UK.

For the US join WoLF, Mass Resistance (parents resisting the teaching of "gender" in schools), various Detransitioners websites and the Detransitioners sub-Reddit. And Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine (https://segm.org/), which is also based in the UK. We are now known as "TERF Island" for a reason!

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Thank you, I will check those out!

You guys are awesome at organizing about this! My hat’s off to the UK, defending basic reality. Long live TERF Island!

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We're here with Abigail.

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Thank you.

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Agreed. Ms. Shrier is doing courageous, important work to help children and parents. I am grateful for her compassion, her clear writing, and her bravery.

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Thank you.

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The cruelty is not only to the father but also to the children who lose out on having that parent. Just atrocious.

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I've always been a liberal and would have voted D now that I got my citizenship in October. However, I'll only vote for a D who publicly renounces this insanity. I'm disappointed that Republicans seem to be just fine with this. I don't hear them renouncing the transinsanity. Sorry Abigail (and thank you for your courage & hard work), I don't mean to self-promote here at your cost but just wanted to share how my MN state rep thanked me for years of volunteering and support. https://irislee.substack.com/p/the-church-of-trans

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Take a look at the Democratic Party which is increasingly dominated by those who subscribe to identity politics such as the LGBT movement Look at the executive orders and the so called Equity Act

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Gender ideology is a neo-religious doctrine which the Biden admin has unconstitutionally enshrined into law. Ordering public schools to violate the sex-based rights of girls/women https://transequality.org/sites/default/files/ED-DCL-Fact-Sheet.pdf It's outrageous.

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Conservatives (now more accurately described as “sane Americans”) need to stop acting & talking like this is a D vs R issue. The GOP Congress is a bunch of stand-for-nothing cowards, ALL of whom need to be replaced (primaried). Repub voters continue to vote for “their guy/gal who’s pretty good” but who never objects to anything bad. Keep replacing until someone stands up to tyranny, injustice & USA’s destruction. This group of GOP losers - including Cotton - have demonstrated for 2 years that they don’t deserve our trust. PrimoTheRINOs.

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Cotton has been a great senator . Don't confuse Liz Chenez with the Senators and Representatives who voted for Trump's agenda and judicial nominees. They are not RINOs and I think that DeSantis would make a great nominee

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Check which Senators voted YES on the $1.7T Omnibus pork. Among all Democrats, you'll find the 17 GOP traitors who voted Yes to give Biden a win and America rampant inflation. Oh look, Senator Walmart is among them left-wing "Republicans" who hate GOP voters (McConnell, Graham, Cornyn, Murkowski, Collins, Romney, Blunt). The Porkulus was Cotton's "Welcome to the UniParty!" party. Cotton is Graham II and his voters are part of the problem.

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I think DeSantis would be fantastic! The worst possible might be Kristi Noem who caves to GI activists. Tom Cotton is about the only person who has really stood up to this harmful grooming ideology. I don't care if he does another thing as long as he stays the course on this issue. Liz C. is, of course, dreadful and her own state wants to be done with her. Nancy is behind the Equality Act :-0

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I think D Tulsi Gabbard is good on this issue. R Kristi Noem has been bad. Generally though, the Ds have been very much all in for the insanity and the Rs have been mostly weak with the exception of Tom Cotton.

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Thank you, Yaakov Kronfled, Your comment moved me.

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This is horrendous. The child is collateral damage sacrifice in the religion/cult of woke. How many more?

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Abigail Shrier

It’s not just a religion, it’s live action state sanctioned medical experimentation on children. The puberty blockers are not approved for this use, but let’s see what happens, right? Well, in the case of Jazz Jennings, the child’s surgeon mused afterward that maybe they shouldn’t have stopped puberty at “Tanner 2” because they didn’t have enough “tissue” to “work with” - in other words the penis and testicles were too small to slice into a realistic facsimile of a vagina. The euphemisms make me gag, but the open acknowledgment that they’re just winging it with the health of a child is breathtaking.

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Speaking of Jazz, "she" has said that "she" has never had an orgasm and doesn't expect to ever have one. Sexual pleasure and fertility sacrificed to the church of gender identity.

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And it’s more than sexual pleasure, it’s the joy of sharing that intimacy with a loving partner. They stole his sexuality before he was even allowed to know what it was.

And I swear if I hear one more “trans” parent get on tv and talk about just “knowing” because their son liked pink and glitter, or their daughter preferred playing with trucks to playing with dolls, I’m going to lose my mind. Couldn’t they have just let their little boy wear a sparkly swimsuit for his 5th birthday party? (YouTube put that video in my recommendations and I wish I’d never seen it. Jazz recalls that birthday party, where he got to wear the sparkles and didn’t have to hide his sex, as the most perfect day of his entire life. I wanted to cry.)

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022

Jazz also said "she" still doesn't know what "her" sexual orientation is, either. Jeez. Poor kid.

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Exulansic's painstaking analysis of the butchery that passes for "transgender medicine" is detailed in her "Phalloplasty philes" and "Vaginoplasty volumes" (warning: you can never unsee/unhear it if you watch). She posted them on YouTube where she has 15K followers. On Saturday the TransTechIndustrial scum-sucking worms shut her down for "inciting hate." She's on odysee now. Please go and support her work.

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Thank you! I’d only just found her the other day and I was frustrated to realize she’d been silenced. I’ll go find her on Odysee.

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Yes ,do.That's what I've done

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This article made me physically sick. I can’t even fathom how this is happening.

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It's like an episode from the old Twilight Zone with Rod Serling has come to life.

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I was watching the court hearing, supporting Ted and when the judge identified himself w his pronouns my heart sank.

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Thank you, Jennifer.

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I watched this hearing too. We are supposed to address a judge as "Your Honor." My understanding is that from now on we should address a judge as "Your Male Honor" and "Your Female Honor" or "Your Fluid Honor."

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You're kidding, right?

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Well, why do you think then the judge asked to use pronouns? To address him properly as Your He-Honour. He-Honour is good friends with She-Hiramoto, by the way. But let's hope that now He-Honour is scared of being exposed and wouldn't issue a restraining order against a protective father.

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..and the pronoun mess happened TWICE! argh...

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

I had the strangest stream of thoughts and emotions for about 6 hours after reading this. Took me that long to realize I was reacting to many of my deepest fears converging vicariously in this poor man’s life. Wife leaves, son suddenly “trans”, drop-kicked by the family courts/bureaucracy, woke HR after your job. It’s like the movie scenes where an uncontrollable demon rips it’s way into the fabric of our reality and everyone seems powerless to stop it.

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"uncontrollable demon rips its way into the fabric of OUR SOCIETY...."

It is a "gender-quake" (copyright: me)

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I had a very similar experience, Dell.

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This is child abuse by the mother and her enablers. No minor should be altering their biology. Parents, schools and society are grooming children to be like this. I saw it at my child's school. 4th and 5th graders declaring themselves as pan sexual, bisexual, non binary, etc. Having them declare their pronouns. Underneath it all, there is a deep hatred of biological heterosexual boys and men these days and it's especially prevalent in schools. My child would get in trouble for doing things that boys typically do like playing football, tag and picking up sticks.

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This is Marxist brainwashing at its worst

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It most certainly is. The schools are overrun by subversives and narcissists.

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This whole article reads like a nightmare. I just don't understand! How can anyone not be horrified with what's happening? It's like the whole society has lost in mind. It feels like we're living in a sci-fi movie. Why isn't any one in charge putting a stop to this? I have no words.

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We have to stop voting for Democrats. I have.

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I’m a lifelong, blue no matter who voter and I voted for a Republican for the first time last November in our off year election. Campaigned for him too. I truly do fear the rollback of LGB rights under GOP rule, but I think I fear this more. We can fight for rights again if they’re taken away, but these kids get no second chances. I’ve always always been a Democrat, but i just can’t do this. I can’t pretend it’s not happening. I wish republicans would take a stronger stand though.

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Another one here. Always held my nose and voted for both Clintons, Obama and Biden. I'm ready for strategic alliances like Kara Dansky.

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I’d been a Democrat since I first voted, but no more.

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The other consequence of judicial capture by trans activists is that young people who later regret and seek to hold accountable the medical establishment that rushed them into lifelong medicalization will get a poor hearing from the courts whose duty it is to safeguard our rights as citizens. I’m afraid that unless the medical establishment is hit in the only place they care about, their profits, they will never stop. The courts, equally free from accountability, will be their willing accomplices.

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These evil activists, whether in the courts, regulatory agencies, or the medical sciences seem to have a very sweet deal, where they are never to be held accountable for the harm they inflict upon others, children in particular. It’s infuriating! There will be a day of reckoning, but it won’t magically restore what has been taken from the children or indeed the parents and families that love them. How can parents use their own flesh and blood as virtue signaling pawns is beyond me. God have mercy on them, for I’m pretty sure most of these damaged kids will not when they at last see clearly.

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Similar to parents virtue signaling when they covid vax their kids who at are close to 0% risk. 😞

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I agree with you. But it's hard to say this inconvenient truth. So many people will immediately attack you. All those "kind souls" wishing Trump died of COVID... they were quite "liberal" with their death wishes. And I'm not a Trump supporter... but if I say that I think that the "vaccines" are overrated, people will say that I'm a Republican Trumpist, whatever... but I am quitting the Democratic Party as they don't let me have my voice anymore. The democrats don't allow their party members to be truly democratic.

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Oh yes I was told by a friend that I am "siding with the Trumpers." Ummm I don't make health decisions based on politics. I'm not a Republican either but I became an independent 14 years ago and now due to mandate insanity and censorship of effective early treatment drugs plus this woke stuff (what Abigail writes about is part of this) I too am done with Dems. Recent polls show there is a dramatic shift of voters like you and me. Too bad Dems abandoned working people decades ago. The chickens are coming home to roost.

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I was an independent all my life until recently - voting this way and that in elections. The D party has lost it with the exception of Tulsi Gabbard.

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On so many levels that's not true. This is a completely different subject, utterly false to conflate the two.

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Different subject, true. But raises an valid point about the mania to vaccinate kids who really are not at risk for Covid.

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And the mania to transition the children who are not at risk to kill themselves otherwise.

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Agree with you on this one—it’s an irreversible medical procedure. Strange that people don’t see it that way. It breaks my heart watching FB friends who don’t post anything ever get on to post vax pics of their little kids who would otherwise have mild symptoms and now will likely have the same mild symptoms during an infection in addition to having their cells hijacked to produce spike proteins that are not even circulating in the wild anymore.

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I think the best course would be to force these Frankenstein operations on them. Turn their penises into vaginas and vice versa. And watch them suffer a lifetime of pain and agony from surgery that really doesn't work.

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Very Old Testament. But I’ve a feeling it would do the trick and stop the insanity of mutilating children.

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I'm calling the offices of Drs. Transenstein, Frankenstein & Mengele right now to reserve the OR!

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What we are seeing is the infiltration of junk science via the LGBT movement and its perspective on gender into the family courts with tragic results on issues of gender in the same manner that junk science has been accepted as "science" on many other issues in the court system

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I'm not sure that the L's, the G's or even the B's agree with this madness.

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As a member of that group, and a parent, I can assuredly tell you that I don’t agree with this madness

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This is the T in the LGBT agenda

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Abigail Shrier

I am a lesbian. I support trans folks and agree with Abigail 100%. I have never understood why the"T" got attached to LGB. LGB is about SEXUAL PREFERENCE whereas T is about gender identity. THESE ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. I've always known that I am a female and happy to be so. I find it very unfortunate and wrong that people are clumping these two things together.

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I can appreciate that position. Sometimes I long for the good ole days when it was just straight or gay. So much clearer.

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Anyone with traditional moral values rejects both your lifestyle and the T lifestyle which both reject the traditional non negotiable view of man and woman being created in the Divine Image as spiritual equals and with different responsibilities

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I reject YOUR lifestyle where a man can abuse a woman and still be in the position of power. This is the "straight" lifestyle for me. Tons of men abusers and pedophiles ogling women, pursuing them and harassing them with no repercussions, just like Bill Cosby. How is this lifestyle of yours better than a lesbian lifestyle??

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Exceptions do mot disprove the rule

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The 21st century Western notion of "being trans" -- as well as our 20th century Western notion of "being trans" (and those are two different things) are literally ***things that our culture invented***.

You do not see people believing themselves to be in the "wrong body" in other times, places and cultures. You do not see people "needing" others to pretend they are the opposite sex. You don't see people "needing" a life time of hormones and surgeries to (ironically) "be who they really are."

I can't decide whether Judge Hiramoto is a worse judge or a worse parent. It's a toss up. This is a horryifying story and I can't wait for this cultural nightmare to end so we can stop medically and emotionally harming young people.

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You should see some of the Woke-driven history classes—they try to recategorize certain historical figures as transgender. A common one is Joan of Arc. From there, they believe it's a simple QED that transgenderism is as old as homosexuality. It's some clown world inanity.

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It’s nuts. Homosexuality really exists across time, place and culture. “Trans” does not. Joan of Arc indeed. !!!

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When you combine the odious teachings of both Herbert Marcuse and Howard Zinn , Marxist brainwashing is the result

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And not just Joan of Arc -- but Jesus Christ, too!


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Good God. This is a nightmare of wokism taking over the court system and intervening in things that are not business of the court. The mother sounds insane and this poor guy hasn’t even been able to bond with his kid? The fear. The irrational behavior. The frankly medical kidnapping. It’s all insane.

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These events are so sad. Our world is going insane, one position of power at a time. I feel for the whole family, even the mother who someday will recognize her errors.

The course correction from this madness will be like a trainwreck, and there will be numerous casualties.

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For information about the money funding this see Jennifer Bilek's work, e.g. https://thefederalist.com/2018/02/20/rich-white-men-institutionalizing-transgender-ideology/

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first, my sincere sympathies to Ted and his son (yes, son) as well as family members, ALL victimized by this wretched judicial-medical-media-governmental industrial complex.

second, this isn’t happening everywhere, just in the most liberal areas which are now transitioning to Marxism. this IS a goal of Marxism... to destroy the individual, the nuclear family, traditional religion and any and all conservative values including work ethic and property rights (to mention a few of its objectives) and replace the aforementioned with government dependency.

third, this hasn’t happened overnight. the aforementioned institutions, leaders and employees have become corrupted, timid over decades... figuratively obese with public funding. complacent voters, parents, taxpayers have a huge responsibility in creating The Beast.

fourth, and lastly, thanks Abigail for bringing cases like this to our attention... sure it’s just the tip of the iceberg. hoping there are enough of us that care to make a difference going forward.

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It is not a Left-Right issue. It is a "transhumanism" issue: the attempt by immensely wealthy white males ("Jennifer" Pritzker, "Martine" Rothblatt, George Soros through his Open Society Foundation and others) to spread their sexual fetish initially to adults then to children and adolescents. There is a pedophile element to this cult.

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Pritzker is a lifelong Republican and has donated to anti-LGB causes...

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I am quoting from Jennifer Bilek, who knows more about US donors than I do: https://thefederalist.com/2018/02/20/rich-white-men-institutionalizing-transgender-ideology/

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

I'm quoting her too, in support of your (correct) statement that it's not a left-right issue. Apologies that I wasn't clear on that! Like Kara Dansky--a fellow leftist--I find myself politically homeless in the face of this horror. Bilek has exposed the dark money behind it all, and we know money is bipartisan. I added my comment to yours because you are pointing out that electoral politics alone likely won't be enough to win this fight. I hope you'll write more about these men.

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Right, then there's Bruce Jenner.

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LM, because of your words I've been reading and watching Tom Cotton. If he runs I could vote Republican for the first time in my life.

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Parties change/realign. I feel that the Ds have gone off the deep end - not the party of FDR. The Rs seems to be picking up the working class plus anyone who isn't insane...

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More power to the Rs, it's about time.

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deletedFeb 9, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022
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‘thinks’ he might be a girl... ridiculously pathetic, these are not doctors. criminals. praying your nephew doesn’t take the drugs, or surgery.

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To Lambnoe: I know that this is tough, but here goes. Tell the parents that there are medical negligence cases being brought by detransitioners and their parents. In the US: https://genspect.org/american-law-firm-launches-investigation-into-puberty-blockers/

In the UK we have seen our first law firm seeking cases to bring against the NHS and the Tavistock clinic: https://www.bridgemcfarland.co.uk/gender-affirmation-claims.

In Sweden the Karolinska Hospital has recently stopped prescribing puberty blockers after an investigative journalist made a series of documentaries, of which the following is the latest one: https://www.svtplay.se/video/33401274/uppdrag-granskning/uppdrag-granskning-de-ryska-torpederna

The documentary mentions the case in the UK of Keira Bell at the High Court and Court of Appeal. She is appealing to the Supreme Court to overturn the ruling at CoA that the doctors can decide whether the child is mature enough to understand. I would have thought that THIS was exactly the question in the first place. We will see what happens.

I honestly don't think that this horror story will stop until there have been successful Court cases in the US and the UK.

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Here's hoping there's a tsunami of court cases and many arrests .

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It will start with medical negligence cases. When these are successful then the question of recklessness or professional incompetence/criminal negligence of medics can be brought into criminal cases against them. This requires a very high standard of proof, and medics are notorious for protecting each other even when flagrantly doing stupid things. The process will take time: first for young people. And then, I hope, for all gender dysphoria sufferers, on the simple basis that the treatments given do not cure the mental disorder: "First of all, do no harm". If a doctor does not know what to do: do nothing. Giving physical treatments does not cure the mental illness. The treatments cause new, iatrogenic harms. Current "affirmation" for anyone, child or adult, is an absolutely nonsensical approach to treating a mental disorder.

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This is good stuff to know!

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Unfortunately, the legal profession in New York has gone full tilt woke as well-just look at the journals published by the bar associations and you will read many articles about systemic racism, gender fluidity and climate change. I suspect that the law schools and law reviews have also moved in this direction as well.

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Abigail's article discusses a case in California, not in New York. Specifically Contra Costa County Superior Court, which, as I have heard, is one of the most corrupt courts in California and possibly in the country. Do politicians ever talk about "family law"? Never, ever, ever. I don't expect this nightmare to change anytime soon. Hiramoto, Coats and such must be investigated and their immunity should be revoked; there are other things happening in courts all over the country but not so many stories get published.

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You guys probably heard about the Swedish National TV documentary re Pblockers/hormones. The kid in the documentary is 15; he has trouble standing for more than 15-20 min, has terrible pain and walks like a geriatric patient because he has osteopenia - not osteoporosis, but osteopenia, late stage osteoporosis! and he is much, much shorter than his peers, because the Pblockers/hormones prevent the skeleton from mineralizing, so he won't grow more. Some kids have liver damage. It is a horror story of epic proportions. The film is with English subtitles, it's here on the Swedish National TV website.


Jesse Singal's "print" interview with the investigative journalist.


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