This horrible bill (and many others like it) was authored by Senator Scott Wiener. He needs to be voted out of office this November! Scott Wiener's ONLY opponent is Yvette Corkrean. She puts family and public safety at the center of her campaign. Search for her website and look for the page that provides a LONG list of other bills that Scott Wiener has authored. He is on a mission to destroy the family unit - which is at the center of any functioning society.
Please consider making a donation to Yvette's campaign and also PLEASE share her details.
Wiener is a leading advocate of the Queer agenda, dedicated to the destruction of the family unit and normal norms. He needs to be voted out. Unfortunately, his district is filled with gay wackos, who agree with him.
Long-time liberal here who disagrees with 99% of Shrier's political views. But I am 100% in her corner on this. There have been horrible parents who have thrown their gay, lesbian, and trans kids out of their home. Parents have thrown their daughters out of their home because they got pregnant. Parents throw their children out because they are using recreational drugs. Bad parents exist and always have. Children must be protected from such parents! But to create an entire subculture hidden from ALL parents that promotes this ideology is appalling. Years ago I did victim work in sexual assault care. Teaching children to keep secrets from their parents is a dangerous precedent for teachers and schools to set. I want to see children loved and protected. Assuming all parents are a safe haven is foolish and dangerous, but this legislation is foolish and dangerous as well.
"Teaching children to keep secrets from their parents is a dangerous precedent for teachers and schools to set." Yes! It has been happening for years prior to this explicit law in CA.
I never considered myself a liberal or a conservative before our world went mad.
This is a takeover by the far left. If you disagree with the agenda you are a far right bigot/hater.
You disagree with Shrier's political views? What are they? I've never read a single piece of hers about her political views. Not everyone who opposes the evil shit in gender woo is a Republican. I am, but others are not. Don't make assumptions.
After I read Irreversible Damage, I sought out her other published work. I respect her very much but do not agree with all of her viewpoints, as she is indeed conservative. If I am going to listen to a conservative, it is someone as intelligent and deep-thinking as Shrier. I agree making assumptions is lazy.
The only people who are stopping gender madness are conservatives. Liberals are promoting gender insanity. So, to stop gender madness, more conservatives are needed. This is not a political decision, this is a simple truth.
Liberal views and politicians destroy children. It's really just as simple as that.
All my Democrat friends agree this is not right. They also agree that trans women should not complete against women. My question to them and you is whether these policies are so against common sense and so opposed to moral reasoning that you would vote against Democrats to stop it? I won't answer for you but would love to hear your answer. As for my friends, they are so attached to the tribe, they are willing to support all the wrongs it commits.
Yes, the law is overly broad. A better approach, I think, is to withhold gender identity from parents only in situations where there is to believe it would put the child at risk, e.g., prior involvement of Child Protective Services.
Wow. "put the child at risk" - are you the one making the decision to keep the child away from the parents, on the basis of the liberal shit-head decision that it might "put the child at risk"? At risk for what? Denying the child the opportunity of cutting off her breasts, or taking puberty blockers? What kind of monster swoops in and says "Yo, Parent, your child is at risk from reality. I insist on the continued delusion of tranniemadness".
Pretty fucking bold of you to substitute YOUR belief for those of the parent.
The problem with that stipulation is that it is also overly broad. Many progressives believe any conservative parent is a potential threat to their children, especially religious people. Potential anything is assuming guilt without evidence. When there is clear evidence of abuse the law has a place. As for protecting children, the school and government are not protecting anyone. They are grooming, guiding development and influencing. None of these people will be a home or family in any sense. Shelters, homes, and the foster care system are notorious for abuse themselves. In a healthy society it should be other family or friends taking children in who must as a last defense be separated from parents. Parents who do not agree or support everything a child thinks or does are not inflicting harm. They are being parents. Furthermore, codling children is far more harmful to a child than passionate disagreements and parental prohibitions. The No word is an important developmental tool lost on the modern world.
These are the child’s parents their judgment and authority needs to be recognized. CPS could be seen as overstepping their mandate and being politicized in harming families. These 3 letter organizations are not altruistic but means of control for both good and ill. Do no harm - removal of children by CPS is not the answer. An alternative just system to arbitrate this dilemma has yet to be found and the medical system has forfeited their moral high ground by monetizing harmful, destructive treatment on demand. Beware the sexualization of our children via indoctrination in literature, social media, psychologists with a vested interest, tik to trolls, you tube groomers, church’s, instagram, and multiple other resources. Take your child off social media, give them actual work to do or hobbies to pursue, monitor all media access, the culture is rife with inappropriate memes. You are he parent be one. Love your child and guide them, don’t abandon your role s authority as a parent.
Policing parents is historically nearly impossible. Social service agencies try to keep families together unless there is evidence of extreme abuse. I wish there was a good solution.
This is such BS. And you should see the mental contortions I’ve seen from otherwise sensible people who, in this regard, are willfully idiotic either because their children have already succumbed to the delusion, or because they want to groom as many kids as possible.
JoeyL — The desire to feel morally superior to others is very powerful, as is the fear of being ostracized if one contradicts the dogmas of one’s social circle. (See: Alan Dershowitz.)
Most of the teachers at our daughter's private high school suffered from this character flaw, JoeyL. In theory we should have more control of the public school system...
"transphobic and homophobic parents."......... Can we who are outside the Progressive Lunatic Asylum at least stop going along with its Orwellian Newspeak. There is No Such Thing as 'homophobia" and No Such Thing as "transphobia".
People are entitled to think whatever they choose to think about homosexuality and gender dysphoria. It doesn't mean they have a "phobia" about them. Same with Islamoblahblah and all the rest of these bogus "phobias". Conservatives have too easily allowed these manipulative, mind-bending notions to enter into the language unchallenged.
Thanks for the clarity - words matter: differing opinions, perspectives are cancelled when destructive language accompanies it - conspiracy theorist, anti vaxxer, phobic re trans and homo and heterosexual views all, alt-right - so many pejorative ways media discredits valid positions- be aware of its impact on all of discourse. Demand civil communication without resorted no to labels.
Thanks I'll take a look. A big part of the modern MSM is that it has given disproportionate power to obsessive, one track-minded minority activists to bully the rest of us into falling in line with the idea that there's no such thing as normal. All so's they don't have to accept that they are abnormal. A theme I have explored in STB.
Decisions like this are the downstream effects of the reduction or elimination and the corresponding ridicule of the teaching of western civilization in classrooms.
And people wonder why Trump is appealing to people on the center left who have the courage to admit it.
The way liberal educators, in Virginia, get around these matters is by providing “Privileged Communications” status to School Social Workers…by statute. I learned this as a Detective who worked Runaway cases during the 1980s & and school social worker told me she had seen a boy for which I held a Judge Ordered Detention Order that she had knowledge of. I asked her why she did not alert me. She responded that she was protected and also added, “I would be totally ineffective if the kids thought I was a snitch.” I asked her to show me her proof as I was only aware of the 5 general privileged communications statuses (husband/wife, priest/penitent, Doctor/patient, lawyer/client, detective/informant and possibly, reporter/informant.). Within a week, she showed me her state handbook and the Virginia Code section and it confirmed why school social workers were routinely taking juveniles to their abortion appointments without informing parents along with other paid public servant secret-keeping from Parents of juvenile girls. I have notified our Governor and Attorney General on Twitter/“X” and neither has confirmed their awareness of this lawful mens of keeping parents in the dark.
Yes. The fact that there are social workers and counselors in schools to begin with is a red flag that we have ignored for too long.
It's no wonder that these people think they know better than parents, when they have been installing more and more parental functions into schools for decades.
It is only a matter of time until they use this agenda to lower the age of consent- “If they can choose their gender and make decisions about their sexual identity at 12, then they can choose their partner, regardless of the age”(even if it’s a 55 year old male)
Too many arguments against this accept the premises of gender ideology and get sucked into fighting on its terms. Such as saying everyone else knows the student's new name so why shouldn't parents.
Gender Ideology should be attacked on the grounds it is completely false. There are no trans people, only delusional people who think they are trans. It is a false anthropology and needs to be destroyed.
These developments made me leave the country in 2023 because I have a high risk teen, exactly the way Elon Musk warned. Now I can’t wait for a class action.
Secrets are for hiding something that is wrong. Privacy is for protecting dignity. A child recruited into a delusion is harmed by secrecy.
There is nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian, but pretending it must be secret creates exactly that perception. Irrespective of the parent, this law sends a terrible message about gays and lesbians.
All well and good but somewhat peripheral to the main concern about this law. It’s not so much about the LGB as it is about the T. These CA schools will continue to teach kids that they can choose their own “gender” (completely independent of their sex, which is a biological fact, not a choice), and then when the kids drink the kool-aid (as so many already have), the parents will be blindsided when they do eventually find out that Samantha is going by Samuel at school and binding her breasts as soon as she gets to campus, or Johnny is using the girls’ bathroom with everyone’s blessing (except possibly some of the girls who now have to deal with males in their private spaces).
You’re correct but all these “T” children are simply categorically gay or lesbian, or have puberty anxiety. There’s nothing wrong with either and they need sympathetic support, not secrecy. That’s why I feel it’s awful .
Everyone in these schools is indoctrinated into participating in a harmful delusional world vow. You r child is being exposed to a harmful world view. This affects all of us, demand repeal of this law.
I wonder what they would say if a student wanted to convert to Islam or Christianity and the teacher kept it a secret and had their kid baptized or took them to a mosque and meet with an iman.
I always thought that an adult telling you to keep "our little secret" from another adult was a Safeguarding 101 Red Flag. Add in that the parent (I assume the same in the States as here in the UK) has a legal position of Parental Responsibility you would think there'd be klaxons going off everywhere for people who's responsibility is the Safeguarding of kids.
The transgender issue is a murky mix of ideology, politics, money interests, and outrageous sexual philosophies. And for years now, I have been stumped about why nobody had put a stop to this nonsense through the courts by using the 1943 precedent known as Barnette, in which Justice Robert Jackson, whose other claim to fame was the Nuremberg trial, stated this simple rule:
" If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein. If there are any circumstances which permit an exception, they do not now occur to us.
We think the action of the local authorities ... transcends constitutional limitations on their power and invades the sphere of intellect and spirit which it is the purpose of the First Amendment to our Constitution to reserve from all official control."
Bear in mind, also, that much of this case centered on the rights of parents to bring up their children without obnoxious interference by school officials.
This horrible bill (and many others like it) was authored by Senator Scott Wiener. He needs to be voted out of office this November! Scott Wiener's ONLY opponent is Yvette Corkrean. She puts family and public safety at the center of her campaign. Search for her website and look for the page that provides a LONG list of other bills that Scott Wiener has authored. He is on a mission to destroy the family unit - which is at the center of any functioning society.
Please consider making a donation to Yvette's campaign and also PLEASE share her details.
Yvette's website - yvetteforsenate(dot)org
Wiener is a leading advocate of the Queer agenda, dedicated to the destruction of the family unit and normal norms. He needs to be voted out. Unfortunately, his district is filled with gay wackos, who agree with him.
Weener is a pedophile
I was reading this thinking how do we stop Wiener. Thank you
He’s my darn rep and I can’t stand him
Long-time liberal here who disagrees with 99% of Shrier's political views. But I am 100% in her corner on this. There have been horrible parents who have thrown their gay, lesbian, and trans kids out of their home. Parents have thrown their daughters out of their home because they got pregnant. Parents throw their children out because they are using recreational drugs. Bad parents exist and always have. Children must be protected from such parents! But to create an entire subculture hidden from ALL parents that promotes this ideology is appalling. Years ago I did victim work in sexual assault care. Teaching children to keep secrets from their parents is a dangerous precedent for teachers and schools to set. I want to see children loved and protected. Assuming all parents are a safe haven is foolish and dangerous, but this legislation is foolish and dangerous as well.
"Teaching children to keep secrets from their parents is a dangerous precedent for teachers and schools to set." Yes! It has been happening for years prior to this explicit law in CA.
I never considered myself a liberal or a conservative before our world went mad.
This is a takeover by the far left. If you disagree with the agenda you are a far right bigot/hater.
You disagree with Shrier's political views? What are they? I've never read a single piece of hers about her political views. Not everyone who opposes the evil shit in gender woo is a Republican. I am, but others are not. Don't make assumptions.
After I read Irreversible Damage, I sought out her other published work. I respect her very much but do not agree with all of her viewpoints, as she is indeed conservative. If I am going to listen to a conservative, it is someone as intelligent and deep-thinking as Shrier. I agree making assumptions is lazy.
The only people who are stopping gender madness are conservatives. Liberals are promoting gender insanity. So, to stop gender madness, more conservatives are needed. This is not a political decision, this is a simple truth.
Liberal views and politicians destroy children. It's really just as simple as that.
Also bad and abusive parents are already abusing their children for far less
All my Democrat friends agree this is not right. They also agree that trans women should not complete against women. My question to them and you is whether these policies are so against common sense and so opposed to moral reasoning that you would vote against Democrats to stop it? I won't answer for you but would love to hear your answer. As for my friends, they are so attached to the tribe, they are willing to support all the wrongs it commits.
Yes, the law is overly broad. A better approach, I think, is to withhold gender identity from parents only in situations where there is to believe it would put the child at risk, e.g., prior involvement of Child Protective Services.
Wow. "put the child at risk" - are you the one making the decision to keep the child away from the parents, on the basis of the liberal shit-head decision that it might "put the child at risk"? At risk for what? Denying the child the opportunity of cutting off her breasts, or taking puberty blockers? What kind of monster swoops in and says "Yo, Parent, your child is at risk from reality. I insist on the continued delusion of tranniemadness".
Pretty fucking bold of you to substitute YOUR belief for those of the parent.
The problem with that stipulation is that it is also overly broad. Many progressives believe any conservative parent is a potential threat to their children, especially religious people. Potential anything is assuming guilt without evidence. When there is clear evidence of abuse the law has a place. As for protecting children, the school and government are not protecting anyone. They are grooming, guiding development and influencing. None of these people will be a home or family in any sense. Shelters, homes, and the foster care system are notorious for abuse themselves. In a healthy society it should be other family or friends taking children in who must as a last defense be separated from parents. Parents who do not agree or support everything a child thinks or does are not inflicting harm. They are being parents. Furthermore, codling children is far more harmful to a child than passionate disagreements and parental prohibitions. The No word is an important developmental tool lost on the modern world.
There are already laws about abusing children. It doesn’t matter the reason
These are the child’s parents their judgment and authority needs to be recognized. CPS could be seen as overstepping their mandate and being politicized in harming families. These 3 letter organizations are not altruistic but means of control for both good and ill. Do no harm - removal of children by CPS is not the answer. An alternative just system to arbitrate this dilemma has yet to be found and the medical system has forfeited their moral high ground by monetizing harmful, destructive treatment on demand. Beware the sexualization of our children via indoctrination in literature, social media, psychologists with a vested interest, tik to trolls, you tube groomers, church’s, instagram, and multiple other resources. Take your child off social media, give them actual work to do or hobbies to pursue, monitor all media access, the culture is rife with inappropriate memes. You are he parent be one. Love your child and guide them, don’t abandon your role s authority as a parent.
Policing parents is historically nearly impossible. Social service agencies try to keep families together unless there is evidence of extreme abuse. I wish there was a good solution.
This is such BS. And you should see the mental contortions I’ve seen from otherwise sensible people who, in this regard, are willfully idiotic either because their children have already succumbed to the delusion, or because they want to groom as many kids as possible.
JoeyL — The desire to feel morally superior to others is very powerful, as is the fear of being ostracized if one contradicts the dogmas of one’s social circle. (See: Alan Dershowitz.)
Most of the teachers at our daughter's private high school suffered from this character flaw, JoeyL. In theory we should have more control of the public school system...
Abigail is spot on regarding the bait and switch.
"transphobic and homophobic parents."......... Can we who are outside the Progressive Lunatic Asylum at least stop going along with its Orwellian Newspeak. There is No Such Thing as 'homophobia" and No Such Thing as "transphobia".
People are entitled to think whatever they choose to think about homosexuality and gender dysphoria. It doesn't mean they have a "phobia" about them. Same with Islamoblahblah and all the rest of these bogus "phobias". Conservatives have too easily allowed these manipulative, mind-bending notions to enter into the language unchallenged.
Thanks for the clarity - words matter: differing opinions, perspectives are cancelled when destructive language accompanies it - conspiracy theorist, anti vaxxer, phobic re trans and homo and heterosexual views all, alt-right - so many pejorative ways media discredits valid positions- be aware of its impact on all of discourse. Demand civil communication without resorted no to labels.
Thank you....(I'm taking it you were agreeing?)
The whole thing is ridiculous so I make fun of it to break the spell.
Thanks I'll take a look. A big part of the modern MSM is that it has given disproportionate power to obsessive, one track-minded minority activists to bully the rest of us into falling in line with the idea that there's no such thing as normal. All so's they don't have to accept that they are abnormal. A theme I have explored in STB.
Decisions like this are the downstream effects of the reduction or elimination and the corresponding ridicule of the teaching of western civilization in classrooms.
And people wonder why Trump is appealing to people on the center left who have the courage to admit it.
The way liberal educators, in Virginia, get around these matters is by providing “Privileged Communications” status to School Social Workers…by statute. I learned this as a Detective who worked Runaway cases during the 1980s & and school social worker told me she had seen a boy for which I held a Judge Ordered Detention Order that she had knowledge of. I asked her why she did not alert me. She responded that she was protected and also added, “I would be totally ineffective if the kids thought I was a snitch.” I asked her to show me her proof as I was only aware of the 5 general privileged communications statuses (husband/wife, priest/penitent, Doctor/patient, lawyer/client, detective/informant and possibly, reporter/informant.). Within a week, she showed me her state handbook and the Virginia Code section and it confirmed why school social workers were routinely taking juveniles to their abortion appointments without informing parents along with other paid public servant secret-keeping from Parents of juvenile girls. I have notified our Governor and Attorney General on Twitter/“X” and neither has confirmed their awareness of this lawful mens of keeping parents in the dark.
Yes. The fact that there are social workers and counselors in schools to begin with is a red flag that we have ignored for too long.
It's no wonder that these people think they know better than parents, when they have been installing more and more parental functions into schools for decades.
Praying for federal mandate to outlaw this unjust treatment of children
It is only a matter of time until they use this agenda to lower the age of consent- “If they can choose their gender and make decisions about their sexual identity at 12, then they can choose their partner, regardless of the age”(even if it’s a 55 year old male)
Scott Wiener and the queer radicals are all about lowering the age of consent and normalizing pedophilia.
Yes I believe that is one of the end goals for sure
Too many arguments against this accept the premises of gender ideology and get sucked into fighting on its terms. Such as saying everyone else knows the student's new name so why shouldn't parents.
Gender Ideology should be attacked on the grounds it is completely false. There are no trans people, only delusional people who think they are trans. It is a false anthropology and needs to be destroyed.
These developments made me leave the country in 2023 because I have a high risk teen, exactly the way Elon Musk warned. Now I can’t wait for a class action.
Secrets are for hiding something that is wrong. Privacy is for protecting dignity. A child recruited into a delusion is harmed by secrecy.
There is nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian, but pretending it must be secret creates exactly that perception. Irrespective of the parent, this law sends a terrible message about gays and lesbians.
All well and good but somewhat peripheral to the main concern about this law. It’s not so much about the LGB as it is about the T. These CA schools will continue to teach kids that they can choose their own “gender” (completely independent of their sex, which is a biological fact, not a choice), and then when the kids drink the kool-aid (as so many already have), the parents will be blindsided when they do eventually find out that Samantha is going by Samuel at school and binding her breasts as soon as she gets to campus, or Johnny is using the girls’ bathroom with everyone’s blessing (except possibly some of the girls who now have to deal with males in their private spaces).
You’re correct but all these “T” children are simply categorically gay or lesbian, or have puberty anxiety. There’s nothing wrong with either and they need sympathetic support, not secrecy. That’s why I feel it’s awful .
Everyone in these schools is indoctrinated into participating in a harmful delusional world vow. You r child is being exposed to a harmful world view. This affects all of us, demand repeal of this law.
The photo of Newsome tells it all... He's smiling all the way as California heads to straight to hell in a handbasket...
this will help kill the horrible public schools
I wonder what they would say if a student wanted to convert to Islam or Christianity and the teacher kept it a secret and had their kid baptized or took them to a mosque and meet with an iman.
I always thought that an adult telling you to keep "our little secret" from another adult was a Safeguarding 101 Red Flag. Add in that the parent (I assume the same in the States as here in the UK) has a legal position of Parental Responsibility you would think there'd be klaxons going off everywhere for people who's responsibility is the Safeguarding of kids.
The transgender issue is a murky mix of ideology, politics, money interests, and outrageous sexual philosophies. And for years now, I have been stumped about why nobody had put a stop to this nonsense through the courts by using the 1943 precedent known as Barnette, in which Justice Robert Jackson, whose other claim to fame was the Nuremberg trial, stated this simple rule:
" If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein. If there are any circumstances which permit an exception, they do not now occur to us.
We think the action of the local authorities ... transcends constitutional limitations on their power and invades the sphere of intellect and spirit which it is the purpose of the First Amendment to our Constitution to reserve from all official control."
Bear in mind, also, that much of this case centered on the rights of parents to bring up their children without obnoxious interference by school officials.