"The canaries in the coal mines of authoritarian encroachment are rarely songbirds. They are more often ugly ducklings—harder for get-along types to defend, at some distance from fancy social circles, which is precisely why they are willing to brave the coal mines in the first place."

I'm reminded of the Milgram experiment, where one of the people who had refused to shock a subject (part of the experiment) and was interviewed about it afterwards. You can see it here:


Note that the man who defied the experimenter was rude -- "To hell with [the researcher]! Who the hell is he as far as I'm concerned?" -- and smoked while he was being interviewed. In contrast, the fellow who went ahead with the shocks was Mr. Nicey-Nice, calling the interviewer "sir."

When the goose-stepping starts, you want the rude, mouthy *sshole as your next door neighbor. Mr. and Ms. Nicey-Nice who want to be everyone's friend are just as eager to be the camp commandant's best friend, too.

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"When the goose-stepping starts, you want the rude, mouthy *sshole as your next door neighbor. Mr. and Ms. Nicey-Nice who want to be everyone's friend are just as eager to be the camp commandant's best friend, too." -- Outstanding point.

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Why would you describe these women as "ugly ducklings" and imply that their behavior was rude, albeit a rudeness born of necessity? There is nothing ugly or rude about women stating the most obvious fact-based truth in the world—that only biological women are actually women aka adult human females.

College students accuse their dorm cafeterias of "cultural appropriation" whenever they serve Asian dishes and yet we're all supposed to play nice and play along with the delusions of men who "appropriate" womanhood by claiming women's rights, spaces and pronouns as their own? Not only is that rude, it's sexist and misogynistic and straight out of Orwell.

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Douglas Murray had an interesting remark recently- he said that worries over suppression of free speech were overblown, as he regularly publishes bestsellers and can write for any British newspaper that he wants. But that wouldn't be the case in America- no mainstream non-conservative outlet would publish him. It's a sorry state that Britain is in many ways more free than the supposed land of the free.

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Meh .... only if you overlook the fact that constabularies in the UK (and Australia, and New Zealand) spend much of their workday reviewing the social media posts of local residents, and then arresting those whose opinions supposedly violate the rights of this or that designated protected class: Muslims or trans. Or you might get arrested simply for suggesting the government is overreacting in its COVID response.

We don't have that happening here, yet, although we do have many in Congress who would love to see that happen.

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Good point. It seems to me that the British government is more restrictive than ours, but our civic culture is more restrictive than theirs.

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And most of our lives are spent living in civic culture, so to be forced - daily - to walk through a never-ending minefield of petty tyrannies is a bad way to be free.

(Government lending state violence to enforce civic culture is a dystopian future we'll hopefully avoid.)

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Mutally conflicting petty tyrannies. Say Thing A, and you will get pounced on from one group. However, if you say Thing B, another group will pounce. The only way to stay safe is to keep your head down and stay entirely silent about everything. That's the end game of this: total social paralysis.

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It was only 80 years ago that Prime Minister Winston Churchill told visiting U.S. envoy Harry Hopkins, "We seek no treasure, we seek no territorial gains, we seek only the right of man to be free; we seek his right to worship his God, to lead his life in his own way, secure from persecution. As the humble laborer returns from his work when the day is done, we wish him to know that no rat-tat-tat of the secret police upon his door will disturb his leisure or interrupt his rest. We seek government with the consent of the people, man’s freedom to say what he will, and when he thinks himself injured, to find himself equal in the eyes of the law.”

Much of what was taken as common sense during World War II has been discarded by Western elites ...

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America has problems with carry out free speech. Right now people feel bullied enough to stay silent. I think there’s an idea that Twitter is real, and that maybe Twitter actually represents America. Bravery is important. It’s up to the masses to cry foul. But, in the case of trans rights, I feel as though the natural progression of this movement will follow a quick peek - happening right now - which is followed by a very steep decline as soon as the veneer of the theory are removed by the reality of the inevitable outcomes. Here’s what I mean. Right now the idea is easy to support. One can easily say, “what’s the big deal? Why can’t they compete in female sports?” The idea, by itself, seems rather innocent. You hear those few people speaking out - and it seems to be those that have experienced the end results - but nobody pays any attention to high school sports, and in some cases, well in many cases, not many pay attention to college (no football) sports either. I mean, what audience is watching a (adult) female national soccer team play a teenage male national soccer team in a friendly match? Nobody. If they did watch, they’d see the teenage boys beating national level female players. Plus the population is rather small - there’s just not a ton of trans males on female sports teams that have national audiences. So we’re all surrounded by theory that rings true to the fair minded individual.

Now, when you witness a male destroy a female in a sprint, or weight lifting, or a fight…it becomes viscerally real and frighteningly unfair. It is one of those areas where witnessing it dispels the theory in the most absolute terms. And I think we’re about to see that in the upcoming Olympic Games. The trans weight lifter will win. Assuming he remains uninjured, he will win. I suppose he could throw the chance for gold as a smart move for the whole movement. And I don’t think he’s going to make it so obvious. But he will win, and you can’t hide the easier time he will have lifting the weight.

When the world witnesses this lopsided event, it will begin the slide downward. Personally I’m precisely with JK Rowling in my take on Trans - do whatever it is you want to. But you can’t force me/we to buy into the idea that DNA is a figment of our imaginations. There must be a line drawn or else males will be the best females in every sport, and in every boardroom.

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Ms. Shrier I absolutely admire the work you've done in this area. Thank you for putting yourself out there to get the slings and arrows the media throws at you! You're A brave, brave, journo! Lots of love ❤💛💚💙💜

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Does anyone remember a small event last year where many protests turned into riots because of the death of George Floyd? I'm guessing it rings a bell.

Abigail Shriver is no Chauvin obviously but what they do have in common is that a very loud minority of so called activists is very upset and truly believes that Shrier MUST be punished because she is very concerned for young women and believes some children, and adult, trans people are being turned into a battering ram for those who wish to use shame and fear to silence any dissenting opinions. None of these people have read the book because she makes it clear she believes transition helps some adults live better lives. The whole book is full of compassion and kindness to these young people and their families. The young women who often know they aren't trans but want to be accepted as a cool kid (just as all of us did when we were teens). She wants them to wait a bit because 80% of children grow out of their dysphoria, many to grow up being gay.

People of course can disagree with Ms. Shrier but she's got points that should definitely be considered before children are made into lifelong medical patients. We all should feel inspired by her courage to call out what many people see as something we might be criticized about 200 hundred years from now. Maybe if humanity survives the insanity, future descendants will have educators be telling their students about how foolish people were allowed to transition their very young children. As the kids in 2220 will ask "How could people be so primitive and silly."

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"The young women who often know they aren't trans but want to be accepted as a cool kid."

I think it lines up a lot more with things like anorexia and cutting. Back in the day, anorexia was rightly recognized as frightening as hell and saying something real about the trouble girls have coping with the worse parts of what womanhood entails as they approach it (suddenly becoming an endangered prey species to boys and grown men).

Now, instead of slicing yourself up with razors, you can strap your chest down until you can't breathe to keep from getting leered at and threatened by men three times your age, or even pay a doctor to apply the scalpel for you and get called stunning and brave.

And no doctor in their right mind would have said to an 80lb girl who thought she was fat, "Yeah girl, you're a horse! Let's book you into liposuction!" And any doctor that would have performed liposuction on such a girl would have been struck off and put where they belonged: in jail.

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Sorry for my auto correct changing your name. I'll just try Ms.S lol

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Alot of people are unaware of what is happening and others are, but too afraid to speak. Eventually the truth prevails as it does and this will come crashing down..the sooner the better.

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This was copied from a post the contents of which are relevant and clear. No person wants to be in a position that they are forced to accept the mental rationales that bring this condition to fruition. The homosexual community must understand that they are creating their own problems by making demands on society that society does not want to make – you are not special, you do not deserve special treatment, yet you demand and insist that those must who do not agree must obey and capitulate to your demands – this is totally unacceptable. Most people do not care whether you are homosexual or not until you try to push your agenda in order to make yourselves relevant. A good example of the mass stupidity of activist homosexuals is to prove your aggressive demands by forcing a Baker to build a cake against his religious belief – yet, you want your beliefs, attitude, and condition to be accepted because you believe it is a violation of your beliefs (condition); this alone is why you receive so much resistance – there are people that will accept you for what you are, but you will be hated by many because you will not accept what they are and believe – you might want to wake up to that fact.

So, this huge guy wants to compete against these little girls because he has grown breasts and long hair and thinks or believes he is a woman – this rationale is outrageous. Have we, as a nation, gone so insane that we accept that a man who thinks he is a woman is really a woman or that a woman who thinks she is a man is actually a man? As this nation, we can accept these people as they wish to present their persona; however, we do not have to admit or ACCEPT, by force of so-call PC, as a reality, that a man is a woman and a woman is a man. We are a diverse nation; we accept people as they are, but now, people want us to take them as they wish to purport themselves – this is outrageous nonsense. What has happened in this nation to the total lack of common sense and a sense of morality? We have designed laws to protect homosexuality, and this group of individuals has abused that law in order to teach our society to change and accept their dictates and demands – it has gone too far! We must stop and bring back common sense as a nation rather than pandering to outrageous sheer stupidity and ignorance. When has this nation ever accepted big guys picking on little guys, and worse yet, big guys picking on little girls?

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You generalize too broadly about America, as in my opinion does Ms. Shrier slightly here. There is a robust community of American commentators who oppose extreme transgender ideology and say so boldly, and they are right, left and center. They have tens of millions of listeners and followers on many media platforms, and these tens of millions of people vote. Polls show only a tiny fraction of the populace agrees with extreme gender ideologies. Yes such commentators are shut out of the legacy media right now, corporate HR, and many other important conversations; but that is not the entire nation, only a loud, obnoxious, but temporarily empowered, small minority.

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Who if they are not fought legally and very aggressively and given no quarter will win. The enemy of woman is the trans-gender activist. They will destroy feminism in the efforts of inclusiveness.

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I think sometimes it's a fifth column meant to infiltrate and destroy all the hard-won gains of feminism and gay rights. Title IX was a massive, massive achievement, and it's teetering. Women fought tooth and nail for safe single-sex spaces, and they are under threat of dismantling.

Lesbians and gay men fought like lions for the right to date and marry whomever they wanted, and now they are attacked as "bigots" for daring to have sex preferences. It's only been since 2015 that two men or two women could marry and make a home together -- that's just six years ago, and the next round of anti-gay and anti-lesbian attacks and accusations is already upon us!

And the truly sick part is that people are accusing feminists and gay/lesbian people of causing this! We were all victimized endlessly until we fought back and won gains at cost of our families and lives in some cases -- and now that this "trans" business is being used to demolish everything we worked for, we're also being blamed for that! Unbelievable.

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And as Barrie Weis pointed out, woke students become woke lawyers judges and CEOs. This is already the case in Canada where pronoun use is enforced in the court of law.

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That gives hope

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Look, a little island of normal people in this sea of bullshit. Hi.

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Brilliant writing. Thank you for being you!

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Check out the video from the Wi Spa in Cali. A person claiming that they identify as female is sitting in the changing room. Full beard and moustache, T shirt and boxers, arms covered in tats. And he's sitting in front of women, some of them have young teen daughters just letting it all hang out.

I'm willing to guess if you identify as a woman's you'd remove facial and body hair and cover up your exposed penis and testicles. Then maybe later don't go on about this is how African Americans were treated during Jim Crow.

Even women, except the ones desperately seeking attention, sit with their breasts and vaginas out in front of 12 year olds.

This new fad of f*** women's comfort because I'm oppressed is a lie. If a trans woman was in the spa with me wrapped in a towel and dressed like a woman I wouldn't care. Whoever THIS was was clearly an exhibitionist and perv taking advantage 🙄

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I don't understand. A man in a female "space" is unsettling, but filming in said space isn't? Now anyone can see said women.

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Sadly I can't even find that video. On Youtube everything is suppressed except "mainstream" local news reports about Wi Spa which don't even discuss what you bring up. On a freer place like Odysee, where Bret Weinstein is now, I only see 45 minute videos by conservative types discussing the video, they have probably slipped the actual video footage somewhere in the middle to try to get me to watch their 45 minute show. Sigh.

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Today, the Canadian feminist journal, Feminist Current, reports that:

"The UK High Court has ruled that it is lawful for trans-identified males with convictions for sexual or violent assault against women to be housed in female prisons. The ruling comes after a female prisoner was allegedly sexually assaulted by a male prisoner challenged the Ministry of Justice over the policy. BBC News reports:

“The judge ruled barring all trans women from female prisons would ignore their right to live as their chosen gender.

Women’s prisons can house inmates who were born male but identify as female, regardless of whether they have gone through any physical transformation or have obtained a gender recognition certificate.”

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Sorry to nitpick, but usually Abigail is more honest to than claim that nobody’s attempting to ban books “encouraging transition” when the bulk of the most-challenged books list from the American Library Association almost every year is about LGBT issues. A book about a trans boy has been at the top of the list in each of the last three years. (https://www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks/frequentlychallengedbooks/top10)

There are still many more religious conservatives shouting about “gay” content then there are trans activists shouting about gender critical content. Neither group gets the moral high ground.

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I did not see that Guardian editorial! Knock me over with a feather. Thanks for the good news update.

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Why is Abigail Shrier such a shrinking violet when it comes to pronouns? The trans terrorists don't hesitate to call us cis women and birthing people!

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Thank you Abigail for fighting for us, for the future and a better world.

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