Mar 3, 2021Liked by Abigail Shrier

You probably caught this already (WSJ article) but Amazon just cancelled Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,


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Their is no defense. Censorship of books is bad. I don’t care if you like or don’t like the book. If you are not outraged you are part of the problem, part of the thought police.

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you goddamn snowflakes are outraged about everything. Boomers today smh.

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WTF is wrong with you? Why are you calling someone who is OPPOSED to censorship & banning books a snowflake? Sounds like you just want to be angry & hateful & lack reading comprehension skills. And it's not primarily the Boomers who are outraged about everything! It's the upper middle class spoiled brats on social media and in our universities who are outraged on everyone else's behalf about trivial things, which is insulting & patronizing to the groups they supposedly defend who have ACTUAL problems in the real world.

Pronouns: me/myself/I or I/am/woman or Donna's/a/bitch I don't believe in controlling how other people think or what they say, esp. when I'm not even present.

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It seems as though most people commenting here have missed the point: Authors are no longer going to find an agent if their book doesn't conform to the correct dogma and hence are less likely to make the effort to write the book. There are arguments a plenty, but that is the bottom line.

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There’s always right-wing publishers who will publish it anyway. We are not a totally Amazon-controlled society. Yet.

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This is going on everywhere now. The Networks decide not only what is important and should be seen, but how you should interpret the news by the way it is presented. You are no longer considered responsible enough to make your own decisions. This is nothing but a way to control thought.

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>lives in capitalism

>literally a mode of production that creates monopolies

> literally the mode of production that has given birth to news agencies he consumes everyday

>suddenly in 2021 "um maybe capitalism is a bad idea?"

about time you got to it rofl. The networks decide, well, they've always done that. What do you think being a news agency or TV channel is about? What do you think they do all day? They've always decided what you watch, it's just now that a transphobic book has been banned it scares you because businesses are not aligned with your views any longer, you fucking reactionary.

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Essentially, for Kindle Unlimited, the books ARE held captive to a monopoly agreement. By forcing ALL sales to occur there, Amazon has imposed a monopolistic control over those books. So, yes, Amazon should face anti-trust action.

Will it happen?

Oh, pul-leeze! Not with the Leftists in power. They LIKE monopolies in the Giant Tech Oligarchy.

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Assange, Hugo Dr Garis, Kaczynski and many others warned us about techs horrible future. Nary one of you with a smartphone or facebook account ever thought critically. Your security blanket will be your enslavement device.

It already is....

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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this exactly what the Nazis did? Start banning books and reshaping history and people's perspectives forcefully. How come people be so stupid to repeat their history over and over this way 🧘

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Plenty of cultures have burned and otherwise banned ideas or objects they found objectionable this is hardly now or even that surprising

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What a sad and lazy comment. Have you asked yourself what the results were from those cultures who have burned books? It may be hardly surprising to you now, but give it time. When this runs so far out of control that you cannot stop the momentum of such sad, horrible acts from continuing to grow like a fungus, then and only then may you finally be surprised.

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I'm sorry if the truth hurts the fact that I didn't agree with what's happening probably passed you by the fact that it is happening and has happened before and will happen again is something you're going to need to learn to accept as an adult and discuss it maturely if you're capable

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I understand how things have happened in the past any may happen again, but to just say "Oh well, it is what it is" is a very sad, back seat response. I am an adult, 49yr old adult who has been around the world. I have seen many things in my lifetime. I just believe in the idea that we take a stance to things that may be bad instead of saying "It happened before, it will happen again." If you want to discuss this maturely I am more than willing to do that. I just have one request, please make sure that you use correct sentence structure before we begin. Your last response to me has to be the longest run on sentence I have ever had. Unless you want others to misunderstand what you are saying please put commas, and periods where they belong. Doesn't have to be perfect grammar, many of us aren't perfect that way, but at least try. btw, the language I used earlier was not un-mature. It was direct statements made to you based on you nonchalant stance on what is going on in the country. Accepting badness just because it happened before is a weak, lazy, live in fear tactic. I hope you are never in trouble and need assistance. Someone may walk by saying "Its sad that that person is getting beat up and mugged, but oh well, it happened before with no one helping them, and it will happen again" as they walk right on by.

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demanding people write better despite any impediment they may have, just so that they appeal to your bourgeois rules is pretty fucking "weak and lazy" of you boomer. Just read it and put some effort to understand them. It's not that hard.

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This is how it works Mr. Premium Copium..... If someone makes a statement such as "you're going to need to learn to accept as an adult and discuss it maturely if you're capable" I hold the absolute right to make note of that persons grammar. I do not play by the rules that everyone gets a trophy. You attack another mans character, then you get dealt with. BTW, I am not a baby boomer as you like to put it. Its sad that we have to go here, but I am Gen X. If I was a "Boomer" tell me how that has anything to do with what I have been saying? I knew exactly what Christian Hill was saying. That is not the point. I mentioned his grammar due to him attacking my maturity. Good grammar should come with maturity correct? also, did you at one time here me swear at him, or at you so far in this thread? Maybe you, along with Christian Hill, should learn to debate on a specific topic without having to reach into you bag of insults and vulgarity. It is "Weak and Lazy."

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Love the naughty language....

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Which makes it okay of course

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Only if you use a straw man tactic like you just did

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Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you just a little crybaby lmao "bu-but the big bad Amazon is banning my transphobic author :((( oh well I will make an analogy to hitler and keep shopping there"

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So skepticism about irreparable medical gender transition for juveniles is inherently "transphobia"? Just trying to clarify here.

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I would be nice to have a list of all Amazon banded books. Anyone know where to find such a list?

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Amazon controls along with Apple and B&N control most book sales. Half the independent books store are out of business. So if the top 3 that control most of the sales ban you your chance at success is slim. This while it is OK to publish left leaning dogma that the majority of people disagree with. Maybe, they should let the market decide what they wish to read and not act as God and decide what is best for us.

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If you a book offends do not buy it. I am offended by some books and they are not buy it. Problem solved.

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Lmao bro try to get some fucking Marxist or Leninist theory online. You think the left is "muh trans people" and "muh gay people" and "why can't i be racist??" but nah. You ain't seen nothing yet. Read some fucking Lenin and learn about the state as a tool of oppression.

You think it's easy for me to get books from Stalin? I have to read PDFs transcribed online because no stores carry them. Do I cry censorship and that the right controls everything? No, because I'm not a fucking snowflake. I use the Internet and google for hours to find that one pdf.

You're on the losing side, kid. The world is progressing without you.

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You need to sharpen up on your google skills if you have to search for hours to find any info on Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini, etc., etc., dictator who killed, enslaved, and otherwise oppressed their people. All in the name of telling them what was right, and acceptable.

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Saved me some time. Thank you.

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Thank you.

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I'll never understand why Leftists admire Stalin. He killed more people than Hitler did! Yet, the Far Right will defend & praise Pinochet & other authoritarian right-wing & fascist dictators while the Far Left will defend mass murderers like Stalin. No thanks. I hate authoritarianism no matter if it's from the Left or the Right. There's something wrong with you if you want authoritarianism as long as it's your "tribe" that is in power. That's not how liberal democracies and free & open societies function. It's how atrocities & genocides start.

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It's kind of a fine line. The logic that says a cakemaker can't be required to serve all customers equally leads to the logic that a hotel is not required to allow black guests, or a country club can be men-only and public companies can pay for executives' memberships there as a legitimate business expense...

When does something stop being discrimination and start being personal choice? IMHO when Amazon chooses not to list specific titles, that's their choice. But when they invite other sellers to sell any of their wares there, then forbid certain wares from being sold that those merchants choose to sell, that transitions into monopolistic over-reach. Self-censorship is fine. Censoring others, even what they see as crude and ignorant right-wing points of view, is exactly what they accuse the others of doing with their "inappropriate" merchandise. A wholesaler should not be able to dictate what independent retailers do with their service.

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"The logic that says a cakemaker can't be required to serve all customers equally leads to the logic that a hotel is not required to allow black guests, or a country club can be men-only and public companies can pay for executives' memberships there as a legitimate business expense..."

Ms. Shrier's piece (with which I generally agree) kind of mangled the argument in the cakemaker case. The store owner wasn't arguing that he should be allowed to deny service to gays. He was perfectly happy to sell the plaintiffs an off-the-shelf cake. What he took issue with was being compelled to use his unique expressive skills as a cake designer and decorator to create a cake for a gay wedding (a ceremony to which he had religious objections). So the cakemaker's claim was really about freedom from compelled speech, not freedom to deny service.

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Just got the Nook e-book version from Barnes & Noble (after seeing "Temporarily Out of Stock Online" for hardback and paperback versions, and none in any of almost 20 stores within 100 miles). Might need to find out how to decrypt it to ensure keeping a copy in case B&N's new UK owners decide to go PC, and yank if from my e-library as Amazon has done in the past.

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UPDATE: Printed version of "When Harry became Sally..." seems to be readily available at some Barnes & Noble stores, and online (in addition to the Nook version)



Encourage those sellers who are still seemingly impartial (i that is permissible on this web site ?)

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You can buy the book, _Trans_, by Helen Joyce directly from the publisher's website. There ARE still other bookstores in business. Books-a-Million is one to which I recently saw a link, but I never got around to checking them out. There is Indiebound, which is a network of independent bookstores. That's the way to go for small, local, & independent bookstores to stay in business with Behemoths like Amazon putting competitors out of business, esp. brick & mortar stores. I suggest everyone look for books at Indiebound as the first choice if there is no local bookstore nearby that can order a title for you.

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I urge people, including the great author, to go to the Mises Institute and read up on monopoly. In a free society, a private business can do as it pleases. A persistent monopoly or cartel does not arise in a free market -- they are universally products of government interference, enfranchisement or controls. The canard examples of the past, Standard Oil, etc., do not hold up to scrutiny.

But what is a private business? This is where the line blurs. Amazon receives a tremendous amount of government support and business. This sways its policies. At some point, a business can act as a sort of agent for the government. One great author has called this phenomenon a "govermentality".

Lockheed is certainly a governmentality. As is Oracle, and perhaps Google, both of whom received CIA seed funding and had very early material support from the national security infrastructure. On this basis, a governmentality should be subject to controls that favor the public. After all, Amazon is swimming in our tax dollars, granted them by a Deep State bureaucracy that is entirely unelected and almost impossible to fire under current laws. On this basis, the State is indirectly poisoning our culture through censorship done by its whole and partial agents. Which, truly, is unconstitutional.

The founders never conceived of a creature so intertwined with the State as our defense industry or some of our Tech giants.

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excellent report. I received multiple 'warnings' that i had violated Fakebook's "community standards" by using the word Conservative in a sentence. I removed my Conservative written books from Amazon voluntarily when i saw this coming, because i don't want to get angry as hell. There are other fish in the sea.. . Until Big Tech is broken up (a la Ma Bell) , i remain hopeful that the inmates don't continue to rule the asylum.

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I believe markets work when consumers want them to. Amazon's policy is evil. If people paid attention they could economically force Amazon to do better. But, people don't care.

For almost a year i have watched an entire city walk around wearing unnecessary face diapers. I have occasionally rebelled and gone bare-faced but it doesn't catch on with my fellow citizens. People do what they're told, for various reasons, and a-holes like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates get to have undeserved influence over all of us.

I avoid Amazon whenever possible. I look at Barnes & Noble (not great for freedom but better than the other) or i go straight to a website that comes up when I search the internet for a specific "evil" author or book. That's all it would take.

We are losing the Bill of Rights because we deserve to lose it. Because we collectively are too stupid or lazy or enslaved to convenience to keep it.

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either name me one time "people economically forced" a company to bend to their will, or stop your silly idealism. Companies aren't beholden to you, you're beholden to them. What the fuck do you think you can do against amazon lmao. Their capitalization is bigger than some countries' GDPs. Do you think if you stop spending your 20-30 dollars per month on amazon is what is going to bring their share price down??

You are an idealist. Read Politzer's Elementary Principles of Philosophy.

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Why don't you fuck right off. Even huge companies wind up in the dust when consumers lose confidence. The loss of money from one person will not give them pause but the loss of a million customers will terrify them. After all, commerce with Amazon is still voluntary. They can't just legislate more money out of out pockets like the benevolent government can.

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Clearly, people need to start memorizing Dr Suess books. Just choose a title and flex that memory. 1984 + 37 = Fahrenheit 451.

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No defense of Dr Seuss books that were recently banned. Not only are they not available they're not even allowed to be printed anymore. How scary

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Well my tongue-in-cheek comment went over plenty of people's heads here

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They were not banned. The Seuss organization choose to stop circulating these books... They can still be found, purchased, enjoyed by all... Two different things.

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Show the link where you can buy any of the banned Dr Seuss books for less than $1,000.

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I don't spoon-feed information to people I expect adults to go out and find it. Instant gratification isn't necessarily accurate

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learn to google boomer, everything can be torrented. Oh no oh but we like amazon having a monopoly how will we cope without amazon doing what we want :((( same-day delivery!!! Newslfash bro: torrent also has a same-day delivery.

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What part of maturely did you not get?

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Quit being an ageist prick, smartass. You're the result of parents letting children parent themselves. You're childish, entitled, rude, and you think you know everything. (Hint: You don't. Not even close.) If you want to bully others, go over to Twitter with the rest of the spoiled brats. Or move to China & criticize the government. Maybe when you grow up and have some actual experience in life, you'll quit being so ageist toward everyone whose opinion you don't like, dismissing them with an insult. It's losers like you that want to shut people up & set up your authoritarian state. Piss off.

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Read for comprehension

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