It's absurd that someone like Abigail, who has degrees from Columbia, Oxford, and Yale Law, and is a magnificent writer and thinker (one might say stunning and brave)- has to spend her time arguing that boys and girls are not the same, and that maybe we shouldn't give permanently disfiguring drugs to angst-ridden teenagers. I'm so deeply grateful she's on this, but in a serious society she would be running a fortune-500 firm.

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It does seem absurd. But we're lucky to have her. Originally she had no intention of even writing about this subject at all. She could have been some other, less brave, less smart, less caring person, but she turned out to be Abigail Shrier. Now she's committed to the issue and has become the single most knowledgeable and outspoken person on this issue in the United States. I also notice that she's on the Board of Directors of the new organization, FAIR.

Transgender ideology is an ideological sinkhole. We need people who can articulately expose its disingenuous, pernicious, double-think messaging. Shrier is such a person.

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Abigail, if you're reading this, I just want to tell you that you're such an inspiration. For those of us women who see this newest force of misogynistic force being hurled against us in the last few years, we've been feeling so helpless. So often it feels like all hope is gone, and there's no turning back. We watch helplessly anti-science gender cult has captured institutions on all levels. Anyone who object is ignored and silenced. It all feels so depressing. And then, here you are, soldiering on, speaking out and speaking the truth where we are unable. I don't know how you do it, but these new authoritarians got nothing on you. They've even succeeded in branding JK Rowling as Hitler reincarnate, and unfairly damaging her reputation. And yet, they can't touch you. You're just out there, undaunted. Thank you so much. You're a breath of fresh air and a beacon of hope.

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That other women are complicit with this is appalling. This is misogyny plain and simple, from our 'Dear Leader' and his hand maidens on the left.

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First they Came for women's sports, bathrooms and prisons.

I did not speak up because I'm not a woman...

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