The Gender Cult Marches On
Public Schools Indoctrinate Even Non-Verbal Special Needs Kids in Gender Confusion
A reader sent me a trove of materials for “Equity Month” courtesy of the Chicago Public School System, available here. It’s worse than you think.
Things to note:
Preschoolers (age 3-5) are to be taught what “Queer” means, what “Non-binary” means and told: "When someone is not a boy or a girl, maybe they feel both, they are non-binary or queer."
Teachers of preschoolers are told to read from The Story of Harvey Milk, stopping at “Harvey was proud of the flag, and proud of himself.” Are you proud of yourself, little one?
Even Special Needs kids (including the non-verbal and those on the Autism Spectrum, who tend to fixate) are to be instructed to create BLM flags and indoctrinated in the alleged difference between sexuality and gender.
Every single part of the school day becomes a reason to teach children about being transgender, or America’s systemic racism. The lessons are inserted into every part of the day — even P.E., Visual Arts, Drama, Library Lessons and Music. The P.E. materials for grades 4-5 must be seen to be believed:
There is hardly a religious school in America that would insist on pushing dogma on students during Physical Education class. And this isn’t merely incorporating dogma into P.E. The activists have all but replaced P.E. with an ideological struggle session.
The Gender Ideology and Critical Race Theory program pushed on American children is far more ambitious than that of almost any parochial school: The relentlessness is cult-like. The activists see Special Needs kids as pliable recruits. They view any break from indoctrination as wasted opportunity.
Just yesterday, a public high school teacher in Texas told me that despite the recent legislative ban on Critical Race Theory in public schools, administrators at his school continue to supply teachers with lessons on Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology disguised as “Social Emotional Learning.”
“In Texas, you’re not supposed to be teaching any Critical Race Theory, you’re not supposed to be teaching any of this gender stuff in class,” he said. “It’s one of the bills that was passed in the last session.” But just this week, an administrator sent him materials from LGBTQ activist organization, GLSEN, and directed him to teach it in his class.
Angry parents at School Board Meetings may captivate Americans across the political spectrum, but the activists see them as an irrelevant nuisance—a reason to reinsert their noise-cancelling AirPods. The activists are not open to debate, discussion or moderation. And like many a cult-leader, they are immune to feedback from the parents of their young recruits. They must be pushed out of the school system; they cannot be persuaded.
The Gender Ideologues and Critical Race Theorists care little for the building blocks of traditional education—math, reading, writing, history. Traditional subjects are viewed primarily as vehicles for advancing their agenda, time slots into which propaganda must be inserted. The activists are in the process of commandeering every part of the school day and numberless impressionable American minds. They wreak identity confusion in our young and teach kids to hate their bodies and their country.
“I try to tell parents, if you’re considering pulling your kids out of public school—do—because you can go to as many school board meetings as you want and complain,” the Texas public high school teacher told me. “There’s still going to be people who are going to teach whatever they want.”
The activists are young, inflexible, and highly motivated. Theirs is a dictatorship of a small minority, as Nassim Nicholas Taleb has called the phenomenon. They are opposed by a moderate, flexible majority. The activists also have a decade-long head start on the moderates. On their side are the media, every Fortune 500 corporation, the Academy, the current Administration and all of Big Tech.
What it will take to defeat the activists are enough parents like Brian Echevarria, who cannot be shamed by those harming our children. We must be stubborn and inflexible in defense of our kids; we must not be intimidated.
Call me whatever names you want, is the necessary message. Fill your own kids’ heads with whatever nonsense you like—but don’t dare poison my child.
My heart breaks for kids who, in addition to absorbing the indignities of irrational mask mandates, are used as pawns to justify and normalize adult... issues.
Of course, it has to be a message that is imprinted in their heads at a young age that will negatively affect them for the rest of their lives. It breeds insecurity and shame on both sides. Why should a 3 year old feel that? Or an 8 year old, or even a 15 year old? It’s like giving them an introduction to porn at that age in order to permanently change their brain chemistry and circuitry. Emotional abuse. Setting the stage for hostility as adults. These people pushing their sick agenda must be stopped by any means necessary.